The battle for the conquest of the North ends in circumstances impossible to explain. The reports contradicted each other so the staff decided to censor a good part. January 16, 1019 at Fort Wallcroft and Griffon, all the soldiers, officers and NCOs of Task Force Beowulf were gathered with their families and their brothers in arms. The wounded, the able-bodied, the disabled and also... Those who are no longer around. The man who presided over the ceremony was also the highest ranking officer, Brigadier General Lino Steinberg.
-We are gathered on this day to honor the memory of those who deigned to give their lives to end a conflict that plagued our country for more than a decade.
What we are sure of however is that after the loss of the spooky we lost all visual contact with the clearing. The rest was reported by officers of the 3rd Ducal Marine Division as very early in the morning a battalion of 2000 Dukam had charged north. Thanks to the information provided by the commandos of Lobisomem, they were able to attack with precision and almost simultaneously all the infrastructures and enemy camps. The Dukam did not steal their reputation as bloodthirsty fighters because no one resisted their onslaught. Mounted on their horses, their cavalry marched in the North in an unstoppable way. Thanks to Major Creed and the Inglesian Guard a checkpoint was established at the factory. The train line was restored and the prisoners from the different camps could be sent home.
Cailum was summoned before a commission of inquiry to clear up some of the black spots in the general staff, in particular Werner von Braun 2 who chaired this commission.
-What happened to the various rebel leaders?
When the Dukams appeared in flames, Jessie Komian rushed to her AA Gun and opened fire in their direction. She killed a dozen but that didn't slow their progress. As soon as they targeted her, Lieutenant Lancell Van Elysée threw himself on her and neutralize her. She was taken prisoner and locked up in the prison of the factory. She was released on January 6 when the new rebel leader asked for leniency from the authorities. Apparently it would be his father Abel Komian. What Zell doesn't know is that he was an opportunist who had returned from the North and established himself as leader*.
-What happened to the former chief? Lineberg asked.
-Sergeant Major...
-Lieutenant Cailum. *Von Braun said harshly.*
Zell looked at him with his wry look as if he didn't care about the authority he could express towards him.
-Sergeant Major Elias T. Rashford was put in custody and sentenced for rebellion. He is awaiting trial but he will probably receive the death penalty.
The sergeant major's son is missing in action. After the explosion of the clearing there was nothing left anywhere. No body was found either. Same for his friend and right-hand man Lars Omer Hudson who disappeared in the confusion of the battle. If we got used to the reports, they were the ones who commanded the assault groups for nearly 6 years.
-Wow such talent kid. it is rreally a waste.
-And thinking that they were Elysian. *Baldra was indignant*.
-By the way Lieutenant Cailum, we are your superiors so I would ask you to take off your glasses. Said Von Braun.
- I will gladly, sir.
He took off his glasses but when the assembly saw his face a shiver ran down their spines. In addition, the aftermath of the misuse of his gift had spread even further.
-But can you just sustain my gaze?
- It's ok put them back.
Maggie Guyane was declared killed in action. No one found her body but difficult to do so with all the charred corpses around. Dimitri Noah was captured by NCOs. He is currently in Klinsen Military Hospital under heavy guard. The guards in question were Lobisomem's operators.
-I understand that Chief Rashford also had a daughter, what happened to her? *Lineberg asked.*
What happened to Aisha was not known to Zell but to someone else. Enrico Quincy had managed to slip behind enemy lines and eliminated a platoon. Following blood trails he came across a half-dead wolf while a young girl lying next to it aimed a sniper rifle at the clearing. He neutralize her immediately but realized that she was just a kid. The beast wanted to intervene but he stuck a bullet in his mouth. Aisha knew how to fight but Quincy was a real killer, he overpowered her easily and brought her back with him to Elysion in the greatest secrecy. For his part, when Zell learned the story of the Sergeant Major and his link with the Galathea family, he tried to do everything to bring his wife back to the manor. It was out of the question for her to live in a camp with such fragile health and His mother was very touched to see an old friend again. So she moved in with the cailums with her nephew Adrien, who also had his father in prison.
-In the end, nothing I read confirms that your doctrine is good cailum. *Said Von Braun*. What are the decisive factors for your victory according to you?
