Chapter 57: Gundate

Shortly after its intervention in the Yukon, Spearhead's mobile unit was back home, the main reason being its abnormally high losses among Beowulf personnel. As a result, the headquarters immediately summoned the person in charge of the unit, Second Lieutenant Enrico Quincy. The interview took place behind closed doors in a small headquarters office in the capital. Quincy arrived early after putting on his officer's uniform. Compared to the standard gray uniform with red collars, this one was a forest green suit with gold sleeves. A certain sense of aesthetics that did not fail to draw attention to the unit. The room gradually filled up and Quincy seemed to be growing more and more impatient. Most of the time he would have stood there, stoic without saying a word but strangely on this day he seemed somewhat agitated.

-Good. We can start. General Steinberg said.

Now Major General (2-star general), old Steinberg was the commander-in-chief of Beowulf and the one to whom all the information was passed. At least on paper because old Lino had his own way of leading his battalion. First, he gave total autonomy to the officers on the ground in whom he gave total trust. He let them choose their own plan and how to execute it. He also let them define the rules of engagement favorable to the success of the unit's missions. A way of telling his men "Go ahead, I'll cover you". That said, he also sometimes repressed behavior that went outside the line of conduct of his unit. For him, what was currently happening with an element as good as Quincy was nothing more than the nitpicking of old generals who just want to have a firm hand on Beowulf. The proof is that apart from these two there were no other members of Beowulf in the room let alone any sympathiser. So one of them spoke, An old man in his sixties with probably the beginnings of baldness.

-Lieutenant Quincy you may sit down.

-It won't be necessary sir, since this interview will go quickly. He replied.

-Oh! Well. In that case can you tell me what exactly are Beowulf missions Lieutenant Quincy?

-Sabotage, infiltration and tactical support, sir.

-Sabotage... Inf.... He paused for a moment. Lieutenant Quincy I see here that your unit Beowulf Cage 2 is quite different from the others.

As he reviewed the cage's specifications and its service record, Quincy grew increasingly impatient. He glanced discreetly at the clock to his left and tried not to tap his foot.

-Lieutenant Quincy. From what I've seen, Beowulf batalion is doing a remarkable job as a whole.

-That's because we are the best. He said proudly.

-Really? Better than the ducal marines? Asked the old general.

-Best for the type of mission the Duchy is willing to entrust to us.

His way of dodging the question brought a small, discreet smile to the general's face, who turned the pages of the report and continued.

-Lieutenant Quincy I'm going to stop beating around the bush. Your "Cage" as you call it is the batalion unit that has suffered the most losses in the last 10 months. What do you have to say ablout that?

He stood silently with his hands crossed behind his back without saying a word.

-Lieutenant, I'm talking to you. The old man insisted.

-They died because they got killed. He answered simply.

-What's all that? Another officer in the room said. I remind you that on your last mission you lost 23 of your men. They died under your command. How do you intend to explain such a disaster?

Quincy slowly turned his head in his direction.

-I don't remember committing any friendly fire in the last 10 months so again I tell you they died because they were killed by the enemy.

-You dirty little...

-Come to the point Colonel, you have a busy schedule. Quincy added.

-What he's trying to say, Steinberg finally speaking as he lit a cigar. It's not so much that he holds you responsible for the loss of your men, but that your actions are the direct consequence of it.

-I have a better wording than that, General Steinberg. Added the old general sitting next to him. Your men died because you constantly took reckless risks. When you look at it, it's as if you put your own ego before the mission.

-Yes, what do you have to say in your defense? Added the colonel.

"Waste of time." Quincy thought to himself. He scanned the room, almost none of the heads came to mind and it seemed like General Steinberg was leaving him to fend for himself.

-You say I act out of ego to the detriment of the mission. So can you explain to me why my unit has accomplished all the missions it has been assigned to?

His question, although pertinent, did not cool the ardor of the prosecution.

"That's not what this is about," the colonel shouted, pounding his fist.

-In that case I rephrase. Do you really think that the missions I was assigned could have been accomplished without any losses? Do you really think that it was virtually possible for me to fight with the least possible risk? If so I am curious to know what plan you would have implemented in my place.

-You little pretentious person.

-Calm down, Colonel DaSilva. Said the old man.

-G... General Grandalk.

-I hope to see the part of the plan where our enemies don't shoot at us.

-That's enough, Lieutenant. Steinberg cut in.

The interview continued for a good hour, testing Enrico's patience, but it ended without much of a hitch. Quincy remained calm and composed as he knows how to do.

-Good. Grandalk concluded. This concludes the interview with Second Lieutenant Quincy. We will contact you again to discuss the future of Spearhead.


