Chapter 50: The Untold

The clearing was on fire as the blast from the explosion separated Zell, Nahel and Arianne. Alfar covered in blood ran through the snow as the ground began to crack in the area.

-ARIAAAAANNE. He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Suddenly in the middle of the flames a silhouette was formed, by pure reflex Zell shot him above but the bullets crossed the fog. It was then that, in the middle of the flames appeared a beautiful woman with golden hair. She had a helmet but no armor, just a white dress with golden ornaments. She was beautiful, very beautiful, but Alfar had no time to dwell on her beauty.

-You are right to target me since I am an unknown. She said calmly. But you would be wrong to consider me your enemy.

-Who are you ? Answer.

She whirled around him quickly before looking him in the eye again.

-I am your saviour. The one that keeps you from wandering off. The one that basically created the gift you have, the gift of the chosen.

She caressed Zell's cheek and her hand slid to his eyes before leaving him and stepping back into the flames.

- You are a goddess. ATHENA. *he shouted.* You are...

-Shhhh. *She said, putting on finger on his lips*. I told you I'm not your enemy. To be honest, I really admire what you do. You and your fiancée are precious artisans of the great warmachine.

Zell didn't understand what she was doing there or even why she was talking to him. He just put his hand on her shoulder and passed her.

-Thank you for the compliment but I'm in hurry. I you want an audience with me see my schedule with Ares .

-I can save her. She says.

Alfar immediately turned and stared at her curiously.

-How ? You are the goddess of war.

- Indeed, I do not have this kind of power and I am not a believer of "miracles" like my brother. But I am resourceful.

-Don't play with me or you'll regret it. Arianne is more precious to me than your bloody war if you ever lie...

With a wave of her hand she gave off flames revealing the young Arianne lying on the ground, she had a blank stare and did not move. She was at the gates of Hades. Athena opened a portal like the one Ares had used earlier, a young man in black pants and a white turtleneck sweater appeared. He was blond and had a ring in his left ear.

-Minerva, *he said* what give me the displeasure of your call? And who is this charming young man?

-I present to you Hypnos. *Said the goddess.* The only God able to counter death.

-The God of Sleep? *Zell wondered.*

-As long as Hypnos vetoes a human being, death cannot come looking for HIM.

- Huh... But... It's not a solution it's...

-She will stay asleep until She recover, then you can wake her up. *Added Athena with a mischievous smile*. I will help you there myself.

-Is it really that simple? Zell asked.

-No, actually, it will be up to me to decide when she wakes up. And if ever the Veto disappears while she is not cured she will die.

Zell frowned angrily but kept his composure.

-There is a catch. Who said I was gonna help you? says Hypnos.

-Because you are a fan the mortals conflict and if this girl dies you will miss the opportunity to see the most entertaining conflict that has ever existed. *She told him*. And also that you owe me a favor.

Hypnos smiled amusedly and looked at Alfar who was holding Arianne in his hands. He approached and crouched down before caressing her cheek.

-Here is a rare pearl that you have there. You chose it well.

-She is more than that to me.

-I see it. I can feel it just the way you look at her. Your experience... Oh... .

-What Oh?

Hypnos put his hand on Arianne and she momentarily glowed, her body stopping bleeding as soon as her whole immune system slowed down. Arianne had just plunged into a coma.

-Here I saved your beauty. Death can no longer touch her.

-Arianne is out of danger? Truly ?

-Do you doubt the word of a God, Mortal?

He immediately retracted and sighed with pleasure, tears running down his cheeks. Hypnos stood up and put his hands on his hips.

-I like you. Your love is sincere, come see me one of these days. *He said pulling a card on his pocket*.

He then turned to Athena and gave her a disgusted look before sending her a message by thought.

- You dirty trickster how dare you?

-You have done your part now get out. This kid can hear our thoughts if he activates his gift.

-You and your brother are really unscrupulous.

He then disappeared through the portal and left her. Now alone with Zell Athena came forward.

-What do you want ? he asked. Anyway you don't help me out of pleasure, do you?

-I have only 2 conditions, the first is that you leave the army.

Zell more than surprised turned his head in the direction of the goddess.

-Eh ? But if I do that...

- Stay away from any battlefield is that clear? If you break this agreement Arianne will die. She said authoritatively.

Zell couldn't decently bring himself to it, but he clenched his fist and lowered his head.

-And the 2nd one?

-It's that you leave my champion alone. He was badly injured during this battle. It would bother me if you took the opportunity to finish him off.

Zell stared at her with a look of more than surprise. Then he suddenly widened his eyes.

