The case of Aisha Rashford is quite special. Indeed, among the people who fought in the Northern crisis, she is not cited or mentioned anywhere. Could this be due to the lack of information on the exact number of fighters? Most of them provided contradictory testimonies again and again just for the pleasure of mitigating the investigation reports. Some were tortured, some cracked and leaked information but nothing that the Elysion intelligence service could not obtain with a standard investigation. In the end, the only people able to confirm that Aisha was indeed a fighter, that is to say the Lynx unit considered by the secret services as a top priority, Seb and his close circle. All those people reported missing, including the sniper named Blanka whose head was put at a price with the highest bounty. Currently the only person able to confirm that Aisha Tulipe Rashford was indeed an enemy fighter was...
-Go to hell, Elysion dog.
Second Lieutenant (Sergeant back then) Enrico Quincy. Young Aisha was now living under his roof as a "guest" and there were two reasons for this. The first was her appearance, Aisha had black skin and silver hair, a rare form of Albinism for her people considered a curse. Even if he brought her back to her people she would have been rejected or worse. In addition it would be a waste of her incredible talent for shooting. The second being that his master Lord Cailum explicitly ordered him and this at the request of his own mother, to find and bring back safe and sound all the members of the Rashford family. The Year was 1019 Quincy estate, the young nco was sitting in the courtyard near his apple tree to which he had chained the young girl. He stared at her with fascination as she struggled.
-You can start by telling me your name at least.
-My name is fuck you.
The only description he had received was that Sergeant Major Rashford's children both had silver hair, and that one of them was a girl. He had to learn Jeritza in order to speak to her, alas she had a strong temper.
-We're not making any progress here, tell me your name and I'll let you go.
-Why are you tying me up, you pervert? Does it amuse you to see me like this?
-If you continue to behave like an animal, I will behave like one. I have a mission and I will fulfill it at all costs. He replied dryly.
-Ha a mission? For the crown I suppose. How many villages are you going to burn this time?
-Haha very funny. No it's a personal request from my master that's all.
-Oh. She said, arching an eyebrow. You have a master. Do you wag your tail in front of him too when he calls you? Reassure me, you don't wipe his ass, I hope.
He kicked the apple tree which left a deep boot mark as he glared at her. Aisha felt intimidated for the first time in his presence.
-Be careful what you say about Lord Cailum. I have no tolerance for those who speak ill of him.
She swallowed and he took off his boot. To him it was a waste of time, but as he was about to leave she said:
-Cailum? As in Zell Cailum, Arianne's fiancée?
Quincy immediately turned around and came to crouch down in front of her.
-There you interest me.
Aisha was not very talkative and above all she was extremely aggressive towards the staff of the mansion, refusing to eat and saving the food that the servants brought her.
-Lord Quincy, this is inhuman. His maid told him.
-Quite the opposite. Since she refuses to act like a normal person. It is forbidden to feed her until she understands the importance of food.
At the same time, the young man continued his investigation. It must be said that the name Rashford was not very widespread among the Jeritza* and often led to a false trail. Which made his work difficult.
Ndt: The inhabitants of Jericho in the north and also the name of their people.
-Are you investigating their leader's family? Ophelia had asked him.
-Seb? He's probably dead, no one knows where he is.
-Nope nope. She said, putting a file on the table. I'm talking about the current face of the rebellion.
Quincy took it and looked at the picture
-Elias Tigris Rashford. I remember that man. A real tough guy. And now I understand why.
As he was talking to her Zell came out of the next room in a bathrobe and a book in his hand. Quincy stood up and saluted him by placing his fist on his left shoulder like a knight would.
-Müller you must greet the Commander.
-Leave her alone, Quincy. She's never been very formal and that's fine with me. Is the mission I gave you going well?
-You will not be disappointed Lord Cailum.
Zell didn't even look at him and simply said.
-I know Rico. I know.
Ophelia was also in a bathrobe, gave him a mean smile and took a glass of Whiskey. Officially within the clan Quincy had the role of right-hand man and Müller had the role of Bodyguard, in reality it was Müller the right-hand man and Quincy who was the henchman.
-Come on, doggie. Run.
He gave her a threatening look that she didn't care about and then he left the room calmly without making a fuss. But deep down he had doubts.
-Arianne's death has affected him deeply, that's for sure. I just hope that witch doesn't take advantage of it.