-You call it a victory I call it sloppy work but if you insist I will answer you.
-I listen.
-3 factors were determining: First of all our superior firepower and our equipment. The enemies had repeating rifles and others had muskets, between us the fact that they resisted us so well is a miracle. Then there was the training of soldiers and discipline. Whenever Beowulf was forced to act outside the manuals they were able to adapt. I'm obviously thinking of the fight at the God Hand outpost and myself at the weapons factory. Lancell was also remarkable elsewhere.
- It is of the prince that you speak a little respect. Tandsen growled.
-He's my little brother, I call him what I want.
-You filthy...
Werner calmed him down with a wave of his hand.
-And what is the last factor according to you Lieutenant?
-Luck ? He repeated surprised.
-A fight is 50% skill and 50% chance sir. We had 50% skill, the rest was out of our control. You have no idea how many incredible and improbable things, how many impossible events happened there.
-I see. You have witnessed the miracles of the War. *Said Lineberg smiling.*
-Well, the commission listened to what you had to say. But what I remember above all is that without the intervention of the Ducal Marines, your little "elite" group was useless. Besides, your famous tanks weren't much help the next 2 days of the battle and you lost 5 out of 6 airships including the spooky.
Zell shot a surprised look at Von Braun but it wasn't a surprised look he was shocked at the general's reasoning.
-Are you stupid in addition of being hard of the sheet?
-Zell you go beyond the limits. Baldra told him.
-Beowulf has exactly fulfilled its role as an elite force. We have weakened the enemy defenses, forcing them to use all their resources in battle. The kill ratio of our squads is 1 to 5 and 1 to 12 when we talk about the BTO which I remind you only lost 13 men out of the 100 initially deployed. The tanks were sent to protect the factory and the destruction of the spooky was necessary because he had started destroying everything around him. Without us the Dukam would never have done such a good job so use the only muscle still working in your head.
Zell fixed Werner with a cold stare.
- I ask you general are you stupid? Or just jealous to the point that you deny the obvious.
-I've been patient so far Lieutenant but if you insult me again I'll have you locked up for the rest of your life. He said in a threatening voice. I remind you that if you had done your job properly. Arianne Rhodes would not be...
Before he could finish his sentence Zell had already left his desk and was standing in front of the general's table. He immediately gave her a Dark look and the pressure from it was so strong that he sweated
-I forbid you to pronounce her name. He said extremely threatening.
-Everyone knows what happened to Aria....
He planted a knife in the general's hand with extreme violence. Werner was stunned but didn't react that much, just giving him a cold gaze. 2 guards aimed their guns at Zell's temple.
-Cailum Drop that knife. *They shouted*.
- Say her name again. *Zell said menacingly*.
-You filthy little...
-cailum *Yell Tandsen*
-Just give me a reason to tear your heart out, General.
Cailum's blank stare was so deep that Werner felt like he had a folklore monster in front of him. Obviously the kid wasn't joking and the guns pointed at his head wouldn't change that.
-Last warning Lieutenant. *Said the general.*
-Soldiers. *Baldra told them kindly*. If you don't want to die young you better put that gun down. And you Zell that's enough. *He said menacingly.*
Zell abruptly pulled the knife out and Werner's assistant came over to see the wound.
-You filthy rascal. I'll have you transferred to an island abroad, you'll see.
- You should never have provoked me and even less to go on this ground.
- This is a serious breach of your duty. You should have kept your cool.
- The boy is right. *Said a voice in the room.*
A man stood up and everyone stared at him. It was the highly respected Lieutenant General Gary Welbeck. And he was going to speak dirty.
-For 3 hours now that he's been here, this kid hasn't stopped justifying the slightest action he has taken for the good of his men and you are trying to belittle him by putting the success of the battle on a decision that you would have taken.
-Without the Ducals...
-Ducal marines my ass. I am the head commander of this corp I remind you. All you do is spitting your hate like a reptile against this kid who tried to put his personal emotions aside to answer your sordid questions. In his place I would have already broken your neck twice. Count yourself lucky that he only aimed at your hand.
Everyone looked at him in shock, Welbeck was usually calm and distinguished but now he was talking like a seasoned sailor.
