A ceiling I don't know, a bed I don't know, a dress that isn't mine because I never wear one. A room I know nothing about. I had just woken up with a foggy mind and found myself in front of a mirror. My hair had been straightened and carefully maintained, it looked like another person. I had also taken a forced shower.
-Ooooh it is cute on you. Said a woman who entered my room.
She was... White, a little overweight but in a dress that you only see on noble girls. Besides, I was in one of those dresses myself. She wore a white hair wig, probably to look pretty. She looked at me with groupie eyes.
-Darling, she woke up, come and see.
A man entered the room. Tall, elegant, properly dressed, with ash-colored hair slicked back. He had a mustache, too, and piercing gray eyes. He used a cane, but seemed to have no difficulty walking.
-Oooh beautiful. How do you feel?
-I... What happened to me? I don't remember anything.
His wife looked at him worriedly as she closed her eyes in disappointment.
-It seems that you have suffered a trauma and it affects your memory. But don't worry, I'm a doctor, I'll help you... Get better.
-Yes, my husband is an excellent doctor. His wife insisted. We cooked Some s nack would you mind ?
Food. Yes, I really need it. I left my room and walked a little, I looked out the window, I didn't recognize anything. Neither the city nor even the architecture. The houses were made of wood like this one. As I was walking I came across a young man, also dressed like a nobleman. At first glance he was younger than me, he had blond hair and a bowl cut. He was looking for a book in the library when he saw me.
-Ah, here comes the slut again. I hope your tramp smell came out in the wash.
Well, it's not politeness that's suffocating him.
-She probably just came out of a penal colony, a former convict.
-That's enough Norman.
-Prison? I repeated. I just...
The thing to know about the Elysian prisons is that they are just as comfortable as any barracks can be. Mine had a window with a view of the mountain, it was quite pleasant. There were 2 meals a day, morning and evening. Often with dry bread and water. On Sunday it was rice porridge with a dash of milk. Now i recall my time there.
-I heard you tried to escape again.
-Just heard? I asked.
-Listen, I'm not your enemy. I'm here to help you.
-Is that why you brought my father back? That traitor.
I lost everything in the span of one night, my family, my friends, the people I fought with. December 25, 1018 my world turned upside down. I've been in the cell for a week now, I feel like I'm going to implode. But recently I've been regularly visited by a man. It's funny I say that but if no one had told me I would have thought it was a woman.
-Don't say that, Jessie. I'm trying to intercede on your behalf. But you're not helping me. He told me.
I looked at him with eyes filled with anger.
-I don't want your help. You weren't there when I needed you so don't play the father right now. And you princess why did you bring him?
He looked at me with his innocent eyes as if he didn't know what was going on. He annoys me when he does that.
-he is your father. Besides, one of your friends told me that you thought he was dead, so I thought...
-I wanted to see that piece of shit again.
-Talk to me with a little more respect, I'm your father, damn it. He shouted.
-In that case you should have behaved a little more like one. I don't give a damn, I'm going to die anyway, so I might as well get it off my chest.
He was mad with rage, you could see it, but he had a certain sadness in his eyes, I don't feel sorry for him. He got up and went to a corner of the room, I saw him talking to the young man for a while longer, then the officer came back.
-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rush you. Please accept my apologies.
-Bring me some TNT and a gun and I'll forgive you.
-I can do it. He told me.
At first I laughed about it, then I saw in his eyes that he was super serious, so serious that it made me shiver.
-What are you serious? I was laughing.
He put his gun on the table and rolled it towards me. I looked at him in amazement, it's a trap, the gun isn't loaded, he takes me for an idiot. But in his eyes, you wouldn't think so. The idea that was crossing my mind was to take him hostage, he seems important.
-Ha, like your men would let me do that.
-Do it. If you really want to get out of here then do it.
I looked at him again, I quickly pulled out the gun and fired. But not at him, the bullet grazed my father's ear who started bleeding like a pig. The door opened and I saw one of his men come in with a gun in his hand. To see him he was also a man from the north, he had dark skin like me.
-It's okay Drüker, leave us.
-She has your weapon, Lieutenant.
-I said it's fine.
-Who is she?
-You dirty...
He pointed his gun at me but his superior lowered it.
-That's enough Jarod. Take him to the clinic instead.
The other one took my father away as the princess came back to me. He took his pistol, looked at it then put it back in his jacket pocket before sitting down as I put my feet on the table.
-I thought you'd put a bullet in his head.
-I will but not today.
-Where does such aversion to your own father come from?
I took my feet off the table and crossed my fingers as I stared at him.
-My father betrayed me twice.
