
Chapter 4

Luvbi left before 12:00 and went straight over to her boyfriend's dorm where she would be for the rest of the day and possibly the night. Cherri will be able to stay with Lisa for the day but at night she had plans to hangout with her other biker friends at an Abandoned house.

The bell rang at 2:00 and the girls were finally done. When they reached their dorm they got so distracted with their homework they didn't notice luvbi was even gone.

When Cherri finished first she scanned around the room for when she finally realized she wasn't there and asked Lisa.

"She's probably went out with her boyfriend Cherri she told us this morning that she was going to" Lisa said studying her book at the same time

"I know I just figured it might be later tonight" Cherri said back with a look that made it look like she had a question she wanted to ask.

Cherri lies on her bed sighing out in relief that her homework was done for the day as she let her eyes wander around the room until she laid them on her nightstand that she put a motorcycle replica on. Staring intently at it for a moment she had an idea.

" hay Lisa, do we have a name for our group yet?"

"No. Do we need one?" Lisa responded

"Well I think it could be cool" Cherri responded

"What idea did you come up with?" Lisa asked

"The Bikers" Cherri told Lisa with the biggest smile on her face as she looked up at the ceiling

"The bikers?! Ok ok. You know what, it's kinda catchy I like it. We will tell luvbi when she comes home if she comes home."

From this day forward Cherri, Lisa, and Luvbi will be formally known as The Bikers.

Dusk began to fall and Cherri started to get ready to leave in a little bit when Luvbi came home with booze in her purse.

"Hay girls look what I got" luvbi said mischievously as she pulled out white wine from her purse.

"Why wouldn't you grab like vodka or something girl?" Cherri said, smirking a little bit as she grabbed the bottle from luvbi's hands.

"So what did you do all day?" Lisa asked Luvbi

"Well first me and Nate went straight to his house we're we had a little date and watched a movie together then um.." Luvbi blanked out for a little bit as some of the memories and things that he did to her came rushing back. "Um.. we had some wine.. we had some wine from his parents liquor cabinet."

"Oh that seems like fun" Lisa continued to say with a small frown on her face and a question ringing in her head.

"Oh oh we need to tell you something" Cherri said excitedly while she grabbed Luvbi and Lisa's hand and they sat down in a circle.

"So I was in my bed just looking around the room when I came up with an idea to call our group" Cherri said to Luvbi

"Does Lisa know it too?" Luvbi asked

"Ya she was here when I got the idea" Cherri responded.

"Ok so what is, now I'm getting excited" Luvbi asked as she started to smile.

"The Bikers" Cherri said as she opened up her hands making a rainbow motion as she said the name smiling.

All at once the girls both started screaming in a high pitched and giggly way as they lured themselves each a glass of wine.

"Cheers. Here's to The Bikers. Here's to our new found friendship and to years of happiness" Lisa said with the biggest smile on her face.