Chapitre 51: The End jutify the mean

I used to live in Aether, the Elysian capital, it was a beautiful city but with sumptuous parks the city was known for having theaters everywhere. I loved going there with my brother and sister to see the plays. My brother always acted like a jaded guy and my sister, the one I considered my big sister did everything to arouse his interest in the play.

-Seriously Zell this spectacle was great. She told him.

-Sorry if I'm hard to impress. I also guessed the ending.

-You talk like you've seen it before.

-If only you knew. He said, rolling his eyes.

-I liked it. And at the end when they kiss when the boat sinks it was great.

He smiled at me and patted my head, then he lifted me up and placed me on his shoulders.

-Glad you enjoyed this dishcloth.

-Hey, have some respect for the authors. Arianne said, poking him in the ribs.

-Shit Ok I'll stop being acerbic.

I loved the times we spent together. I used to have a family, when this incident with Arianne happened and my brother came back from a mission he was completely changed. He had become distant and didn't talk to anyone anymore. One day to try to cheer him up we went to see a play with him and Bell. He was my adopted little brother but I loved him like he was my own. I think Zell had a good laugh but it was mostly because he was nostalgic about what had happened with Arianne. Big sister Arianne was occupying his thoughts like never before. As we were going back we heard a ruckus and our mother screaming. Without thinking he left us there and entered the manor. When we joined him he was sitting on our father, he had overpowered him and had a gun pointed at his head. Only this gun wasn't my brother's.

-What's the hell going on? I asked, shocked.

Right next to us was our mother on her knees in tears with blood flowing from her hand. She had been shot in the hand.

-MOM. I screamed.

-MELL DON'T COME IN. My brother ordered bluntly.

He straightened up and grabbed my father by the collar keeping the gun pointed at his head, he led him down the hallway away from our mother.

-Please Zell don't kill him. I begged.

My older brother was extremely calm, he didn't say anything and ironically that meant he was in state of rage. Zell Wrath is always silent.

-Bell go and take care of Mom.

-Yes big brother.

-And you Mell.... Go help him. You mustn't see this.

-Please Zell don't do this. I told him confused. Don't... He's our father.

Father looked completely depressed. And... He reeked alcohol. My father never drink, what happened to him? From the look on his face he was at the end of his life. Zell always Still hold him at gunpoint.

-Try to be on my shoes Zeldoris. What would you have done ?

He had a slight blank for a few seconds but my brother answered him.

-Certainly not what you just did.

-Zell NO

He fired but to the side. My heart had stopped beating for a moment and then I saw him dismantle the weapon and throw it at our father's feet. He looked at him with contempt.

-Leave. I don't want to see you again, neither in this house nor in another.

After this incident our parents separated completely. A divorce procedure was initiated, yes nobles divorce, my father lost with this incident all his titles of nobility and more than 90% of his property and possessions. Here I am now Asgeir Melanie Von Galathea. After this incident we left Aether to return to live in the county of Galathea in the city of Klinsen. My brother had renovated the manor, redone the garden and other things. The manor was just on the edge of town not far from the mountain and only about few kilometers away from Fort W&G where my brother often visit. He may not be a soldier anymore but it seemed that he still had Work with the military. I was finally going to enter the Klinsen University, I planned to become a geologist but first I was going to generalize my scientific knowledge. Bell was entering high school, besides his dark skin was more and more felt but he was cute like that I feel that the girls will jostle to have him. My mother had found comfort in art and painting. She collected paintings that she then exhibited in her gallery, she bought trinkets, antiques and even weapons. I think she has this common passion with Alfar but I don't know where it comes from. That day I was there having dinner on the campus terrace with a boy.

-So when do you think you'll tell him?

-You're stupid Thomas, if it was that easy I would have already done it.

-I can't believe you have to ask your brother for permission to go out with a boy. He's not your father, and you're an adult, you do what you want.

I gave him an amused look at his ignorance.

-Well turns out that my brother's name is Alfar Zell Cailum.

-It'll be fine, I assure you. If your brother is as nice as you say, there won't be any problems.

I've been dating a guy for a while. Thomas Eisner, we met on the cmpus university, he's one of my elders. Thomas comes from a fairly modest background, an only child, he lives with cousins ​​he considers brothers. His father is a potter and his mother a housewife. I've met them before, they were nice and attentive, I think they took it badly when I offered to pay their rent.

