Zell had just made a sensational entrance, it was far from what he was used to. It is not necessary to explain how he convinced the garrison of the outpost to follow him in such a trap but in one sentence it is summarized in:
- We cut off the Snakehead and we go home.
They were there for Seb, Nahel Rashford in short. The AR Target was just a bonus, but seeing Alfar emerge from the bushes holding his jeep's machine gun had galvanized the troops like never before.
- Let's light them up. All with me. *he yelled*.
-Yes SIR.
Alfar's vehicle charged forward as it machine-gunned the Lynx members in the snow. His heavy machine gun killed a few while the others ran towards the forest. The Jeep passed through the shallowest part and he soon found himself on their side. The Lynx guys had stopped running and lay down on the ground. Zell barely drove a few yards when his Jeep hit a claymore mine. It was of course made to slow down the humans, but the explosion is enough to make the vehicle deviate. Zell was ejected while Streiss made a violent roll before sliding a few meters.
-Damn they mined their part of the shore. *Says Hartkins.*
-Was to be expected, they have prepared the meeting place in advance. "Raven explained*. To all teams cover Lieutenant Cailum.
Zell was lying face down in the snow. A guy from Lynx approached him to finish him off but he didn't bother and Quincy shot him in the head. The other 2 noticed the young sergeant and targeted him as he ducked behind the Jeep. But it was a big mistake because Zell blew their neck off with his revolver. He got up abruptly and took out his semi-automatic rifle. Just as old Rashford had done against them he used the soldier as a shield in one hand and with the other he shot down the others who had trouble reaching him. Zell hit and probably killed one for every round he spent. His concentration had never been so high. The soldiers on the other side seeing this were more than impressed.
- Quincy. Suppressive fire. *He said as he reloaded his gun*.
-Yes Sir.
Rico mounted the heavy machine gun on the edge of the Jeep and swept the shooters towards the forest. Faced with such firepower, the enemy had no choice but to fall back into the woods. Zell shot a few in the back then gave the order to cease fire.
-I'm fine sir. *I'm just stuck*.
-Ok... To all Beowulf units *he shouted*. I go into contact with the enemy. Their shore is riddled with mines so flank them from the right. I take care of attracting them in your direction.
-Roger that. *Raven shouted.*
-Quincy you take them by the left and you cut down the fugitives in my direction.
-With pleasure sir.
His instructions were clear and precise, they could have discussed the fact that he was going alone but he had just forced their respect by decimating an enemy squad before their eyes.
- You heard the lieutenant. *Cried Lancell* Lets move.
-This is Shepherd Leader. I'm Oscar Mike*
Ndt: On the move
Zell ran with his head down through the minefield as Quincy covered him with the machine gun. He walked in a straight line with such certainty as if he knew which way to go, then arrived in the forest. At the first tree a machete greeted him, but as if he had anticipated it he ducked before the guy even came out of his hiding place. He found himself in his back as he had just missed his shot and then pointed his pistol at his hips.
-Where is Arianne? *he asked coldly.*
-Who is that ?
He executed his target and resumed movement. Zell moved differently from his men or those of lynx, he moved at a speed that we did not know him, slaloming between the trees and delivering precise and deadly shots. He still had 10 rounds in the magazine and the previous 10 had hit. Two guys jumped up on him at the same time but he dodged them, neutralize the first one by crushing his knee with his boot then planted the second one by turning his own knife against his chest.
-Where is Arianne? *he asked the guy on his knees.*
-Fuck you...
He blew his brains out then stared at the second who held the knife in his chest.
- I really don't know...
The guy whipped out his pistol but Zell had anticipated it too. He dodged the shot before he left and redirected the wrist of the man to force him to kill another who was hiding behind a tree, he then withdrew the gun and killed the 2 others who came to his left then executed his target of a bullet in the head.
