Nectarines and Honey (69)

Just as Caeli had suspected, Bat found her just after she left the kitchen.

"How do you always know where I am?", she chuckled as he fell into step beside her. She gave him a loving scratch."I have something for you.", she said slyly.

Bat wagged his tail happily.

"Perhaps once we are to the room though, I'm waning, and quickly, my dear friend.", she said woozily.

Bat, seeming to understand, swept her off of her feet and carried her back to her room.


Raven stood quietly in the garden.

It appeared that Caeli had chosen not to visit the fountain this day.

He stood in the twilight and lifted his head to the sky to relish the breeze.

He heard the rustle of leaves all around him, some clinging by a thread to their branches in preparation of falling.

The scent of honey floated to him and her image was brought to mind.

"Caeli.", he said with a soft sigh. He closed his eyes, his snout to the air. Involuntarily seeking out spots in the wind more heavily laden with the scent.

He caught a particularly sweet breeze. A low growl rumbled from deep in his chest and become a strangled moan.

Suddenly Caeli was in front of him, a long white dress flowing behind her. Her long hair loose around her, she looked like an angel.

"An angel of mercy.", Raven said aloud, in a hardly audible whisper.

Just as he did so, she reached out her good hand, the other hugged close to her body and holding the loose fabric of her dress in place.

"Mercy from the loneliness.", Raven whispered again, his voice cracking with emotion. He swallowed hard, working around an enormous lump in his throat.

The sight of her caused his heart to swell to painful proportions.

For so long, he had been alone. Even in the beginning. Even when his mother had pretended to be there. Even Coruscare had abandoned him that day.

No one to turn to or confide in.

No one to stay by his side in the dark.

No one to provide comfort from the nightmares.

A person that could make the darkness a place of solace instead of a prison.

He reached a clawed hand out to intertwine with hers. Caeli's fingers so small in comparison that they became lost in his clutches.

He felt her press her body against his and he thought how he could stay forever this way. Embraced in her warmth and light.

She smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers. Her smell engulfing him. Now nectarine combined with the honey. The smell was intoxicating.

"My lord?", Einar asked hesitantly.

Raven stood, his fisted claw pressed against his chest, his head bowed.

He sat silent and unmoving for a few moments before opening his eyes and turning to Einar.

"Yes?", he asked coolly.

"It seems our lady has made her way to the kitchen today. I am told of her kindness and humor. And good taste in food.", Einar said slowly, unsure of what he had interrupted.

When Einar had initially approached, the lords eyes had gone dark, the red orbs having disappears red.

He knew the kings eyes to be closed but found himself unsure of why he'd do so in the middle of the garden.

Raven nodded.

"Einar, you needn't report on her.', he said turning to see that a handful of workers had begun to collect the ripened nectarines from their trees.

Einar lifted a brow.

"I apologize my lord, I assumed you'd be interested in that sort of information.", Einar said giving a bow.

Raven shook his head and swatted a claw at the butler.

"Of course I am. I ache to know every little thing she does. How she feels. What she is thinking.", he said with a rough tone, frustrated with himself.

He noticed a buzzing sound nearby. He turned his gaze in the direction he heard it from and blew a sardonic sigh. He watched as one of the castle hands, covered in protective garb, harvested honey from one of the many boxes they kept on the grounds.

Einar nodded in understanding.

"Would you rather I did not tell you or tell you despite the circumstance?", Einar asked softly. "If it brings you joy my lord, you should afford yourself that. I understand that you are trying to keep your distance, assuredly for her sake, but there is no harm in listening. Knowing.", he said comfortingly.

Raven gave a small shake of his head.

If only the butler-general could understand.

If he had seen the look on Caeli's face, he certainly would have.

The heartache there.

It haunted Raven still.

"Can you ensure that things for the Festival are in place? I am expecting company in a fortnight or so.", Raven asked, attempting diversion.

Einar allowed it.

"Yes, of course my lord.", Einar said, bowing before disappearing and leaving his master to stand alone in the garden.