Chapter 48: In a perfect World

Duchy of Elysion. The sound of bells rang through the town of Klinsen in the Galathea Region. It was clearly a festive event that had been mobilized by a lot of people, especially the soldiers of Fort Wallcroft & Griffon. Inside a gigantic mansion which had just been renovated, a hundred veterans, NCOs and soldiers all in ceremonial uniform. A woman of rare beauty appeared in the middle of the stage with an orchestra and sang while in the middle of the room danced a young couple. A man and a woman both with blond hair. The man proudly wore his ceremonial uniform which fitted him like a glove, the woman wore a sumptuous white lace dress with velvet gloves.

-But although I have an idea of ​​who it could be I can't see their face *Said Decken*.

*Decken was sitting in the room but he was isolated and alone in a corner. His gaze was hard and seemed unhappy with this union. Other chose he wore an officer's uniform which even surprised him *.

-I don't see their facial expression. But they are clearly smiling. They are happy, that's for sure. *say Der Linde*

*Swan Der Linde had a ceremonial uniform too but from another branch it seemed. That of the navy. Besides, he had a woman on his arm who was not his fiancée.*

-I told myself that whatever happens I would be happy for them. I really meant it and wished it. *Said Lancell*. But nothing helps, it's too hard to see them together. Yet he seems to have made up his mind.

*To see Lancell's badges and stripes was the highest-ranking guest in the room, but at that moment all that crossed his mind was regret and disappointment*.

-It is not normal. *Troy said clenching his fists*. You should have been on that stage with him. And not this woman.

*Seated to his right breaks down into a silhouette, but more than a silhouette it was like a shadow that had no form. But this shadow was known to him*.

-There are things we can't control you know. *She says*. Are you still mad at yourself for not being able to save me?

-If I had entered this house with all my team, we would have taken care of the hostiles more easily. *He said gritting his teeth*. But I didn't trust them and I ruined everything by wanting to settle everything on my own.

*She gets up from her chair and smiles at him*.

-It wasn't your fault. Sometimes some have chosen we succeed you know.

-Do not talk to me. *He said annoyed*. In the end, it was you who abandoned him. Don't set foot here again.

- You're right, it's me who abandons him.

*Then she walked away before slipping through the middle of the soldiers and the wolves. The music continued to play and many were distracted. But it is then that Der Linde intervenes in front of the shadow*.

- Please stay. Until the end at least. *he said*.

-I see that you are in wonderful company. Don't worry I was just showing up I don't plan to haunt you one more minute.

- During the ceremony you could have intervened. *He says in a low voice but with anger*. You should have said something.

-And what do you want me to say? I'm just a ghost remember?

*He widened his eyes. She pulled away from him thinking about it and approached the door. But just before she opens it Lancell comes behind her. He wanted to say her name but couldn't. She then turns around and hugs him tightly*.

- You couldn't do anything for me. So don't feel guilty.

- At least talk to him. I'm sure if you talk to him.

-I can't tell him anything Lancell... After all I am...****

*He widened his eyes and tears appeared in his eyes. He lowered his head to wipe them but before raising his head she had disappeared and he found himself alone again. The shadow of this person had come out and was finally going to take the corridors to get out. But just down the hall was a young man in a greyish military uniform. He was tall and imposing, she walked in his direction and stopped a few steps away*.

-I am disgusted. *Say it*.

-I'm even more disgusted than you. *She said finally showing an emotion*.

-It wasn't supposed to be like this.

-Hey, we can't foresee everything, okay. You honestly couldn't know.

-Yet I should have. Some things have passed under my nose, we did not see it coming and now we are there.

-It's okay, I'm glad he finally managed to move on.

-You lie very badly for someone who lies perfectly. Or maybe it's because I already know it's a lie.

*A short silence settles between the two then He continues*.

-Honestly, it's not him you're leaving but me. How do I take care of him without your help now?

- You will find a way. I no longer have the strength. *She said putting her fist on his chest*. I trust you you know.