-What champion? he asked silently. Is there another like me? Does he also come from earth? i mean my world

Athena seeing Zell's reaction froze for a moment, then she burst out laughing before staring at him again.

-Ares, that cheater didn't tell you anything, did he? Ask him about our little joint game you'll be surprised to learn some things. *She laughs*. Well I'm leaving you.

-Hold on. Zell shouted. What is this game ? Who is this other champion? Is it someone I know? And why are you forbidding me to go to war, I thought you liked conflict.

Athena opened her portal then turned to Zell one last time.

-Ares has turned his back on you, I'm offering you a way out. If you want further explanations about Ares Game ask him directly. Oh and don't tell him about our little arrangement. It would bother me if she died.

And the goddess disappeared as she cleared the flames in the center of the clearing forming a landing strip. Arianne was evacuated by a plane piloted by Rita. The plane remained in flight for a long time and ended up landing at Fort W.G where she was admitted to the military hospital along with Zell. Shortly after this, the hospital was filled with wolves wounded in combat and then after a week Alfar come back with a bunch of men. They were neither soldiers nor policemen, they all wore black leather vests and caps with the C&R (Cailum & Rhodes) logo written on them.

-Lord Cailum you can't move her she might die. Said the doctor.

-A friend assured me that she was safe if transported.

- Is this friend a doctor because I will be very happy to know him. She said ironically.

-He is more competent than you anyway.

The men in black entered and took Arianne to Klinsen's hospital. She was thus sent to a special room where she was connected to the latest generation medical equipment. This material was of course Anachronistic and this hospital room looked like a 21st century resuscitation room but it was necessary to keep Arianne in a Coma despite the Veto.

-Hoping that's enough to keep her alive even if the Veto lets go of me.

After that Zell did as Athena told him, he left the army after attending his men's funerals as a farewell.

Back at the Cailum manor in Aether the atmosphere was not the same, Alfar spent his days in his room, even his little sister had ended up having concerns. She decided to go to her room but she found Bell there who was spying on the door from the hallway.

- Bell? What are you doing ?

He jumped up scared and began to stutter to justify himself.

- It's okay, I'm not going to eat you. she laughed.

Bell calmed down and stared at her a bit sadly.

"Is Mr. Cailum all right?" Bell asked. I mean, Alfar.

She took him in her arms and stroked his head.

- Don't worry, he'll be fine. Zell is strong he will recover. She said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Right in Zell's room had been held a kind of summit meeting. He had invoked Ares who himself had summoned him to his palace. The God of War wore a ceremonial uniform identical to those of the Royal Navy and drank tea.

-Why didn't you tell me there was another one?

-Another what?

-Another champion. he said. Another being like me.

Zell was angry but as usual his anger was rationalized and he didn't lose his temper.

-Why would I have done it? It would have just been enough for you to defeat him like all your enemies. I didn't see fit to tell you about it.

-You didn't see fit to tell me that there was another being than me with knowledge from another world and that this one is trying to kill me? *He said calmly.* Are you kidding me?

-Haha what arrogance, you think you are so special that you thought you were unique? I did everything to get you to eliminate the other chosen, but you failed. Like you failed to protect Arianne. Besides, it's a miracle that Arianne survived.

-It's not a miracle it's thanks to....

He stopped talking and remembered his promise to Athena.

-Thanks to ?

-Thanks to my anachronistic technology. I did well to invest in medicine, thanks to this resuscitation room I can keep her alive.

-If being in a Coma can be called living then yes.

Zell sat down on the table and stared at the atlas of his old world. He turned the card for a moment and his finger stopped the globe on Elysion.

-Are there others? How many champions are there?

-There are 2. There are always two. But from time to time it is possible for me to bless humans by the way.

Zell turned the atlas and his finger rested on Inglesia.

-Like Uncle Lino.

-Exactly. Besides, there are 2 types of champions, the chosen ones and the Heros. The Chosen Ones are, as their name suggests, destined to accomplish great things. Thanks to their charisma, they raise nations and make things happen. Their fate line is already sealed for the most part. The Heroes are those who by their strength their courage and their bravery will change the face of the world. Those are more cut out for the fight like Manfred, Albert Jacka, Lu Bu, Marc Antoine and so on.

-I'm having trouble following you, they're both basically doing the same thing.

-If I had to compare I would say that Patton is a Hero but Churchill is a chosen one. You follow me ?

-I see more clearly... Wait Churchill was your champion?

-No comment.

Ares stared into a book as Zell's Atlas landed in Ascheritz.