The reason for such efficiency was actually very simple, Zell had lost his glasses in the accident and now nothing prevented him from using his gift. This gift was now taken to the next level and Zell could guess people's actions based on the electrical pulses he spotted. Moreover, with eyes like his he saw through trees and rocks, so he knew about traps and traps.
- I got you bastard.
That said, Zell can't anticipate what he doesn't see. A shot rang out and he was immediately on his guard.
-Sheperd Leader here Silent Caster. *Said a voice on the radio*. I always told you that you couldn't handle everything on your own.
-Silent Caster? It's good to hear you my brother. Can't imagine how much.
-We stay focused on the mission. Let off steam as long as you want, I've got your back. Like always.
He set off again, resuming his muscular interrogation. About ten minutes earlier, shortly before he crashed into the mine.
- It's okay, he's safe. *said Arianne*. Take good care of him Clarisse.
-I will do my best.
- Hold on Lars.
-It's okay, I just lost an arm.
-I have to talk to them otherwise this misunderstanding will end in a bloodbath.
-Hopopop you're not going anywhere, Miss *Said Boka.* It's your fault what happens I keep you close to us as a bargaining chip.
- What the hell are you doing? "Nahel asked.*
He turned in her direction and pointed his pistol at her head.
-You don't look for me, I'm getting tired of listening to you. We did your method, look where it got us.
- Put that gun down, you jerk. *Said Seb threatening.*
But Boka shot him in the arm and he fell to the ground. Arianne immediately rushed near him.
-Nahel. Are okay ?
-It's okay, the bullet graze me. You are completely freaked out, you jerk. *Said Nahel*.
-Ooh no. I intend to make it out alive. Come on, let's take the princess on board.
-I'm not going anywhere with you. *She says*.
- So I kill him.
-Hey Boka. *Says Lars.*
He turned around immediately but took a bullet in the eye. Nahel meanwhile got up immediately and activated his reinforcement gift. With his bare hands he broke the neck of the nearest guy, he crushed the knee of the other under his boot, recovered his rifle before slitting the throat of the third with the bayonet fixed on it in a circular movement.
- Fucking demon. *Boka said*.
-Arianne. RUN.
The blonde did not need to be asked and made her way.
- Catch her otherwise we're dead.
The others started running and Boka disappeared into the forest.
-Lars are you okay? Fuck if I get my hands on that motherfucker.
-Don't worry about me, I have a sexy nurse by my side. You'll make sure nothing happens to Arianne.
-Yes don't worry.
He was about to leave but Lars grabbed his wrist.
-Hey, I told you that girl was our way out. Don't miss her.
There were about twenty guys chasing Rhodes, although they were all seasoned veterans they were surprised to see how the young girl managed to put some distance between them.
- Damn this bitch she runs super fast .
- Normal, she doesn't hold a rifle.
She ran as fast as she could but eventually arrived at the edge of a ravine, it was not very deep but she doubted her ability to reach the ground entirely. Her pursuers inevitably caught up with her.
-Now you keep quiet or I'll shoot you in the leg.
-Damn let me catch my breath.
Suddenly one of them shouted extremely loudly, the group turned around and saw Nahel who had already caught up with them, it was as if lightning were flying around him. He had a machete in his left hand and his trusty lever-action rifle in the other. At his feet the corpse of a man and another on his knees who had lost his hand.
-What are you doing here ? I told you to run it's an order. *he yelled.*
The others took cover behind a tree and fired at Nahel, who hid. Arianne took the opportunity to look at the bottom, about 20 meters, and there were two trees quite close. She gathered momentum and leapt onto the first tree, before throwing herself onto the trunk of the second. Just by reaching it she planted a knife there which slowed her fall until about 7 meters where she voluntarily jumped into the snow hoping that it was thick. Once on the ground she rolled over and crouched for 5 seconds before realizing what she had just done.
-I... I did it. NAHEL I DID IT.
-Damn you Elysian Bitch.