-You want to take credit for the work of an 18-year-old kid, are you not ashamed, Werner?
-Lieutenant General...
-You're a bitch Werner, a fagg who doesn't have the balls to risk his life on the battlefield and who rises in rank and appropriates the successes and battles of his subordinates.
-A single more word general and it will be the court-martial.
-As if I care it, hide behind Daddy once again, but I'm telling you straight up, it's out of the question for you to take any credit for this campaign, you hear me. Everyone knows that if the Ducal Marines didn't want to attack the North it was because they knew that their former comrades lived there. Especially their sergeant major. I don't know how, they used trickery and forced them to attack those they consider to be their brothers.
Zell surprised looked at Welbeck. Now he understood why the Dukam hadn't attacked the North so far.
- So I repeat it to you once again Werner. You are a Bitch. A pussy.
-ENOUGH. shouted Von Braun.
-Come on General, don't lose your temper. *Said Zell smiling.*
- That's enough Lieutenant. *Tandsen said.* Your lack of discipline has already been tolerated because you are the Duke favorite but you came here in civilian clothes. We're fed up with your impertinence.
Indeed he wore a black turtleneck sweater and a coat over it as well as jeans.
-Good the commission will discuss the fate of the task force Beowulf Said Werner who had his hand bandaged. And decide if it will be under direct army control or have its own autonomy
-Not worth it. *Says Zell*. I resign.
What he said was a huge bomb thrown at HQ. All the factions of the army, all the branches, all the people present had difficulty in processing the information which had just been given.
- Can you repeat? *Von Braun asked.*
- Are you deaf in addition to being stupid? I said I quit. I leave the army, Boewulf and any other organization of the kind.
- Hey... Is this a joke?
-Zell what are you talking about here? *wondered Baldra himself.*
-I'm sorry uncle, I know you had a lot of hope in me. But I can't take it anymore. War is not for me. I stop.
These words were extremely shocking especially coming from Zell himself. It was as if someone else was speaking for him. Baldra knew it, Zell loved the army since he was little, it was inconceivable that he would leave it like that. And the fact that he left like that was a blow, even for Von Braun and his faction who didn't want to admit it.
-You can not do this. *Tandsen shouted*. Lieutenant Der Linde has already asked to change branches if you too are leaving...
- I leave the command to Lancell. And I have already given my recommendations for lieutenants and NCOs. You will only have to consult. But overall that's how it is.
The commission of inquiry was dissolved. It had no basis and it was concluded that the case of Task Force Beowulf was going to be put on hold. It was January 14, 1019.
-Thank you for defending me. *say Zell to Welbeck.*
-I told you to prove to me that your doctrine worked and you did. I wouldn't let a scum of a bureaucrat mitigate the success of this mission. And then Raven gave me a detailed report of the battle. It was a nice job son.
He lit a cigar and gave a piece to Zell, who politely declined. After which he left. Leaving the building Zell met a young man on the stairs, a clean officer on him. Blue-eyed blonde with a piercing gaze. This one seemed oddly familiar. Seeing him the officer took off his cap and saluted Cailum.
- Sorry, but do we know each other?
-Werner Von Braun 3rd of the name.
-The son of...
-Yes. And you are General Lineberg's son, aren't you?
- Hey, no, I'm not...
-I apologize in advance for my father's unpleasant attitude. I wasn't there but I know in advance that he didn't go out of his way.
He lowered his head in apology and Zell was surprised. He even used his gift to make sure there was no malice behind his words and was surprised to see that the son was so sincere.
-Raise your head Lieutenant you are older than me.
Which he did and smiled at Zell.
-I intend to apply as an Officer for Beowulf. I know the tests are hard but I will do my best.
-I count on you to take care of my men. He said shaking her hand.
Ndt: From here on i recommand the music of the halo odst live action trailer to set up the mood.
On January 16, Zell traveled to the North and put on his ceremonial uniform one last time. He knew that his decision had caused a stir and that Boewulf would not be the same without him but none of the unit members dared to question his decision because they were there, they had witnessed his pain on the battlefield. During the ceremony Zell folded a particular flag which he gave to the widow of Habib Monero. He had gone in person to announce the death of her husband and she had spat on his face when she learned in what circumstances he had died, but there when he was giving her the flag his fingers were shaking.