-Ha if my fate line is already sealed then I don't have to worry.

- Think again, yours and his are completely out of whack. * Explained Ares to him.* Don't count on the moires to protect you, your life is much more threatening than you think.

-Oh I see.

He stood up and his smoldering gaze fixed on Zell.

- Now tell me. Why in your right mind do you leave the army? You have a gift and you don't exploit it, what should I conclude?

-You betrayed me when I needed you the most, so I decided to punish you. I will not go to the battlefield again until i feel the need. He said to Ares.

-You want to irritate me, *The god eyes start shining* it may take decades before she wakes up. I thought you were one of the rational thinkers.

-In combat, never neglect the human factor. And this guy up north made me learn it the hard way. People's feelings matter more than you think. ARES. Otherwise you wouldn't have had a passion for Venus yourself.

The God of War crossed his arms and smiled as Zell's Atlas landed on Valorys.

-If you don't go to war anymore, what are you going to do? You'll only stagnate when this witch grows stronger.

-She is weakened enough as it is, the North is no longer a problem. There's no rush in our business. And then I'm a resourceful man.

-As I am *Whispered the god of war*.

Zell was a long way from having played his last Card. Sitting in a cafe reading the paper, he addressed the man leaning against the wall.

-Hongo, summon the clan.

-As you command.

January 23 in Galathea County, somewhere in the town of Klinsen, an infrequent rally was held. A meeting was held between different people in a hotel that had been completely booked for the day. At first glance it looked like a parade of rich and young heirs but in reality it was mostly a gathering of alumni.

- My name is Alfar Zell Cailum. And when I grow up you're all going to work for me.

Since elementary school until the end of high school Alfar Zeldoris Cailum set up his own private club, it is the elite of the children of his class of the time each having a parent in a specific area of ​​Elysion . With this group which has grown so large that it can easily be called a clan, Zell shared his knowledge of the 21st Century as a vision of the future, this clan set out to develop technologies and apply medicines which had already 70 years ahead of their time. They operate in the shadows and their influence grows day by day throughout Elysion, their long-term goal being to become masters of the country at all levels. And this group called itself.

-Welcome to this extraordinary meeting of the *visionaries*.

A large table stood in the middle and young people were seated on either side of the table. Only the butler and the man Zell had met at the cafe were standing. He had an Asian head but wore a brown suit with a hat and gloves.

-Greet Clan Leader Commander Cailum. *Said the Butler.*

Everyone stood up fist to chest staring at Zell who was sitting in his chair with his knees crossed.

- Hail Elysee.

- Sit down. *he ordered.*

Which they all did without question.

-I summoned you here to announce the changes in the governance of the clan. As you probably know I left the army.

- Indeed, we were all shocked Commander *Said a man to him.* We understand what happened to Arianne but...

Zell glares at him and he shut himself immediately.

-Shut up, Neo, you know it's not the time to talk about it. The man next to him whispered. Forgive my brother Commander. he said.

-It's fine Aeon, really.

Aeon & Neo Hillings: Entertainment-loving playboy twins. They control all funds and investment of the clan. They are responsible for finding the money by any means possible and have a real gift for business

-What happened to Arianne has nothing to do with my decision, the reason being that with Arianne Rhodes can no longer occupy her position within the clan, I am therefore obliged to take care of it myself.

Arianne Rhodes: Head of Intelligence and the Visionary Information Network. Her personal network extends from Ascheritz to the Aizu Empire and even into Beiyang. Now Zell inherits this network.

-I see. It actually makes sense. Said Aeon.

- But we're digressing here. *Said a woman sitting on the other side*. If you ever take over the Rhodes network who will take care of yours.

Kaela Divine: Propaganda, influence mass manipulation, she left school at 15 and runs her own independent newspaper within the Federation of Allied States of Ascheritz (ASA).

-Thanks for the remark Kay, but I am not one to leave things to chance. Lancell will occupy my position.

Everyone in the room stared at him in shock.

-You... You intend to integrate the prince into our Clan? *Another girl asked.*

-No. He will command Beowulf at my request, but he will serve our interests without knowing it. In this way no one will be able to go back to us and no one will dare to investigate him if he takes a questionable action.

-How do you intend to handle it? *Divine insisted.*

-Lancell already obeys me with finger and eye.

Despite appearances, Zell saw Lancell more as someone to protect than as a pawn.

-Another thing I decided to include two new members in the clan. Please come in.

Everyone began to whisper as a young man made his entrance followed by a young girl before standing next to Cailum.