So Quincy went to the military prison where the face of the rebellion was. He went there with a group of 5 other people, all experts in the art of combat. But the subject was strangely cooperative. Rico felt more like he was talking to a doting grandpa than the monster who had pierced his shoulder with a machete. That said, he got a very precise description that matched the young girl he was keeping in his garden.
-Aisha T. Rashford huh. That's what her name is.
So Quincy went hunting. By activating his connections within the clan and that of the army. He quickly found his first target, Nabila Rashford. Sergeant Major Rashford's wife, Since she has fragile health she was his top priority, he found her in an old camp where the sick were piled up waiting to die. Quincy got her out of there without anyone even saying anything and brought her to the Cailum mansion where Gilda Cailum was waiting for him. The reunion between the two women was quite disturbing for him. It was as if she had found a missing sister.
-I think I'm startingto understand the nature of this request. He thought.
The second target was the son of Staff Sergeant Omar Rashford who was being held in a youth detention camp that was actually being used as an indoctrination center. Quincy just had to show the Galathea crest and the kid was handed over to him without any paperwork or procedure. Young Adrian Rashford was disoriented but he quickly got used to the place especially when he came into contact with Bell Cailum and Robert Decken 2, who were about the same age.
-I talked to this Adrian the other day. That kid is smart. He could prove to be an asset later on. Zell explained to Quincy. If possible I'd like the CSS* to assign him some guards.
Ndt: As a reminder, the CSS is the clan's security service which only takes care of the security of the most important members.
-Are you serious? Wouldn't it be a waste of resources already...
-Executors like you have trouble understanding the long-term vision. Ophelia said. Don't argue with orders, obey.
-That's enough Ophelia. Zell said irritated. No one authorized you to give your opinion.
As usual Quincy said nothing and just left the room in silence. But once outside he clenched his fist in anger.
-He calls her by her first name now. How close have these two become? He growled inwardly.
The next target was not easy to find. Nahel Keith Rashford. If Seb had not been officially identified, this one is at the top of the potential suspects. Worse, he is even the man most hated by Beowulf because of his attack on the airship during the mission in the North. Looking for such an individual without arousing suspicion was a very difficult task, so Quincy had to use only the Clan network. After interrogating and torturing former comrades of Seb, he heard from one of his contacts that the majority of the fighters had been transferred to the continent of Ascheritz in the Republic of Regalia to serve a sentence of forced labor. Among the unfortunates was his 4th target, former Staff Sergeant Omar Rashford. Quincy did not give him that much priority and simply decided to ignore him.
-I would just have to say that he is dead.
Quincy returned home with a score of 2/5, claiming that the search was still ongoing. But Zell no longer had any interest in this mission, so he could now breathe. That day, Quincy joined Aisha at the back of his yard. As usual, she was chained to the apple tree with her mean look, but she seemed to be in pretty good health. Quincy walked forward with his hands in his pockets, he had a holster with a revolver on his belt and on the other thigh one with a combat knife, yet he was dressed in a simple shirt and pants.
-7 days. He said simply. It takes 7 days for an adult man deprived of food to waste away and end up on the verge of death or even dead. He crouched down in front of her. You are barely 14 years old and it's been a month since I deprived you of food, but you are even healthier than the day I left you.
-Hm maybe because I'm stronger than you think.
-Strong you say. You think you're strong.
-Do you think you impress me, the paper soldier? Untie me and I'll show you.
Rico stood up and snapped his fingers. Six servants showed themselves, all young girls, and lined up in the courtyard facing him.
-I expressly ordered that you receive no meals until you understand the lesson. But apparently one of them disobeyed me. I don't know which one, so I'll have to punish one of them as an example.
He drew his revolver and pointed it at Aisha who stared at him defiantly.
-Do you think you scare me?
-Nah... Nah, you're not afraid of anything, right?
A gunshot rang out but Quincy didn't shoot Aisha, instead aiming at a maid. The bullet hit her in the leg and she collapsed to the ground.
-Master Quincy. They shouted.
-Don't move. He ordered
The dry tone he used made them freeze instantly. Aisha couldn't believe his eyes and was shocked at the way he was treating them.
-But... But... You bastard, you're messed up in your head.
-Tell me which one fed you and I'll stop.
-They are your servants, why are you doing this, you psychopath?
-They disobeyed me, I punished them, that's how it works. Isn't that right Lorelle?
He shot another one right in the shoulder and she collapsed holding her arm after letting out a cry of pain.
-Stop it. Aisha screamed.