The guy pointed his rifle at Arianne but before shooting he took a bullet in the throat and fell to the bottom of the hole.
-Oh fuck. *she cursed*.
-What are you still doing here? *Nahel shouted so loudly that she heard him*. I told you to run. You run until you are safe. It's do or die now.
-And you ?
She heard the sound of blades splitting the air and a shot ringing out.
-He'll be fine.
She made her way through the forest so as not to. On his side Nahel looked at his weapon and looked at the other pursuers who had hidden behind the trees.
-Ok guys, you are more than 14 against me, so you are clearly outnumbered. If you want to survive I advise you to throw down your weapons. I count to 10 and at 5 I slaughter you all.
-What ?
-Is he serious?
On their side if Beowulf did not move it was a precise reason, after the departure of Zell and Quincy a group of assailant suddenly arises from their right. There was a man on their Jeep holding his stomach and in the other had a shotgun.
- But who the hell are these motherfuckers?
It was Dimitri who had come back with the reinforcements. He had managed to drag himself out of the burning chalet and then rode a motorbike to the nearest combat post. There he gathered some guys.
-The Elysians are going to set an ambush for Seb, we have to go and rescue him quickly.
Despite his late intervention, the fight quickly went from 200 against 40 to 200 vs 350.
A deluge of bullet fell on Beowulf and most of the gunners were taken down.
-We're going to shield the Jeeps. You take the opportunity to hide in the forest. Say Lancell.
-But. Streiss is still stuck on the other side. *Bryce said.*
Lancell looked at the Jeep.
- We can do nothing for him, we have to fall back.
But Bryce disagreed. He slipped between the rocks and sprinted down to the river. Seeing his desperate act Lancell ordered a suppressive Fire which to cover him. Bryce successfully crossed the river despite the bullets and joined the jeep by diving. He helped his friend get out from under the vehicle before hiding behind it.
- But what the hell are you doing? *Streiss asked.*
-I just saved my daughter's godfather. Any objections?
-Yes... Nothing says it will be a girl.
-No, this one will be a girl, I can feel it. *Bryce insisted*. Can you walk?
He leaned over and shot 2 guys who had gotten too close to the Jeep before shooting back into cover.
-It's okay, I haven't lost my touch.
- So start running.
-Run? In this minefield are you serious?
- The lieutenant enlightened us a beautiful path. I'm just waiting for Lieutenant Lancell's signal.
-What signal?
A driverless Jeep sped towards the vehicle where Dimitri was standing. At first he didn't quite understand the maneuver but when he saw the detonation wire protruding from the rear he ran for cover. Lancell activated the detonator.
-Merry christmas. *He said smirking.*
The Jeep he had filled with the grenade exploded and vaporized at the same time Dimitri's Jeep which had the heavy machine gun.
-This signal. *Bryce said*. We trace.
Luther and Bryce took the opportunity to flee into the forest following the tracks of cailum. On another side. It was the perfect opportunity to counter-attack, but Lancell preferred to fall back into the forest and go around to the right as Zell had planned. Dimitri, still injured, gathered his men and decided to take a long detour to the left to find Nahel.
-Go move your lazy ass.
It was chaos, but while it was shooting everywhere arianne was still running. She continued to run as Seb had ordered until she came face to face with an unknown rider. She stopped immediately.
-Hold on. Blue... Code blue.
She heard a woman's voice and decided to stop. The woman in question had the Lobisomem uniform.
-Here Assasin 1-2, I found the target AR, Assassin Leader acknowledge.
She took off her hood to reveal her ash-blond hair and her tigress gaze. She dismounted and cocked her gun.
-Finally we find meet each other. Arianne Rhodes
- Ophelia Muller. I recognized you right away. You are part of Beowulf, bravo it seems that the selection is difficult for women.
-I am flattered princess.
-Technically I'm the Marquis' daughter so I'm a countess.
-Nobility has never been my strong point, only their wallets interest me. But otherwise what are you doing here all alone in the middle of nowhere.
