A world where mythical creatures ruled the land. Where humans and magic beings sometimes worked harmoniously together, and other times, quite the opposite. A world where spirits could be helpers of the household or powerful enough to bring the dead back to life. Where elves could be as tall as the tallest man or as small as a human child. Where plants grew tenaciously despite human interference, some possessing the ability to heal burns in an instant while others could kill a horse with just one drop of its essence. A world in which some fish could fly and some birds lived in the depths of volcanoes.
In a world of pure magic and uniqueness there lived an extremely average woman.
At the age of 25, Caeli was the most ordinary person that existed. At least she believed so. With long auburn hair, tan skin, and chocolate brown eyes, she felt she was the most ordinary being to walk the planet.
She would lead an ordinary existence until the day she died.
Or so she thought.
Until one day when a horde of angry villagers cast her out of her home and she begins a journey to find a place where she belongs. On her journey she will discover things about herself she never knew, make friends she has never had, and meet the most powerful dragons known to the world she was born into.
Suddenly immersed in a world of magic, go with Caeli to places unknown, discover a love forbidden and a magic forgotten.