-As of today and permanently Enrico Quincy becomes my right handman. If you want to contact me you will have to go through him and will not tolerate any objection. Hongo? Not too angry?

-I'm just a simple emissary Commander. *He said politely.*

Kaze Hongo: Spokesperson and emissary of the clan. He is also a profiler for the police and takes care of recruiting potential new recruits for the clan.

-Is this a joke? *Say Der Linde*. Are you also going to integrate this peasant woman into our clan? Not even Marie is one of US.

Swan Der Linde: Vice Commander of the clan. In the absence of Zell he is responsible for filling the holes in the plans and analyze projects.

-Someone tried to kill Arianne, I strongly advise you to increase your personal guard. Also Muller will become my personal bodyguard. I want her to be integrated into the CSS.

- This will be made. Commander. *Says the CSS chief*. The CSS will increase the security level of the clan executives.

-Alright let's move on to the new assignments. he said.

*Quincy shared files on different tables.*

-From now on Friedich and I will join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. *he said*. Swan you are now assigned to the navy.

-I was planning to return to the regular army to...

- Swan. *Zell said calmly.* It's an order.

He looked at it for a long time, then sighed.

-It's up to you.

-Decken you will go to the air force. With your talents and your reflexes it will not be a problem and I would like to control the direction that the development of the planes will take.

Trojan Decken: Head of Clan Clandestine Operations. Ranging from assassination to the capture, torture or release of important personalities. Its job is similar to that of the para-military group of the CIA.

- Should I take my assignment now? I still have to train the BTO.

AN: Beowulf Tactical Operation

-You have two years to train them, pass this time and join the eagles.

- You're the boss.

-Hans, did you find the remedy I asked for?

Hans Vogel: Head physician of the clan. Thanks to Zell she has access to antibiotics and pills that are not supposed to exist yet. Also Principal archaeologist of the clan.

-Yes but why do you need it. My priority is to take care of your eyes, you know?

-A woman in our house suffers from this disease, I just thought I was going to help her. She's a good friend of my mother's.

-I see.

-Andy your father is still trying to make his giant metal monsters work?

-He thinks it's a lack of fuel. *He replied.* He is confident he can replicate the same titan that is in the Archeen Art Museum.

Ander Draxler: head of the research and development department. This includes everything from firearms to vehicles to aircraft. He's the genius behind the Spooky.

-He lost the support of the Ducal Marines his project won't last much longer. *Aeon explained.*

-Unless he has a Genius bolt. *Said Friedich.*

Freidich Lineberg: Role unknown, special privilege member

-Indeed. Good Rita since you're going to be assigned to the East Fortress, I'm removing you from your duties as chief of security. Says Zell.

-I understand. I'll do my best on my side at the fortress.

-You intend to entrust her role to Decken? Kaela asked.

-Hammerman. *Zell said aloud.*

The man was in ceremonial dukam uniform and got up as quickly.

-From now on you lead the CSS*. Do not disappoint me.

The CSS or Clan Security Service is the paramilitary organization of the visionaries. Their training and combat techniques are far more advanced than any Elysion unit. The same goes for their equipment, which is way more modern.

-We entrusted the plans of airshipto our friends of Tarkovie. Make sure they can't use it.

- Yes Commander. *he shouted.*

-Why are soldiers so noisy. * Kaela thought.*

Several other points were discussed during the meeting but the biggest was discussed on this table. A week passed and everyone had returned to their respective country or region. At the Military Penitentiary Sergeant Major Rashford had received a curious visit. Seeing this person in front of his cell, he stood at attention.

" At ease sergeant. *Said the man*. Soldier leave us alone.

-General Lineberg we can't leave you alone with him, this man is extremely dangerous. *Said the guard.*

-Don't worry, I am just as much. *He said* touching the hilt of his sword.

The guard left and Lineberg relaxed and sat across from his former subordinate.

-How are you Major? *Elias asked.* Or colonel, or whatever rank you have today?

-I m a 4 stars General. You are impressed didn't you ?. *He let out a sigh*. Seriously Elias how did you get here?

-You know how.

-The children didn't mistreat you too much, I hope? Or did you go easy of them.

-I'm just too old for this shit. *He smiled*. Your son is an incredible person you can be proud of.

Baldra paused for a moment in surprise.


-I'm talking about your other son. Everything in his gestures to his way of commanding, it's your spitting image and more. *Said Elias smiling.*

-Haha too bad but he's the son of Alysser and Gilda not mine.