*He looks her in the eyes then stares at her*.

-Don't worry, you can leave in peace. *He says calm*.

*But it was all just fantasy. Back to reality in 1018, the young Arianne Rhodes was lying on the ground while Alfar in a black rage got up and walked towards Nahel. He was not looking for a fight but was not aware that his arrival designated him as the shooter*.

-I'm going to kill you. *Said Alfar calmly*. You and your whole family. I would have them flayed alive and buried in the hot desert sand before having you quartered by enraged bulls.

-Calm down you moron I'm not... I just want to help...

His hand slowly slid towards the holster of his machete, and indeed, the man in front of him had the most menacing aura he had ever seen. Plus with all those veins on his face there was something to be intimidated about. But as he was about to draw, Zell grabbed his wrist and punched him so hard in the temple that he lost vision in his left eye.

-Don't put your dirty paws on her, you hear me. *he says full of anger.*

-Eh ?! *Seb wondered.* What... This weakling is ridiculously strong... Tch since that's how it is.

Nahel activated his gift at full power and delivered a powerful punch to the head of Zell who dodged and ducked. Nahel began to pound him with equally sharp blows but Zell dodged them all, retaliating with equal vigor and force. It was the first time he had met an enemy who saw so well trhough him. No it was more than that it's like he knew what he was going to do in advance. Zell took use the advantage he had to harass Nahel. Despite his great strength, he still lacked his father's superhuman stamina, so after a miss, Zell managed to unsettle him by punching him several times in the ribs and dropping him to one knee. After which he continued with a brutal kick back to his temple to finish him off but suddenly Seb grabbed his leg and smiled. The iris of his left eye had recovered.

-Surprise Surprise.

He didn't have the superhuman resistance of his father, but he was by far the most resistant man in the North after his father and above all he was extremely strong.*

-Now on shifts to higher gear.

Nahel mowed him down and he fell backwards but before he even touched the ground he grabbed him by the coat and gave him a powerful stroke with his knees in the abdomen. Zell coughed up blood, and ordinarily any man would have fainted, but he was in a frantic state. He had taken part of the shock by blocking with his arms then in a flash had drawn his combat knife which he planted in Nahel's thigh. He grabbed Zell's arm and limped his shoulder before stepping back.

- Damn mindless fool, let me save her.

*But Zell didn't hear anything. He puts his shoulder back in place without even moaning and goes back to his guard.

-Piece of shit. You killed Arianne I'm going to make you suffer.

-Kill... ? Hey no what it is that again... Wait... This guy is on a frenzy? Like the colonel I faced.

He didn't have time to understand when Zell took out his revolver and fired. But Seb with his reflexes dodged the first shot and approached, he seized the weapon and shot in the arm of Alfar who had also dodged the blow and recovered the knife in Nahel's leg and tried to plant his chin. Rashford grabs him by the wrist and knocks him down with a judo move smashing him into the floor. Zell stifled a cry of pain as his eyes rolled back, but rather than pass out on the spot, he flipped and stood up immediately before slamming his fist into Nahel's head.

-I was sure of it. *he said to himself, blocking the blow.* He is indeed my target and it had to be Arianne's fiancée. In other circumstances I would have already broken your annoying neck...

He swept him away with a kick in the ribs which threw him a few meters to the side.

-But now I have to save my friend.

He walked a few steps in her direction that he felt a presence behind him. Before he could dodge, a metalic object dug into his back. Zell had returned to the charge instantly.

-I broke his ribs but he still comes back. *he Think about it*. Damn you retarded.

He headbutted with the back of his neck and Zell's face turned bloody. He even lost his balance and took a few steps back. Nahel pulled out the knife that had missed his spine and tried to slash his eyes in a vertical slash but Zell just avoided him and got into a fighting stance.

-You're in ecstasy or what, let me save her. *he yelled*.

- You already killed it son of a bitch I forbid you touch her. *cried Alfar*.