-No ma'am, but I would be ashamed if my son's girlfriend had to provide for my family, I would be truly ashamed.

-Allow me to insist. Really sir...

-The Galathea are known for their kindness but I would like to avoid resorting to it if possible.

-Alright then.

I put my money back in my wallet. Thomas was a good guy, kind and caring so when I introduced him to my brother I had hope that he would like him. Alas nothing is ever simple with Alfar.

-I refuse.

I admit that his answer had shocked me. For this dinner with Zell he had made the effort to be more than presentable.

-Thomas is that it? What attracted you to my sister.

-I admit that I have trouble following you.

-Your disguise doesn't fool anyone, kid. Look at your hands, I know you come from the slums of Klinsen.

-I do indeed come from the slums but... I was just trying to be presentable, sir.

-No point in trying to be someone else, masks don't work on me. I'll ask you the question again, why did you approach my sister? The little noblewoman from the corner classy and rich, you thought you had hit the jackpot, right?

-I forbid you to say that, Thomas is not like that. I shouted outraged.

-Thomas was a small-time pickpocket who probably robbed hundreds of people to pay for his college allocation. Hundreds of honest people. I'm right, right?

I saw Thomas lower his head and clench his fists. What Zell said had touched him, you could see that he was doing his best to live up to it.

-Get out of my house. He said, putting his book away. I don't want to see you here anymore.

-I have...

-Pardon ?

-I've heard about you. Good things in particular. Your sister Melanie has told me a lot about you. She holds you in high esteem, she admires you. I've already seen your name in the Journal, Lieutenant Cailum, a war hero in the Yukon. I saw your look in that photo, the smile you had was that of a killer, but Mell managed to make me change my mind.

Oh no. If he keeps this up he'll piss him off.

-Thomas don't speak anymore.

-Tell me Lord Cailum, do you like killing so much? Taking the life of your neighbor?

-What do you know about being a soldier, kid? What do you know about me?

-No more than you think you know about me. You judge me by my appearance, I judge you by a photo. You are a war hero, yes, but in my eyes war heroes are nothing more than murderers who have been given the right to walk the streets.

-THOMAS I shouted .

He calmed down then stood up and bowed.

-Answer me honestly, if I had been a soldier you wouldn't have refused?

My brother stood up and, hand in his pockets, walked to the window.

-Probably. He replied.

-Thank you for your sincerity. I'm sorry Mell.

Then he left the room without saying a word.

-Thomas wait.

-Let him go.

I was furious. Why had he put him down like that? I rushed to his side and looked him straight in the eye.

-Why were you so mean to him?

-These kind of parasites are only attracted to one thing. Money. They are just another upstart who made the wrong choices.

-Tom has never stolen anything in his life. And yes he hates the army because he is a pacifist.

-A pacifist ? What a load of crap. He said with a smile that hurt my heart. You are a beautiful woman Mell you will quickly find someone else. In the meantime I don't want you to come near him anymore.

-Since when do you judge people without knowing them a little better? That's not like you.

-It's because I saw through him that I can tell you that he's not the one for you. Move on.

-You've really changed since Arianne died.

He turned in my direction and yelled.


Then he calmed down.

-Don't come near him anymore.

-I'm an adult Zell. I told him. I do what I want.

No matter how much I said it, I knew it wasn't going to be that easy. For the next two weeks I didn't see Thomas anywhere, not on campus or in the usual places. I was too scared to venture out alone in his neighborhood. And I also had the strange feeling that I was being followed by someone. That day I went to the Klinsen library, it was freezing so I was wearing the fur coat my mother had given me.

-A pleasure to see you in good shape Lady Galathea the receptionist told me.

I looked around, everyone had a book in their hand and were acting naturally. I had only been there for about ten minutes when I suddenly saw a truck enter the perimeter of the library. It demolished the barrier and then crashed into a tree.

-What is this?

It was strange, we suddenly saw a group of people come out of the truck with bags and guns. They were all masked and some had balaclavas. A group of 8 armed people entered the library and opened fire at random. In a few minutes there was general panic and they had taken control of the building.

-Ladies and gentlemen, this is anything but a robbery. Line up and let's jump.

In 30 minutes the police were on the scene, they had put us in a corner without tying us up. I could see them talking and panicking while we were even more scared than them. If I had to guess it looked like a robbery gone wrong. We were going to be used as bargaining chips.