About 2 years ago we were on a mission with the others to fight in Tarkovia. Our small group was tasked with training and shaping Tarkovian soldiers. Those from the east were going to launch a lightning attack against enemy positions. After several months spent there we had gotten used to the environment, to the soldiers, our comrades. They were good soldiers, most of them born killers and we were wreaking havoc in the enemy ranks. General Vorkaev was satisfied with our work and we were satisfied with being able to help them kill each other with more precision. After these few months of fighting we finally returned. The loot this time was food, lots of food, cold-resistant seeds from the wolf's jaw, medical equipment and so on. When we returned to the camp we were welcomed like heroes, people rushed to the trucks while we ensured the distribution.
-I'm going to miss the Tarkovian hospitality. Dimitri said.
-You're talking about those shabby houses we were staying in, right? Brenda said.
-Don't be grumpy, it's still better than our tents and there was a warm blanket too. He said, hugging her.
-Stop that. Can't you see that I'm working here? She said annoyed.
-Ok I'll calm down. By the way Lars I was surprised how well you spoke Tarkovian. You had like the accent and everything.
-What does it matter if he has an accent? Nahel said in Tarkovian and with an accent.
-Fuck you... Ok.
-It's okay Nahel. Lars told him. My story is simple. When I still lived in my village, the country where I lived was still called Tarkovia. One morning when I woke up, I was told that it was called Elysion. Did I have a choice? No.
-You were born on the border? Maggie said. Poor little guy.
-Oh don't worry, on both sides there's snow everywhere so that's good.
-Ah, everything is explained indeed. Dimitri said to himself.
-Hey you can talk, isn't your father actually a Tarkovian Dimitri? askedBrenda. How come you don't mention a word about it.
He looked from left to right, embarrassed by the situation.
-Ok you know what... Fuck you.
Then we started laughing at him. But that's when everything changed, a fight broke out between my father and Nahel's father. Apparently my father didn't agree with the fact that his daughter was being sent to fight in another country without consulting him. Elias retorted that he was the leader and that his daughter was old enough to fight. There my father did something he shouldn't have.
-Pointing a gun at Rashford.
He ended up with a broken arm. Uncle Elias was the patient type and didn't often resort to violence. But this was really brutal. Elias didn't suspect how much what he had done would harm him. The Komians alone made up 30% of the offensive force with our allies we went up to 40%. One day while we were preparing the All Azimuth operation, the success that would make us take all the bases in the North, the people of my tribe suddenly changed their mindand attacked theirs. I was confused myself but my food contained sleeping pills and I fell asleep I could barely respond. When I came to mysenses we had taken the road, my father had taken all the spoils of war from Tarkovia as well as a large part of the recovered weapons.
-Is that why you're so mad at him?
-He behaved like the last of the cowards and took us away but no I ended up forgiving him his cowardice.
-So why are you so mad at him?
-I blame him because instead of sending us to a better Horizon they took us to the North beyond the North. You have no idea how dangerous it is.
-North beyond the North? But.... There is nothing beyond the North.
Oops, I said too much. We promised each other to shut up.
-You know what? We're done here. Guard, take me back to the cell.
-No wait I wanted...
-I SAID TAKE MEEE BAAAACK . I screamed hysterically. GUAAAAAARD
That night I barely slept, I spent my time staring at the ceiling, I did push-ups and some abs. Besides, I need to get back into sports but overall the night was long and then in the early morning about ten guards took me out of my cell.
-Let go of me you prick.
I fought like hell, I even hurt one of them, but they finally knocked me out. When I woke up I was outside with a suitcase and a note written in it. It said: "Dear young lady, it pained me to see you in the cell. I tried to understand you but alas you did not make it easy for me, your father managed to obtain the favor of the authorities that you will be released, on the promise that you represent no danger to Elysian society. My mission was to confirm this. I have probed your soul and I like to believe that you are a good person. May we meet again in better circumstances.
-Signed Your Friend Lancell. I said, crumpling the letter. He probed my soul? Who does this bastard think he is?
Ps: Please don't kill anyone.
-And he dares too.
In the suitcase there were clothes, money and provisions. Enough to last 3 days max but there was also wrapped in a package, an 8-shot revolver. The same model he had given me. When I saw it I had an amused smile and I put it back in my inside pocket. I was outside in the streets of a city I did not know in a country that did not like me.
-Looks like we'll have to put the training to good use.
I first found a hideout, then weapons and also money. Lots of money, in a crisis situation money can save your life. I gathered information on all the mess that was happening around me. I was already in a city called Klinsen. I learned that my father was the new tribal chief and that all the others followed him. Elysion had started to deport some of our people to overseas colonies, the others who remained there were locked up in camps. It took me about 2 months to make a complete inventory. Two months and still no news from Nahel and the others. I don't know where Blanka is, or what happened to Maggie or even if Dimitri and Lars are still alive. I was alone. I felt alone. And I wanted it to stop. One day while I was waitressing in a bar frequented by police officers I heard about a prisoner transfer, most likely the rebel leader that Elysion was tracking.