- Please ma'am. Accept. *her son said*.
She had learned the story and the experience of the lieutenant during this hell from other soldiers so she agreed to take it. Zell crouched down and gave the plates to his son.
-Your dad was a real hero, he saved my life you know.
Lancell did not find the family of Quentin Benz, the soldier had died of his injuries despite the evacuation. Alec Noin found his brother among the prisoners. It was Ruben Noin, combat medic, but during the attack on the Spooky they were separated. Noin was ambushed and shot in the head, today Sergeant Noin is reduced to a living vegetable and is permanently seated in a wheelchair. Besides, the sniper named Blanka who is suspected of having set the ambush is also missing. The forgemaster Oslo was arrested and contributed to the Factory on treath of his family being executed for his crimes. Tensions began to rise in the North so to calm things down Elysion kidnapped and deported half the population of the North. 60% of the deportees will go to the Ascheritz continent. The refractories were locked up in camps and the rest of the inhabitants of the North were controlled by Abel Komian the father of Jessie.
-Lieutenant over here. Bryce shouted.
Zell approached and was finally able to meet Mrs. Hartkins. Bryce Hartkins displayed impressive bravery and exemplary decision-making ability in battle. He received a medal for his courage and a recommendation from Zell to be appointed as a lieutenant.
- Thank you again for your recommendation without that...
-Don't thank me, you put my ideas back in place during our argument at HQ. In addition with the officer's salary you will be able to take care of your large family.
Many it is an understatement to say. Bryce Hartkins may be 20 but he already has 4 kids.
-Thank you again for helping my husband Lord Cailum. *Said Bryce's wife*. If you don't mind we would like to give your first name to our last one.
- Oh it's a boy after all? *Zell wondered.*
-I told you it was a boy. *Streiss scoffed.*
-Well since it's asked so nicely I don't think another "Alfar" is so bad.
Elsewhere another wounded soldier, the young Harbinger the rookie of the ghost team sits in a wheelchair. With him Master Sergeant Decken and Corporal Rita Al Eastal.
-The doctors said I could walk again in a month or two. I could give you the right targets again, sergeant.
-Müller did a crazy job anyway *Said Rita*. You missed your calling, my dear.
-Don't say thanks to me. *She said ironically.*
-Like we were going to. Low level thief. *Decken scoffed.*
- A little respect Master Sergeant. *Tamer said.*
-Yes She saved my life and she even got promoted.
-Here I am now Sergeant, Corporal Eastal so a little respect. *she scoffed*.
-Except that I received a recommendation to pass lieutenant.
- heuh... But... But you didn't do anything.
-I flew a plane in a firestorm, I think that's telling enough. By the way, Troy has been talking to you in Alfar since...
His face darkened an she sut up.
- Quickly do this and there. He's still touched you know.
-You're his best friend, you have to support him in these moments.
- No, I think another would be better placed.
-Hey, you're talking to him very familiarly, *she said.*
- Well it's normal, Alfar and I are cousins.
Ophelia blinked several times.
-Yes, my mother is his father's older sister.
-You really don't know anything about the Elysian nobility, huh? *Said Troy.* Count Rufus Al Eastal of the region of the same name in the East.
Muller remained even more silent.
- You know what, let it go.
But this war also had another hero. Unknown to the general public.
- Are you Corporal Karl Lecter?
-Lieutenant Cailum? *He said standing at attention?*
KARL LECTER, By far the greatest hero of this battle. Shortly before the attack of the ducal marines on the place known under the name of "Herbst" Corporal Lector broke away and escaped. But he returned to the camp, neutralize about twenty guards single handly, alone and took prisoner all the people present in the camp alone. He also freed at the same time some 20 soldiers. When the Dukams arrived they were surprised to see Lecter cheerfully holding over 500 people all on their knees. But Lecter was a hero for another reason. When he escaped and saw that the Dukam were in the place, he came back and after overpowered the guards he managed to convince the whole camp to surrender because he was afraid that they would be massacred. It was not easy but he managed to convince them and that day saved the lives of more than 500 people. However, he received a medal for bravery.