He saluted and headed towards the exit.

-This kid is as pretentious as his master.

-The Doberman. Like birds of a feather flock together.

Rico quickened his pace, but not because he didn't want to hear their gossip, but because he seemed genuinely in a hurry to get out of this building.

-Hm. What did you think Grandalk? Steinberg asked the old general.

-Concretely? He didn't give me any reason to hold him back any longer. Nor did he get upset despite his obvious need to leave the room.

-I told you that the case was not solid.

-Certainly. Added the General. But his losses are significant and that despite his successes. The goal here is to limit the losses among our elite troops. If we do not find a way to temper this impetuous commander very quickly, we will undoubtedly have to disband his unit.

-Disband? Why not just relieve him of command?

-Haha Lino. He said laughing. You really thought I was that nice.

-EXCUSE ME. Said a voice from outside.

A woman burst into the room so abruptly that both men nearly had a seizure.

-But you are....

-Major Carolina Barclay sir, head of the Bureau of Domestic issue and i come up with a proposition concerning the future of spearhead. 

-how do you Know about that litttle girl ? Asked Steinberg

-Please go ahed. Insist Grandalk, you made me very curious. 

Once outside the building Rico put his motorcycle in and started to ride home in defiance of the highway code. He had undone the buttons of his jacket and was putting full throttle towards the exit of Aether. Indeed the Quincy mansion was a few kilometers outside the city and the young officer seemed in a hurry to get there. After about half an hour of travel he arrived home in a rush parked the motorcycle right in front of the stables. He ran inside the house without greeting anyone.

-Master Quincy you....

-Later Annette.

He rushed into his room and once there found nothing. He then went around all the rooms upstairs and then went down to the ground floor. Obviously he was looking for someone but who? Who could attract the attention of this young man so much? He left the mansion out of breath and looked around. Suddenly he found himself tackled to the ground violently he struggled and managed to turn around. He quickly realized that his mysterious attacker was a wolf with red fur. Except that he was even more surprised especially since he knew the wolf.


Above him was a young girl with silver hair and a hard look. Her skin was black and she wore a poncho and a hat on her head. In her hand was a revolver and she stared at Rico.


-It's too late.

Year 1918, December 25th. Shortly after the destruction of the airship and the charge of the Dukam in the North. The members of Beowulf were all scattered because of the recent case of friendly fire. Among them was Sergeant Quincy was trying to get his bearings in the middle of the chaos. He was on the trail of a sniper when he came face to face with a man.

-Ally. Ally. The man shouted.

-Fuck. Name, rank and unit. Quincy demanded.

-Sergeant Alec Noin. I'm with the mechanized infantry unit led by Lieutenant lancell.

-One of the princess's men huh. Enrico Quincy I am with Lord Cailum but we got separated. 

-Are you on the trail of the shooter from earlier?

-The one who Shoot at Lady Arianne? There's a good chance he's nearby.

A cracking sound rang out in the bushes and they immediately stood on guard

-What was that? Noin asked.

-I don't know but it was growling. Quincy said.

-Humans don't growl.

-I never said it was human.

-Come on, we have to move before we're...

He didn't have time to finish his sentence before a wolf jumped out of the bushes, roaring. Panicked, Noin opened fire but missed. Quincy fired several shots but on the ground, which had the effect of scaring the beast away.

-Come on, let's get out.

The two men began to run through the forest to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the animal.

-Why didn't you blow his brains out? Noin asked.

-Red fur is rare, and I shoot people, not animals.

As they dashed through the trees Quincy noticed a rifle scope flashing in the sunlight.

-HEad down.

A shot rang out but the bullet hit one of the trees. The two men took cover behind a tree trunk. Good news for them, they seemed to have lost the wolf. But they were now trapped.

-The amateur forgot to place his back to the sun. Quincy said.

-Damn, how do we get out of here?

Just as he was wondering this they saw another group of 3 soldiers approaching the hill where the shooter was.

-Hey. Get down. Noin shouted.

A shot rang out and one of them fell to the ground, hit in the heart. The other two took cover behind some trees.

-Damnhunter. He's using his animal to lure us into his shooting range. Alec said. He is taking us lightly.

-Alec. One of the men shouted from behind the tree. Alec Noin?

-Who is asking?

-It's me. Patrick. Your little brother.

-Pa... Patrick? You idiot what are you doing here are you supposed to be with the other prisoners?

-What do you think I'm doing here? Hiking in the snow.

-Shut up, both of you. Quincy yelled. We have to stop that sniper before he takes us all down.

-Ok but do you have a plan? Patrick asked.