I wrote down the route immediately, then I prepared my things as well as my weapons. I went to the road on a motorbike, one that I had stolen in the area, there I began to follow the escort discreetly. It was only a simple carriage pulled by a horse. The back was armored and there were about ten guards on horseback. Seeing how they were walking around they were clearly amateurs, but I was not going to take any risks. In the evening when they started to eat I sneaked and slipped a few drops of a mixture that I had concocted myself. On her note the princess asked me not to kill anyone so I decided that during my stay I was going to make the effort to please her. The guards collapsed drunk one after the other and I stole the key before opening the back of the van. My heart was pounding, curious about what I was going to discover, but already when I saw the build I was rather confident.
-Nahel is that you? We have to leave, I neutralized the guards and....
-Who is this? Who is talking to me? He asked in a deep voice.
It wasn't Nahel's.
-Little Jessie is that you?
-Uncle Elias. I said surprised.
He walked towards me and got off. We looked at each other with an equally surprised look. But there was no time to procrastinate, we had to leave.
-Come on, they won't sleep for long. We have to leave quickly...
-To go where? He asked me.
His request shocked me.
-What do you mean where? Far, far from here. We'll gather our people and resume the fight.
He looked at me with a face I didn't recognize. Compassion. He sat on the steps of the van and stared at me.
-There is no more fighting, young lady. There is no more enemy. There is you.
-what... are you delirious, uncle?
-Oh no, I have clear mind on the contrary. I decided to surrender so that there would be less killing.
-Less killing? They are deporting our people.
-I'm the one who proposed it to them. He said calmly. Their rights will not be violated, they will just be relocated elsewhere. Besides, the vast majority of them will go to Ascheritz. Some will find their family in Tarkovia, for the most dreamy they will even settle on Inglesia. Those who stay are the most stubborn or those attached to this land. But Elysion is ancient history.
He spoke with such serenity that he was far from the charismatic old man I know. Yet he was calm and peaceful.
-I can't believe you're giving up, uncle. After all this time.
-I gave up a long time ago, young lady, Nahel had faith. Did he tell you why he was absent on the first day of the attack?
I suddenly remembered, Nahel was unreachable during the Elysian attack on our positions.
-I had planned to surrender to avoid a bloodbath. I wanted to let myself be captured and thus end this conflict. Nahel did not hear it that way. He lined up all sorts of arguments to try to convince me and then it escalated.
-Don't tell me that....
-Daman Keith, he surely is my son. I'm old but I reminded him who his father was and who raised him. That said, his determination and his tenacity ended up convincing me to fight a minimum. Only if it didn't work... We would follow my plan.
-Nahel knew? I asked shocked.
-And he opposed it, that didn't stop him from helping me. The Elysians say he's dead but I don't believe a word of it. I raised this little Tiger, he's got tough skin. I'm sure he's somewhere rebuilding himself right now. That's all I wish for my son. That's all your father, as cowardly as he is, would wish for you. And that's also what I wish for you.
I was disoriented, confused, shocked. What good were the last few months in this case? What good did it do me to fight. I was angry and I couldn't even direct my rage at those responsible?
-Forget your fight, go. Go far away and never come back Jessie. It's what's best for you.
He hugged me, I felt the warmth of his body as tears fell from my eyes. But strangely enough I didn't feel unhappy at all. I was just... He released his hug and got back into the van.
-Go ahead. They'll wake up soon, you know.
That's what happened when I was in Elysion, if I can remember. I also remember wandering around here and there for a long time before finding myself in a surprisingly noisy city. I lay down and when I woke up I was here. And there I am at a table with people who are obviously quite well off. A man, his wife and his son, and me who seems to be a blot in the middle.
-So? Do you remember anything, young lady? The man asked.
-Jessie..... My name is Jessica but people call me Jessie.
-Jessica, that's gooood. Said the woman.
-Would you mind telling me your name?
-Harold my dear. Harold Kingslay. And this is my beloved wife Gertude. He is my son Norman. I have another one older but he is not here.
-King... Kingslay. Are you Inglesian ?
-Yes of course we are loyal subjects of his majesty.
-Ah... That means I'm in Inglesia then.
-Good lord no. Said Gertude.
The old man stood up and walked around the table before placing his hands on my shoulders.
-We are in Yorkshire. You are on another continent. Ascheritz the continent of New Men.
-I'm on another one... Remind me your name again?
-Harold Kingslay. didnt you listen? Shouted Norman. Great, she's retarded.
-Hahahahahaha. I laughed out loud. Kingslay what irony.... Haahahahahahah. Kingslay.
July 1019, My dear friend Nahel I still don't know to this day if you are alive or if you are well. I just want you to know that I am doing my best to forget and move on. I may find comfort in this new home. I just hope you are doing better than I am. Your loving friend Jessie.
End of chapter.