When the girls woke up they stared at one another for a good minute. They knew exactly what was about to happen. Quickly they all ran to the bathroom.
"Let me through guys I got up first" luvbi said trying to squeeze in the door
"No way I got up so much earlier than you" Lisa replied
"If you guy up earlier than us than didn't you go then?" Cherri asked still trying to get into the door.
"I've dranken a lot of water since then" Lisa said in a quieter voice as Cherri is able to squeeze through the girls
"Ah and victory is mine" Cherri said floating in the cold and dark bathroom.
"How did you fit through there?" Luvbi asked while trying to catch her breath.
"Well being a gymnast for nine years will does that to your body, I'm as agile as a cat" Cherri said back to Luvbi as she closed to door behind her and went to the bathroom.
While the girls waited they got dressed for the school day and did there makeup. Lisa dressed in a fur coat and put a white cami on underneath it, she continued to slip on baggy khaki pants as well along with sunglasses which she hung from her shirt.
Luvbi put on a silk light pink shortsleeved shirt with black satin skin tight pants and black heeled ankle boots. She finished the look with a high ponytail.
"Alright all done" Cherri said all glammed up and ready to head out the door.
"Ya well we are too" Lisa said in a snarky remark.
"I agree it took you as long as it took us to get ready" Luvbi added trying to hold back a smile.
Cherri was wearing a dark red lipstick and a tight white cropped long sleeve shirt with a skirt that wasn't too tight but had roses along the skirt.
"You look like a Christian girl" Lisa made fun of Cherri as she was walking out the door as she smiled.
"Far from it my friend" Cherri added as she closed the door behind her.
After Cherri left Luvbi and Lisa also followed leaving for their next classes of the day and coincidently they were only 3 doors apart from one another.
Cherri and Luvbi suddenly got a text from Lisa talking about what they planned to do today with one another and Lisa suggested that they skip class and crash a party she knew her brother was having.
"Not now I'm in class" Luvbi responded to the text saying
"Your such a goody goody" Cherri added while also adding a emoji that meant she was joking around
"If I get in trouble my father will kill me" Luvbi warned Cherri
"It's fine we will cover for you, tell the teacher that you have a doctors appointment and that you have to leave me and Cherri will tell the teacher different things then we will meet up at the cafe." Lisa texted the girls.
It was planned the girls decided to skip class as risky and childish this was since they were no longer children and they should know better by now. That didn't stop them from having a great time though.
They met up at the cafe were They waited for Lisa's brother to arrive. Once he did the girls got in and was surprised when they saw another man in the car and immediately asked who this was.
"Oh everyone this is my boyfriend Nate" Luvbi said to the girls nervous of what their response would be.
"Why is he here him and my brother don't go to the same schools" Lisa whispered under her breath
"I texted him earlier in class when we were planning on ditching. I hope that's ok?" Luvbi asked Lisa a little worried
"It's totally fine" Cherri cut in saying...