The two men went back to slashing each other or each returned blow for blow.

For her part, Arianne lying on the ground could do nothing but watch the killing unfolding before her eyes. The man she loved the most was killing each other with the man she admired the most and there was nothing she couldn't do about it. And as if that weren't enough, squads of Beowulf had descended from the forest with Lancell at their head. On the other side of the forest almost simultaneously appeared Maggie and the rest of Dimitri's men.

-This is a rematch princess. Light them up *She order*

- Shoot them down. *Yell Lancell*

Located about 500 meters apart the two groups started shooting at each other. The area quickly became hell on earth as they also used occasional mortars and grenades exploding back and forth. But what was surprising was that neither side aim the center.

-Forget Lieutenant Cailum focus on enemy squads. Lancell ordered.

-Let Seb deal this blonde ass focus on the others. Maggie shouted.

Other reinforcements backed up Maggie's squads which was going to put Beowulf at a great disadvantage, it was then heard on the radio.

-Shepherd here Ghost leader. I come to your position on board a plane stolen from the enemy. It's yellow, monoplane and moving like shit, don't shoot me. I've come to retrieve the AR Target. Do you copy ?

Decken was on approach with the plane he had stole into the Rashford ranch, he was flying with Eastal and at the door was Ridley who was using a heavy machine gun. The rest of his team approached on horseback.

-Here Leader Hammerhead, Shepherd Leader is in the middle of a fight. We need an medevac asap. *Lancell shouted.* Arianne is on the ground, I think she's hit. *He said in a sad voice*

- Hey... how does it happen?

The plane arrives at the level of the zone and everyone could see it. Decken hovering over the place had an overview of the situation. He also spotted with the naked eye Zell who was fighting the guy he had stopped earlier in the morning and right on Arianne's floor.

-But... It's the plane that we put in Nahel's barn. *Maggie thought*. What the hell is he doing?

She noticed Ridley at the window and understood that he had been hijacked. She then opened one of her special boxes and took out a bazooka that she kept on hand just in case before pointing it at the sky.

-Sorry Nahel I liked this cuckoo. *Then she fired*.

- Shells approaching. *Ridley yelled.*

But just before reaching the plane it explodes about ten centimeters causing it to balance.

- What... What was that? *Maggie wondered.*

In the distance from an elevated position Tamer had just taken one of the best shots of his career.

- We got your back Sergeant. *Said the pointer.*

- Nice shot rookie but we can't land with all these guys on the ground who are pissing us off. Ridley light them up.

-With big Joy Sergeant.

-OK. *Maggie said*. Luckily I got another.

As she was about to fire another rocket, the sky suddenly turned dark. Arriving from the south, he positioned himself right in the center and everyone had their eyes riveted on it. It was the Spooky, Elysian flying fortress. The gift of Nahel then panicked at the coming of an imminent danger.

- Damn that sucks... MAGGIE GET AWAY.

- Look over here motherfucker. *Said Zell attacking him.*

But Lancell also smelled like an air of danger. Moreover the guns were pointed in the 2 directions, Elysiennes and Apochrypha.

-Is this a joke? *Ridley asks.*

-Run.* Says Lancell.*

The spooky fired at both the rebels and Beowulf's soldiers causing damage and death to both sides. He spat out bullets and shells and within minutes the forest around the clearing caught fire. Maggie, who was about to shoot down the aircraft with her bazooka, was blown away by one of the cannon fire and disappeared in the flames. For his part Lancell had managed to reach the forest with most of his men but many had died because of this allied fire. Finally was this a only one ally?.

-Lieutenant... I can't see anything. *Said Quentin.*

Lancell rushed behind the tree where his soldier was, he had half of his face torn off by the explosion of the cannon and multiple perforations in his body. The sight of this soldier shocked the young officer.

-Quen...Quentin...Hold on. Hang on, you hear me. STAVRO.

But the doctor did not answer. Instead, Aurélie arrives.