-I heard what you did for Arianne at the factory. I would like to thank you.
-I'm sorry I couldn't be there in the crucial moments
Zell handed him a paper. It was a recommendation to the rank of lieutenant.
-I know I've been hard on you in the past so I want to make amends.
-N... No, lieutenant, it's me who...
-Your mother raised a soldier, not a coward. I'm happy for you
There are still gray areas that can never be clarified in this story. After the funeral Zell isolated himself in his corner for a while. He sat on a tree trunk staring at the graves. Leaning against the tree next to a taller soldier who looked so much like him you would have thought twins.
-187. This is the number of soldiers who died under my command. *say Zell.* Of the 300 I had, 156 is what Der Linde lost. If we add those of Lancell the number of victims reaches 363. For a total of 253 wounded.
-It's better than we expected.
*He said to him.*
- But it's worse than I expected.
- The Rebel losses amount to close to 6000 according to the general staff but in reality they reach 2500. *Said Friedich*. They will communicate an embellished version for the public.
-Even in this world war propaganda does not die, *thought Zell*.
-In all and for all this conflict has caused more than 56,000 deaths on the Elysian side and almost as many wounded.
- On the rebel side, it's around 28,000 and it's mostly civilians.
Zell let out an exhausted sigh.
- You saved my life again my brother.
-I've been doing it since we were kids, it's becoming a habit.
Former Chief Warrant Officer Friedich Lineberg has also left the army and now works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Just like Master Sergeant Decken the reports concerning him have all been crossed out in black. What we do know is that he led the Silent Caster team which retained the platoon as reinforcements for Maggie.
-I'm sorry for Arianne. I'll find that silver-haired guy and you'll put a bullet in his head.
- No need, it wasn't him
- Can you repeat? *He said surprised.*
-That day, he really tried to help Arianne. But I had lost all lucidity and I attacked him.
-So if it's not him, considering the configuration of the units the shot came from... Zell the shot came from us. A stray bullet?
-Possible. But no matter, we can't change the past. I forbid you to investigate our guys.
-You know you only have one word to say and I...
-Friedrich... I said it was good.
-OK. I will insist another day then. What interests me is rather where the shot came from that caused the negotiations to fail and why the Spooky cut off his radio before turning crazy. Poor Arianne, Mell will be inconsolable for a long time.
-Adrianna even more don't you think? I couldn't look her in the face anymore.
-Tch... We really mess up this time Zell
-I know fried. I know.
The soldiers saluted the flag and then the shots were fired as required by tradition.
-Soldiers. Take the oath.
Beowulf Oath.
I swear to defend the Duchy of Elysion and to remain loyal to the founding principles which govern my country as well as to respect the law which guides it.
I swear to defend the subjects of the duchy without regardless of their membership, social, cultural, political or religious.
I swear to honor my uniform, to trust my comrades and to remain loyal to my brothers in arms, with whom I would shed the blood of our enemies as well as our own.
I would show initiative while remaining disciplined, and I would make a shield with my body if necessary to ensure the survival of my comrades and my fellow citizens.
We are the fangs of hell unleashing on the enemies of our nation. We do not fear death because it is part of us.
January 25 Klinsen General Hospital in Galathea County. Alfar wandered the halls with Quincy by his side.
-I thank you for accompanying me Quincy but I don't need an escort I am no longer in the army.
-Certainly, but as head of the clan you must be protected.
- Don't make me regret recommending you as a lieutenant.
-You have officially made me your right-hand man. I intend to fulfill my role well.
- Right hand not bodyguard, but do as you want and don't disappoint me. Ah and Quincy... Thanks for sticking by my side.
-Lord Cailum.....
The nurse ushered him into one of the hospital rooms. Two men in black guarding the room came out to leave Zell alone. In the bed was the most important person in the world to him. She was lying there in her bed hooked up to machines that are 100 years ahead of their time.
-I know I'm a month late but it's because I was busy reading the notebook you left me. You know what it's like when I start... Well, I'm sorry.
He took her hand and gave her a tender kiss before inserting a ring.
-Happy Birthday my love.
To be continued: Between the lines