They began to walk in a circle in the snow.
-I Observe you, you know? From the ranch to the ditch where you fell and even during the exchange. I always kept an eye on you waiting for an opportunity to fall on you.
-I guess I have you to thank for keeping such a generous eye on me.
-Who knows ?
-Haha, you won't believe it but I think I'm Jinx.
-Really ? Please enlighten me.
- Well, it already started with the factory when everything exploded around me, then there was the getaway to the North, it wasn't pretty, I'll spare you the details. Recently there was Dimitri at the Ranch now this shootout with Lars losing his arm and Zell probably committing genocide to find me.
- Well well well. I hear that you are an exceptional woman if he is ready to do all that to get you back.
-It's probably because we are match made in heaven. Who knows.* She say amused.*
Muller stopped turning and pointed her gun in Arianne's direction.
-I saw Zell, I saw what he was capable of and I can tell you one thing, you are a dead weight for him. A thorn in his foot that prevents him from moving forward. He has so much potential but you are holding him back and preventing him from blossoming.
Arianne listened carefully and began to smile.
-So that's it. You are in love with him, that's it.
-I don't hide it. *She said clearly.*
-For your guidance, Zell has accomplished more by my side than he will ever do in 100 lives with you. Unlike you who only sees his dark side, I support him as best I can without making him lose sight of his ideal.
-That's precisely it, Zell can brought so much more to the world if he gives free rein to his impulses. His ambitions should not be hindered by good feelings like pity, weakness... Or...
-Love? Are you ready to lose his love?
*She lowered her head for a second then stared at Arianne again*.
- If necessary yes. If it allows him to become the man he should be, standing by his side is more than enough for me.
Arianne was surprised by such devotion but she ended up bursting into tears. She was laughing so hard that it annoyed Muller who fired in the air.
-Okay, I'm cooling down.
-What makes you laugh bitch?
-Nothing, it's just that... I don't just stand by his side like an extra, I stand with him and we pull each other up. Nothing to do with the toxic relationship you're describing to me.
-Here Assassin 1-2, I have the target AR in sight.
-Leader assassin acknowledge.
The radio spat a little, then the answer comes.
-This is Leader Assassin. Proceed to the target elimination.
-With pleasure.
Muller raised her rifle and pointed it in her direction, but Arianne remained quiet.
-What ? Do you no longer have the strength to be afraid?
-No that's not it. Zell and I are bound by fate, it's not you who will be able to separate us.
- What if I put a bullet in your head right now?
- You must eject the cartridge first.
- Wait, what?
Muller noticed that she hadn't ejected the cartridge when she fired into the air. She ejected it and aimed again at Arianne.
-Ha rookie mistake.
-It happens to everyone, okay?
The blonde approached and the gun barrel touched her chest.
-You cannot change our destiny because you have no place there. *Arianne repeated to her*.
-Fuck fate.
Ophelia opened fire. But like a bad luck the bullet got stuck in the chamber. She couldn't believe her eyes.
-You see ? You can't fight me.
And she believed even less what was to follow. Arianne managed to take her rifle, gave her a hit in the temple, she made her kneel on the ground. Ophelia tried to pull out her knife but Arianne twisted her wrist and snatched it away before stabbing it into her shoulder.
- What the fuck? Where did you learn to fight like that? We weren't told that...
She remembers that at her briefing the target's danger level was "Hyper lethal".
-I had a scary teacher.
She knocked her out with a kick, Ophelia's head hit the tree and she passed out.
Arianne then turned to the horse and stroked it.
-Sorry you had to witness this. I'm a non-violent person in general you know. But I really had a shitty day.
The horse licked her hand but a shot rang out and he took a bullet in the belly. The beast collapsed Arianne hid immediately. She looked where the shot came from, 2 of the pursuers seemed to have escaped Nahel. She resumed running at full speed through the forest, slaloming between the trees to avoid getting hit. The 2 men advanced by opening fire on her but just arriving at the level of Ophelia she got up suddenly and stabbed the first guy in the heart before throwing her knife in the throat of the second.