-What for? They are Elysians after all. Their lives mean little to you.
-Don't hurt them, you bastard, or I swear...
She tried to break her chains but she couldn't.
-Tell me the name or they all go there.
-They didn't do anything to deserve this. They were all nice to me so why...
-Was it you Anaïs? I can feel you shaking, it's you, right? I should aim for the head.
-Stop it.
He shot the maid right in the heart, knocking her to the ground.
-A name young lady a name. He said uncompromisingly.
-It was all of them. It was all of them. She shouted twice.
Quincy put his gun away and stared at the girl who had burst into tears.
-Please stop. At first I didn't want to, but they kept insisting. She said crying. How could I refuse such kindness? I beg you, stop.
Quincy comes back to her again and takes out the key to the handcuffs before freeing her.
-Look at you, you're pathetic. You're crying hot tears for strangers. So your hatred of the Elysians was a hoax?
-Shut up. She shouted. One thing is for sure, I hate you.
She lunged at him to grab him but he kicked her away and she fell to the ground.
-That's enough, you guys can get up. He said.
The 3 servants who had found themselves on the ground suddenly got up splashed by a reddish liquid. Aisha gave them a more than shocked look.
-What... What...
-You're right. They are nice. But above all, they make great actresses.
They bowed, holding the dress, to respectfully greet.
-You didn't kill them?
-What are you crazy? You think it's easy to get away with murder in this country? Your parents didn't educate you about howa state of law work, it's obvious.
-Don't talk my parents, you...
-Shut up, you brat, you can't even write your own name.
-I... I don't need to write already. She said before pouting with her eyes.
-Aisha Tuliple Rashford. That's what your father called you, right?
-How do you know my name?
-The Tulip is currently my favorite flower, it is a sign of ardent passion and intense love. The perfect symbol for those who never give up.
For the first time she looked at Quincy with a slightly more admiring and non-threatening look. He stopped staring at her harshly and sighed.
-Go, you're free now. He said, giving her a piece of paper. You can go, I'm not holding you back. Your family is at this location, it's indicated on the map.
-Are you... making fun of me?
-But first go take a bath, you stink like a dead rat.
-You son of....
In the end Rico freed Aisha and returned to his case to find the remaining members of the Rashfords. His investigation led him to several dead ends, the biggest being a Tarkovian half-breed named Dimitri Noah who refused to talk until the end. That day, as he had finished sorting through his sources, Quincy was walking down the stairs of the Home Office, staring into a file when he suddenly felt a presence behind him.
-sergent Quincy....
A blond man, two heads taller than him and with an imposing build. This man was none other than Friedrich Lineberg.
-You... You are...
-I heard you're moving heaven and earth to find members of the Rashford family.
-How did you do it?... Ah yes, Chief Siegfried.
-The one called Omar is currently in Regalia engaged in a civil war. They had to mobilize the workers due to lack of manpower.
-Yes, I already knew that.
Friedich just looked down at him and he felt a shiver run down his spine.
-Ahem I mean... With all due respect I already knew that. The one I'm interested in is the eldest son. Nahel Keith Rashford.
Friedich stared at Quincy intently for a moment, then retracted his gaze by simply raising his head.
-Ah, that one, he said. I killed him. He announced dryly.
Quincy was partly shocked by the news and didn't even know how to react.
-I... I didn't know. It's not mentioned in any report Lord.
-BTO* reports are censored in Quincy black ink. You of all people should know that.
Ndt: Beowulf Tactical Operations.
He then walked away leaving Rico perplexed. But if it was Lineberg who said it he had no reason to doubt. That evening it was raining cats and dogs, Quincy had come home early and was enjoying a nice big rare steak. While he was enjoying his meal the doorbell rang. A maid took care of it but one of them came to find him in his office.
-Lord Quincy you should come see this.
Normally he would have sent her away but when he saw the silver-haired girl enter his office with her body soaking wet he lost his fork.
-Tell me I'm dreaming.
The girl wore a shy expression and looked away.
-I... I don't know how to read a map. She said. I don't have a good knowledge of the language yet. i don't know how to interpret the sign on the street and I may have killed someone. Well, not killed, but hit. He wanted to touch my hair and I don't like that. She continued timidly. I also tried to kill Arianne. I could never live in the same house as her fiancée.
Quincy had his jaw open in shock at seeing her in his house, but he calmed down and gave an amused smile. He just pushed his plate on the table and just asked her...
-Do you want some?
End of chapter