-This is the chief of police. The man shouted into the speaker. Get out of here with your hands in the air and I assure you that no one will be hurt.

A gunshot rang out and everyone started screaming. Everyone except me, I was calm, I was so scared yet extremely calm. Was it because I had been around armed men before?

-You try to get in here I'll take the hostages down one by one. The leader shouted. Now here are my demands, bring us a cart that we can eat. Or there will be noble brains all over the floor. Oh and bring the mayor of the city too. Tell him it's important.

The mayor? Why him, they didn't look like ordinary robbers but only one of them knew what was going on. Time passed and there was no sign of the mayor. Their leader grew impatient and turned to us.

-It seems the mayor is either away or he has a cold. Let's toss a coin.

-No wait.

He chose the receptionist from the lot and dragged her by the hair before placing her in front of the door.

-I'm sorry. He said with a sigh.

-NO WAIT. I yelled.

I stood up immediately as all the guns were pointed at me. I walked towards them without fear.

-Oh, we have a daredevil in the group.

-And hell of a woman.

He suddenly pointed his gun at me, I was scared oh my God I was scared, but I faced him because I knew scarier people.

-PAN. He said with his mouth Ok, I'm listening, miss.

-My name is Melanie Von Galathea, my brother is the Earl who rules this region.

-Oh but who is there? A crowned head. He said, waving his weapon before curtsying. To what I owe this honor, your majesty?

-I've come to make an exchange. Them for me. I alone am worth more than all the hostages. If you let them go, I promise to intercede on your behalf whatever your request.

-Really. And what proves me that you are who you are?

-My ID is in my coat. The white one with tiger stripes. I pointed out.

He sent one of his guys to check on the coat rack in the library.

-She's telling the truth. Shit Van what have we gotten ourselves into ?

-I think we hit the jackpot.

I hoped to have convinced him with this little speech but this man did not seem able to negotiate. He pointed his gun at my head again, but he suddenly turned it around and shot the receptionist in the chest. She collapsed to the ground dead.


-Congratulations, your majesty. You have just delayed the time of your death.

Suddenly a voice rang out through the megaphone.

-Test 1, 2. Test. Hello to those who are taking people hostage in the library I am the Head the Province of Galathea Alfar Zell Cailum.

-Big brother.

The Thief boss went to look at the window, it was indeed my brother who had his three-piece outfit with the policemen around him.

-I asked for the mayor, not a majorette.

-What you want doesn't concern me much. In this library there is a person who interests me.

-There are 26 people here besides my friends and me. Van said. How do I know which one ?

-Easy. She's blonde, she's grown her hair out, she's wearing a necklace with a gemstone that I gave her. She also has a tiger fur coat. I know this because I was the one who shot the tiger last year in Shamballa.

-We can't be more specific as a description. Wait, I'll check if I have it in stock.

He left the window and then grabbed me by the shoulder.

-Your brother seems to love you very much.

He dragged me outside still with a gun pointed at my head. I could see my brother's face, he was worried despite his stoic demeanor.

-Mell are you okay? He asked calmly.

-I'm fine, don't worry. But they shot Alma.

-Here's the deal. You free my sister and I'll go home. The end.

-What's all this? Where's the scam?

-There is no scam. Keep the other 25 with you, it's not my problem, but don't touch a single hair of my sister or you'll regret it.

-You think you are in a position to negotiate there. Earl ?

-Relax or else...

-Or else what? He said pointing his gun at my head. You nobles are arrogant, it annoys me to a point. Here's what's going to happen, you're going to turn back and let us negotiate with the one who runs this city, okay? Go back to ....I don't know, count the pigeon shitting on your convertible?

He then brought me back inside the building under my brother's gaze.

-Your brother is quite the original.

-I thought you were going to kill her. One of his men told him.

-It's okay, sweetheart, relax, we're not monsters.

-You have no idea who my brother is. Now I fear the worst.

-The worst for whom? Asked the other.

Half an hour later Alfar was back accompanied by an old lady.

-Fuck... What is this? One of the guys asked.

-The worst. I tell them.

-Wait... Isn't that... Bobby ain't that your mother?


My brother was outside with a lady who he was holding at gunpoint.

-Oh my God Zell what are you doing?