-Stavro died in the explosion sir. *She told him saddened*. This thing tore him to pieces.

Jarod also landed with Alec. He rushed to his friend.

-Fuck Quentin who did this to you. Hey... buddy... don't slap me, ok?

-Shit. Damn machine, why isn't he answering the radio? *cried Noin.*

-SHUT UP. *Fit Lancell* We have to get out of this forest or we're dead. Drüker, Xander, help Quentin get around. Noin with me. We join the rest of the group and get out of here.

- But... Lieutenant. *Said one of his men*. We have no chance this monster will cut us to pieces.

-Then stay here and die like a dog. *He said coldly.* Who loves me follows me.

During this time in the sky.

-This is Ghost Leader to Spooky. *Decken shouted over the radio*. Cease fire motherfuckers you're shooting Elysians you hear me, you're shooting Elysians.

-On the Spooky frequency Troy. *Eastal told him.*

- Bullshit I speak in open channel.

-Sergeant the guns of the Spookyare targetting us.

-Are you kinding me ?

*Troy zigzagged to avoid getting shot down and used all his piloting skills to avoid crashing. He gets as far away from the bullets as possible and then flies and skims to treetop level before handing over to Eastal.

-Where are you going like that Decken? *Said she.*

I'm off to get Zell and Arianne out of there. Once this is done I will contact you to come and pick us up.

- But sergeant it's easy 20 feet high you're not going to jump.

And then Decken Jumped.

-He jumped.

He hooks a hook to the top of a tree and uses it to slow his fall before rolling on the ground, but far from stopping he begins to run in the direction of the burning clearing.

- Damn but what a crack *Say Ridley*.

Decken advanced with two pistols in hand, taking out anything that moved. The soldiers supposed to reinforce Maggie were in contact with Lobisomem squads.

-Here Silent Caster the enemy is outnumbered on going to respond.

-Here assassin team we will soon retire too.

But Decken broke the encirclement with pellets and a revolver. Alone he annihilated the enemy left flank by making a breakthrough. His small intrusion gave way to a loophole that squads used to reposition themselves and contain the enemy. Tamer and the rookie joined him on his journey. Men from the Assassin Squad and Silent Catser followed him.

-When I'm there, you'll cover me.

-of course. *Ophelia told him.*

-I'm talking to my snipers. *He said coldly". You, just stop the enemy from interfering.

-Thank you for your consideration but what would you do for the spooky?

-I improvise Muller. I improvise.

Only when he was going straight ahead he didn't see on his right, Dimitri who was aiming at him.

-Hey redhead.

Decken stopped short and looked in his direction. Dimitri delivers himself slightly high on a small rock with a heavy machine gun which he delivers with both hands.

- I present to you my copy. Here on the call "The cutter".

-Down. *shouted Decken.*

Dimitri shot the commando and easily killed half of the team. The others were pinned to the ground from the gunfire. The weapon was so powerful that it destroyed the thinnest trees and the bullets even passed through the covers, injuring some. Sitting behind a tree Decken fanned out for cover when he heard Cody shout....


A shot held back and Dimtri was shot in the shoulder. Decken took the opportunity to join the young people. Cody Hold his teammate and had a cloth laid over his stomach wound.

- No no no. *Said the kid.*

-Damn sergeant... It hurts *Said the rookie in tears.*

-Hey rookie... You'll be okay.

-I'm in pain, Sergeant, I'm in pain. *He said scared.* I don't want to die.

- You're not going to die okay. And damn Creuyf who isn't there when you need him. *He turns to Muller.* You received training as a combat medic help him I know you have the equipment in your bag.

-He's already screwed up, the wound is too deep, he lost too much blood.

Decken grabs her violently by the collar.

- I don't want to hear you complaining, you're going to patch things up my little guy, it's an order.

- Ok get off the fuck.

She pulled out her gear as Decken approached the young boy.

- He'll be fine, huh, sergeant?