- This girl is my prey. *She said with a deadly look*. And I intend to kill her.
Muller started to chase but Arianne was already far away. Elsewhere there was Nahel who had resumed the hunt in search of her friend. He would run extremely fast using his gift. That said, there was also Zell who, with a force of questioning, had been led to a parallel clearing.
Her cry resounded in the echo and the young blonde heard it.
She started running screaming his name and he too continued doing the same. Zell was coming from the east of the clearing and Arianne, pursued by a whole horde of enemies, was coming from the opposite.
- Zell.... Zell. I'm here.
She suddenly appeared in the clearing and Zell saw her.
- Zelle she is there. *Says Leader Caster*.
- Yes I see her.
He began to run as he had never done in the direction of Arianne. The young girl slows down the pace a little when she sees him in front of her. She felt like a kind of relief, she had finally come to the end of this shitty day. She would finally be able to rest in the arms of the one she loves. Yes she was going to rest because for Zell the nightmare was beginning now. Arianne fell into his arms, literally because a sniper bullet had passed through her chest.
-A... Arianne?
Zell held her tightly as she slowly bled.
-What... what... what just happened?
He was so in shock that he couldn't think anymore.
- Hey honey... Why are you crying? She said to him, stroking his cheek. I'm with you now.
-Assassin 1.2 here assassin leader. Fall back. The target is down
-Shit. *Ophelia cursed.*
-A... Arianne. Don't... Don't do that to me.
-I think... We can say... It's the worst day of my life. Still, I'm glad to see you.
- Please don't talk. AREEEEEES.
Time stopped dead around them and the God of War himself showed up in his flamboyant garb and resplendent Greek armor.
-What's wrong with you summoning me like that in the middle of the battlefield. Your fight is not over yet you must kill the envoy...
-SHUT. he yelled. We don't care about that. Arianne is dying you have to save her.
- How does she die? *He asked annoyed*. I specifically ordered you to protect her, but you were unable to accomplish such a simple thing. You greatly disappoint me. Unfortunately for you, I can't do anything for you.
-What are you talking about here? You are a god do something.
-I am the god of war not the one nurse.
-I made you accumulate a phenomenal amount of power in 10 years. You own 27% of the Library of Alexandria and you're telling me you can't heal a gunshot wound? I thought Arianne was important to our plans.
-That's right. *And you failed to protect her.*
A portal opened and the Greek god walked through it, but before entering he took one last look at his champion.
-And you're right. I could heal her, but it would take too much of my power, and I refuse to waste any on a mere mortal.
-A mere mortal? Are you kidding me ?
Zell was desperate. Tears were starting to flow down her cheeks.
-Someone help me. *he yelled*. Anyone, any of your gods please. Please help me. HELP HER.
But it was complete silence. He fell to his knees in despair and put his hands on Arianne's body.
-I know you are watching us. Please. *He said in tears.*
Ares left and time resumed its course. Arianne started bleeding again. Zell looked around to see where the shot was coming from, the only figure he saw on the horizon was coming from the same direction as Arianne. A silver haired black man. The latter ran up to them and stopped at the level of the other two.
- No, it's impossible, it shouldn't have... I was going to... Arianne... We have to take her to a doctor quickly.
Zell shoved his hand away with such violence and gave him one of those murderous looks that any man on earth would piss on himself. For the first time in his life, Seb himself felt shivers run down his spine, especially since Zell's eyes were filled with black veins, making him even more frightening.
-Cursed you... *Said Zell in a low voice*. It was you who shot her, huh.
-No wait it's a misunderstanding I...
- I'm going to kill you.
Usually he would have said that with great calm and lucidity, alas in such an exceptional case, Cailum was anything but calm and lucid.
To be continued.