
Chapter 1

The gang meets

The one in the motorcycle had short and curly platinum blonde hair and was wearing a black leather jacket with a cherry on the back that was also a bomb and on the bottom of the Jacket read the words 'cherry bomb', she had dark sunglasses and dark red lipstick on as well as red leather booty shorts.

The one in the Bentley was a rich girl with long dark brown hair that went past her waist and had strands of red highlights in it. She wore a white polo underneath with a long sleeve light blue sweater over it along with a short white skirt that met the middle part of her thighs. She wore black combat boots to finish the look and knee high white socks to match her skirt.

The one in the mustang had dirty blonde hair with very short bangs in the front that didn't even reach the middle part of her forehead. She had on a white shirt with beige pants and a leather brown belt along with some brown boots and a cigarette in her hand.

They all eventually would wind up sitting next to one another at the gym while the principal talked about the schools rules and regulations. In The gym the vice principal started taking attendance and giving everyone their schedules for the school year. The three girls sat next to each other quiet and awkward as they kept looking at one another.

"Lisa? Is lisa here please stand up and say a little something about yourself"

"I'm Lisa and one thing about myself is that I like cars"

"Go figure would you look at the way she dresses?" one of the girls next to her whispered as she continued to giggle

"Excuse me? What did you just say about me?" Lisa said in a stern and demanding voice, but the room stayed silent as she began to sit back down.

After a moment of silence the principal continued.

"Cherri? is there a Cherri here?"

"Yes sir. Hi everyone I'm Cherri and I like cherries" Cherri said in a goofy manner as she smiled and sat back down in her seat.

"And a luvbi"

"Here! Hi I'm luvbi and my dad probably owns every one of your families businesses" luvbi said in a shallow manner and an enthusiastic tone."

After the assembly was over Lisa still wanted to know who said that comment about her and she had an idea of who it was.

"Hay! Luvbi is that your name don't ever talk shit about me like that again you don't even know me" Lisa said leaving immediately with a hand to her face as she walked away without giving luvbi even a chance to say something back.