As luvbi watched Lisa walk away she stomped away angered and frustrated. The girls went to go see their dorms and who their roommates will and as you could guess it was all three of them. Lisa in the same room as luvbi spells trouble. Will they learn to get over that little episode in the gym or will they become enemies?
While the girls settled into their dorms they didn't say a word to each other. Cherri's side had well cherry bombs on the wall and posters of motley crew over her bed frame. She hung up her gold medals on a rack from when she was gymnastics. Lisa had books on her nightstand while the rest of her side was just plain. Luvbi had pageant awards hanging on the corner of her bed frame and a crown from when she won miss October.
These girls were really different but their influence on one another is what makes their stories so interesting. So let's get right into it.
When Cherri left the room to get some water From the vending machine, Lisa decided to take that opportunity to talk to luvbi about what happened earlier. She explained that if they were going to be roommates then it's best that they all become friends. Luvbi agreed and decided to start over on their relationship.
"I know a way we can get to know each other. With a little card game called 'for the girls' but let's wait for Cherri to come back." Luvbi said in a worried tone that this might not go well
As Cherri walked into the room Lisa and luvbi were sitting across from another with the card game in between them.
"hay what are you guys playing mind if I join" Cherri said in a chill toned voice
"We're gonna play for the girls to try and get to know one another" Lisa said with the biggest smile on her face.
"Alright so what do we get? Ooh ok Truth or dare? Cherri truth or dare?"
"Truth" Cherri said excited
"Have you ever had sex with more than one person at once?" Lisa said, starting to feel tense but excited.
"Ok I don't like to brag about this but there was a time when I was still in highschool and this guy I met on tinder came over and he brought his friend. Well let's just say he was not there to just sit back and eat chips" Cherri said embarrassed but cracking up a little bit as her face became red.
"Wait wait let's make a rule before we continue everything said in this circle stays in this circle" luvbi said as she was trying to make a promise between the three of them
"Deal!" They all said at once
The first day went great even though the beginning was a little rocky the girls seemed to patched things up pretty quickly probably because they didn't know each other so it was easy to do that. The only time the girls will be able to see one another would be before school, lunch, and after school for they all were going after different jobs.
While the girls were in their room they all were occupied with something. Lisa was lying on her bed reading a book, luvbi was chatting with her boyfriend over FaceTime and Cherri was watching the 2012 London gymnastics olympics.
"Alright baby I have to go and start getting ready for bed now" luvbi said to her boyfriend sleepy with her eyes almost completely closed
"How about you get ready right now while I'm still on FaceTime and I can watch" Luvbi's boyfriend Nate said to her.
"Nate! My roommates are here" Luvbi said embarrassed but a little turned on.
After the FaceTime call ended the girls asked each other about what job they wanted and the goals they wished they could achieve one day.
Cherri wants to be a psychiatric nurse and help people. Her goal is to come up with a cure for depression as she has struggled with some in the past.
Luvbi wants to be a flight attendant. Her goal is to travel the world before she dies.
And Lisa wants to be a singer. Her goal is to find the love of her life.