-Bobby Kane. I know you're inside. You once served your country as a soldier of the Duchy. How did such a good soldier as you end up becoming a common murderer?

-Don't touch my mother you bastard.

-In that case bring me my sister and there will be no problem.

-Sir, please. The old lady begged. Do what you want, but don't hurt my Bobby.

He didn't even glance at her. The others were trying to calm their friend down. He had even removed his mask.

-Fuck I'm gonna bleed him.

-I count to 3.

-Give him his fucking sister


-He's bluffing Bobby, he would never dare...

A gunshot rang out and the old lady collapsed to the ground. I was shocked by what I saw, my brother executed her without a second thought. Mad with Rage Kane left the library but once outside a bullet exploded his head. He collapsed on the doorstep before even taking 2 steps.

-Fucking bastard. Who is this guy? A panicked thief shouted.

-I'll be back in 5 minutes. My brother said.

I couldn't believe it. Why... How? I turned to Van.

-Free me.

-Huh, are you moron?

-Free me please. My brother has resources that you don't know about. How did he guess who your friend was when he was masked, huh?

-I. I don't know.

-Me neither. And that's what's scary. Free me and I'll convince him to stop.

-Let's free her. He only wants her alone.

-You shut up, you hear me. From the beginning this mission has been compromised because of your hesitations.

-So what do we do when he comes back?

-He can't know who we are, he'll probably...

But these guys had underestimated my brother. This time they came back with two people. A man and a woman probably married.

-Oh no.... I said surprised. But what does that mean.

-Fucking son of a...

-Mom... Dad...

-Thomas ?

The one with Van who was trying to calm him down from the beginning was... Thomas? He looked at me and took off his mask. I didn't know what to think anymore.

-I'm sorry Mell it's not what you think.

He then turned to Van who I think is his cousin.

-We have to free her.

-No way. He's testing us, we'll never give in. We must not give in.

-That's my father and mother out there, you understand. He yelled.

-I am perfectly aware. Van shouted. But you have to resist, you don't understand.

-I'll count to 5. Zell yelled.

-We have to free her.

-I said we wouldn't give in, are you stupid? Van said, pointing his gun at his head.

Several gunshots rang out. When the library door opened, a man in a three-piece suit let my brother in. He had a knife curved like a Boomrang covered in blood. Van and Thomas fought, distracting the others. I don't know how it happened, but as he tried to take Van's gun, the shot went off. Van collapsed to the ground while Thomas fell to his knees in shock, trying to help his cousin up. My brother's man who had entered from the back took the opportunity to slit the throats of the other 5. Thomas, the only survivor, was placed under arrest and sent to prison. I didn't understand what had just happened. There were too many things to print, and I had a headache. As I left the library, I received a blanket and coffee.

-How do you feel? My brother asked.

-I can't believe this happened.

-I told you this guy wasn't the one for you. He's just another rat in society.

-Says the one who just coldly shot a defenseless lady.

-They had to understand that I'm not here to joke around. That old lady should have educated her son better.

-Dide you hear yourself talking. I said, getting up quickly*

What you did there is called murder.

-I have a license to kill. And if I had to do it again I wouldn't hesitate. I did it to protect you.

-Don't use me to justify your actions. But how could I be so naive. Thomas was right. You really like this.


-No, don't come near me. In truth, I know you had a smile on your face when you stopped him, right? You didn't like him anyway, it would never have worked out between you.

-What kind of brother would I be if I let my sister get involved with a thief and a murderer? He said calmly.

-You mean if I went out with a man like you?

I pulled back the blanket and put my coffee down then stared straight into his eyes with an angry look.

-I hate you.

With these scathing words I left. His corn man wanted to intervene but he stopped him. Once again.

-Let her go Quincy. But know one thing Asgeir. No matter how much you hate me I will continue to protect you. And that in spite of you and no matter what it will cost.

I had a big brother once, a kind man who did everything for his family. Today the war has replaced him with someone else. A man with his face but a man I don't know has taken his place. And this man really scares me. Alfar may never be wrong about people, but I was wrong about him.

End of chapter

Somewhere in a Klinsen courtroom the judge was delivering a verdict.

-Thomas Eisner. Given the charges against you, the court has decided to give you a choice. You've never killed anyone before and you've helped free an hostage in some way, so I guess it's up to you to decide your fate. Prison or the army?

The young man looked at the judge, trembling.

-The army, sir.