-You're going to get out of this, you hear me? Don't die on me, ok? Harbinger.

On his side Dimitri had been attacked by more or less lost soldiers. They were Sergeants Streiss and Hartkins. They fired another shot that went through Dimitri's leg and he fell to one knee. That said he opened fire forcing them to hide behind a rock.

-A bullet in the belly, one in the shoulder, one in the leg and he refuses to die. *Said Streiss.* Do you think he's immortal?

-I don't know, you just asked him.

Luther smiles and pulls a light white scarf over the rock. Dimitri stops shooting momentarily and he comes out of hiding.

-Hey friend, we were just wondering with my friend if you were immortal.

- Hey... Of what?

-I mean we shoot you but you don't die, so tell us if you're immortal it would save us from wasting bullets you see? There's no point in shooting you if you don't die.

- Is this a sort of...

Bryce pulled him by the collar to get him back into cover as Dimitri opened fire.

- Well we got our answer.

- You're a moron, you know that?

-What does it matter, lets kill him.

*The machine gun overheated and Luther came out of hiding, rushing Dimitri at full speed. This one took out his pistol but Bryce fired a bullet at him which exploded abd neutralized the weapon in his hand, Dimitri's shot grazed Luther's temple took a trail of blood but the Wolf remains concentrated. He reached Dimitri and threw him on the ground before breaking his arms. Dimitri gets up and destabilizes him with a headbutt before slamming him against a tree with one hand.

-Shit, but what are you made of ?

Bryce quickly backed up, pointing his rifle straight at his temple.

- Drop it or I'll blow your brains out. And I count to 2...

Elswhere in the clearing, two men went blow for blow. If Zell, did not feel the pain the damage on his body was very real, on his side Nahel who was looking for a way to control him without killing him decided to go there more precisely because he clearly sees that Arianne was attending the whole scene helpless. Worse, the arrival of the Spooky didn't help matters. Zell had stolen Seb's machete while he was struggling with Zell's knife. Neither of them was able to gain the upper hand over the other, especially Seb because Zell saw all his shots coming in advance*.

-Damn. This thing is killing everyone if we don't shoot from here we'll all go through it.

- You will be dead sooner.

- Shit is like talking to a wall. he thought. Ok I'm fed up.

He picks up the pace even more forcing Zell to take several steps back. Their blade ended up crossing and despite his machete Zell suffered the overwhelming power of Seb who pushed him away easily.

-Let me save her or I'll behead you. *He said in a cold tone with a murderous look*

-I said I was going to kill you so I would. *he Respond to him by returning the politeness.*

Nahel headbutted him violently and Zell's eyes rolled back but instead of fainting he headbutted Nahel back, who didn't stagger an inch.


Suddenly Zell regaining his senses and looked around. He was covered in blood and the man in front of him was too.

- What... What's going on? Arianne?

- You finnally wake up you retarded. *Said Seb annoyed.*

Suddenly the guns of the spooky pointed at them. Instinctively Alfar released Seb and threw on Arianne to block with his body but Nahel himself put himself in front to protect them both. It was then that a jeep came out of the forest with on board...

-GERONIMOOOOOO *shouted the man in the back.*



Jessie had patched up an anti-aircraft gun that hadn't been badly damaged and Lancell had recovered one of Maggie's Bazookas.

-That's for my guys, you motherfucker.

Jessie opened fire with her double cannon and the burst sliced ​​through the aircraft's cockpit like butter. The .50 caliber bullets turned the crew into a sieve which was finally decimated and the balloon caught fire. Lancell finished him off with a bazooka and the explosion of ammunition Split the huge balloon in two. It looked as if the sky had caught fire and it was falling on their heads. Only just before the explosion did the guns fire a final salvo with all they had. The explosion swept away the whole clearing and all the people who were there.

-Holy mother of...

What happens next is not easy to interpret or even appear in any official army report but it is assumed that this is where the battle ends. Because the demons of the duchy had finally invaded the North.

End of the chapter