-You may have managed to fool your people, but you won't be able to fool me, General. *Elias told him with a serious look.*

Baldra saw that he was serious and stopped smiling.

-Anyway, I managed to push back the date of your execution. You will be hanged in public and named as the sole person responsible.

-As long as it can put an end to this conflict, I have nothing against it.

-Do you really like it? There's no guarantee that things will be better after you die. If only you had listened to me 10 years ago.

-It's funny your son told me the same thing.

-It's not my...

He stopped and smirked.

Elsewhere in the Foreign Office, Zell and Friedich began new careers ahead of them. Alfar was going to work with his father in the international relations branch, Friedich was going to another office. He went to a remote office isolated from everyone. There he found 2 ex BTO operators like him, Ophelia Muller and Yago Finch both from the team "Assassin". In the room was a man whose face was masked by the surrounding darkness as there was no light in the room, there was not even his name on the desk.

-The loss of Arianne is more than regrettable for this service. *he start speaking*. But we must move forward, the loss of a single element must not destabilize the organism. You have accomplished your mission, I would like you to give me the details, Silent Caster.

After the plane carrying Arianne left, the ground cracked, digging a ravine in the clearing. Seb fell to the bottom of this ravine and hit several rocks before hitting the bottom. The explosion had blown him up and he was bleeding all over his left side as well as blood running down the back of his neck. Despite that, he tried to move. He doesn't know how long he was unconscious but a group of men came to him at the bottom of the ravine. Only they had the Maroon colored uniforms. Looking closer he saw where they came from.

-Serberio my friend what is it? *He said with his Tarkovian accent.* Looks like you're not feeling well.

-Ka... Kazimir... You traitor.

-You must be wondering what I'm doing here. I'm here to take you to see our friend General Brakiev. Don't worry, your sacrifice will strengthen the motherland.

-Fuck you scum.

A hit from the cross of a rifle stunned him.

-Thanks for the compliment.

Suddenly they pointed their guns at the top of the crevasse, they were surrounded by a BTO team.

-Kazimir. *says Friedich*. I believe this man is ours.

-No way I let you take such a good fighter to be tortured and eliminated. I take it home

-You are not in a position to negotiate, friend. *He said with a cold look.*

Suddenly another team appeared behind them and cut the throat of half of Kazimir's men who found themselves surrounded.

-The assassin team is aptly named it seems. he said. Alright, what are you giving me in return? I can't decently leave empty-handed.

Friedich snapped his fingers and Yago Finch brought back Lars still injured and dangling arm. The latter barely managed to stay conscious.

-They are just as talented as each other. And it will make you a nice compensation. Tell them your target is dead and it's unfortunate.

Kazimir bent down and touched Lars. He kicked his belly with his boots and then show a disdainful look.

-I guess we have an agreement even if I don't have much choice. Antonov picks him up. We must get away before the Dukams kill us.

He gave Friedich a last look, then his team disappeared into the forest, taking Lars away.

-So where did you take him? *Asked the man in the room*.

-In one of our blacksite. With his help as an operator, we could finalize "Initiative 55".

- Well then I give you carte blanche. Are you sure he lost his memory?

-He didn't show any signs that prove otherwise. Even when I told him that his father will be executed.

The man crossed his fingers and smirked.

-Well... That's perfect. Take your assignments in your respective office.

Leaving the office Friedich followed Muller whom he pinned against a wall.

-I knew your face was telling me something. We met at camp 4 years ago, you didn't look the same. You have changed Annabelle Garcia.

She smiled at him and used a hold to free herself before stepping back. Frieidich watched her without moving.

-And then you are going to tell Zell that I am a spy sent by Siegfried to monitor him?

-Not worth it. I know you really love him, so you won't give Siegfried information that could harm him. If that were the case I would make you disappear. Or I can just tell him your secret and let him take care of you.

She smirked and stared at Friedich amusedly.

-It's a shame, if you did that I would have to tell him that you ordered me to kill the woman of his life.

Friedich frowned and only dangerously clenched his fist.

- Isn't it? Leader Assassin.

End of the chapter

It was a new day for Zell, but as he entered his new office, closing the door behind him, he met a short, white man with curly black hair. He wore a long coat and pants and a black sweater. He also had a ring on his right ear and his eyes were deep black giving him an intimidating stare. The minute he laid eyes on him he automatically knew he was a god.

-Alfar Zeldoris Cailum? he asked.

-Who is asking ?

The man rose from the seat and walked over to Zell before gazing into hers.

-I am Thanatos the god of death, and you owe me a fucking soul.

To be continued

End of part 1