Quincy communicated the rest by hand signals.

-"Prevent him from changing position with suppressive fire. I'll flank him and take him down."

-Are you crazy? Alec said.

-I'm the smallest so the hardest to hit. He said as he took off all his gear leaving only his white t-shirt as a top. And I'm also very fast so it should be fine.

-Remind me of your rank again?

-My father is a noble.

-I didn't say anything.

Armed with a knife and a gun he was ready to go.

Another shot rang out and the 3 wolves start firing. Suppression fire is a basic maneuver used today by all trained modern armies. It consists of overwhelming the enemy with a volley of fire to force him to stop. They don't need to be precise, there just needs to be enough of them. In parallel, another team will go around the pinned enemy and take care of his case from the flank. That's exactly what Quincy did. He ran fast, extremely fast while slaloming between the trees while the other 3 continued their volley of fire until they fell dry. One of them was still hit in the arm but it was already enough. Once at the top of the hill, Quincy found nothing except tracks in the snow leading to a cave. Like a tunnel rat he began his journey to the bottom of the cave in complete darkness with nothing at all to light his way. He nevertheless saw a source of light that seemed to be a fire but just as he got closer he felt a presence and took a step back. Quincy was now in complete darkness caught in contact with an unknown enemy. He fired several shots but not seeing much he missed his target while he had already had his arm and thigh slashed. He also lose his pistol in the process and then ran towards the exit, but his assailant chased him. He suddenly stopped and turned around with a roundhouse kick. That said he was surprised to see his assailant avoid him and he was able to verify his identity himself.

-A little girl?

She dodged the kick and jumped at his throat ready to cut it. Quincy did his best to contain her but she was in a mad rage.

-Damn, what strength.

He resigned himself to stopping her by headbutting her which made her back up a few steps before following up with a kick in the abdomen and knocking her out with his fist in the temple. The other 3 soldiers eventually reached the top of the hill and found Quincy crouching next to the body of the kid who had not yet completely lost consciousness.

-Fuck... A child? Alec said, dejected. Those filthy rebels don't hesitate to use children as fighters.

-Maybe... Patrick said... Maybe we didn't give them a choice.

-The Elysians. She whispered. I have to kill the Elysians. Again... And always more... Otherwise... Dad... Mom... My brother. They will...

-Tch. They brainwashed her. Alec said.

He approached where the kid's rifle was. It had clearly been destroyed by suppressive fire. Alec examined it...

-What a marvel. Even us don't have one as well built...

A gunshot rang out and everyone stood on guard. But it wasn't the girl. Alec was shot in the abdomen. Before he could even realize what was happening a bullet hit him in the head and he collapsed to the ground.

-ALEC. His brother shouted as he rushed towards him.

As he was about to throw himself at his brother, Quincy tackled him to the ground, saving him from the third shot that went over their heads.

-Haha. Well done Blanka. The girl said before falling unconscious.

-Alec. Alec... Alec.

Quincy held Patrick on the ground as he watched his brother bleed out. But his gaze was fixed on the little girl who had fainted with a smile on her lips. What could possibly make her happy at a time like this? Luckily for them, reinforcements were not far away and an artillery barrage made the sniper retreat. The entire squad managed to return home. Alec miraculously survived his injuries but ended up paraplegic. Patrick left the regular army to join Beowulf's ranks and Quincy returned home with the little "savage girl" he brought back from the front. Today, it is estimated that Lynx's Snipers killed between 250 and 1200 people. Blanka the shooter is still hunt by the Duchy Bureau of Domestic Issue.

Back to the present year 1021, April 27 Enrico Quincy 20 years old returns from a mission abroad when he finds himself attacked by a wolf in the courtyard of his mansion. The young girl who was watching him from a height with a revolver in her hand was the "savage" he had brought home 3 years earlier.

-Damn, are you going to let me go?

-Is that all you have to say in your defense? She said in an icy voice.

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

She armed her gun and pointed it at him. Rico's eyes widened. This wasn't a joke, he was going to die. No, he was going to die. At least that's what he thought. The girl just shot wide, the wolf stopped agitating him and started licking his face.

-Rico. She said, all happy.

She threw herself on him lying on the ground and gave him a hug.

-Damn you scared me you know. I thought you were going to kill me.

-That's all you deserve, you idiot. You should have been here for 3 days now. You know i can't stay for long I have to get on the next boatby tomorrow.

She stood up and cleaned her poncho. Rico straightened up and began to pet the beast. The girl, on the other hand, pulled a face. Enrico smiled, pulled her and hugged her tightly against his chest.

-Hey, I'm fine. He said in a soft voice. I'm home...

To be continued....