"Cherri I'm so sorry will you please open up the door?" Lisa asked concerned
"No I was drunk I could've been raped if your brother wasn't there" Cherri said crying her eyes out.
"I know I'm sorry I should've thought of that but I didn't I won't ever leave you again I promise" Lisa continued trying to convince Cherri to come out of the bathroom
As Cherri opened the door she still kept the doorway closed off from Lisa and Luvbi entering it.
"How could you just leave me there to have sex with someone?" Cherri said a angrily but still upset.
"I know" Lisa said
"You know your brother mentioned something about how your mom wanted to see a therapist. And honestly it wouldn't a bad idea" Cherri said as her final statement
"If I see the therapist will you forgive me". Lisa asked
" Not entirely but it sure would help to know that your trying" Cherri said as she opened up her arms for Lisa
The two girls hugged and finally Luvbi jumped in and joined them. They all gathered on cherries bed and watched a movie. Then the girls went to a cafe and grabbed coffee. They looked online with luvbi's phone and look for tickets at a concert that they both liked. Marina and the Diamonds.
They went to the concert that at least lasted all night and made them tired as hell that they didn't even want to go to class the next morning. They had no choice and slept through most of the class, everyone except Luvbi of course. If her father found out that she not only skipped class but fell asleep in class she would be in a world
Of misery. When they got back to the dorm everyone just went straight to their beds. Lisa on the top bunk. Luvbi on the bottom and Cherri with her own bed leaning up against the wall across from theirs.
The rest of the days were kind of the same except when Luvbi's dad called to check in on her. He was the head of his own company so her reputation could hurt his if it wasn't well to do.
"Hi daddy" luvbi said with a fake smile on her face
"Hey sweet pea how's college going for you?"
"Good" Luvbi responded
"And your boyfriend Nate. How's he?" Luvbi's dad said back to her with one eyebrow raised as if Nate told him about the party two nights ago.
"Um good it's just that.. he and I..dad will you always be there for me no matter what?" Luvbi said as she was about to say something that would change her for life.
"Of course dear what's wrong. Is nate hurting you?"
"No no nothing like that" Luvbi continued to say as she looked back to see the girls watching her conversation contently on their beds.
"I'm pregnant" luvbi said as she started to look down in shame.
"You and Nate are done" Luvbi's dad added
"But daddy" Luvbi screamed at the iPad
"No. No buts do you have any idea what this can do to your and my reputation. A child before you were married that's vile." Luvbi's dad added making her feel bad
"Tomarrow after school I am scheduling you for an abortion."
Lisa and Cherri stared at each other with their jaws to the floor when her father suggested her to get an abortion.
"No I can't kill the baby. Please what if we staged me and Nate getting married or something" Luvbi pleaded
"That could jeoparnize my career are you insane?"
"No daddy" Luvbi said with the biggest frown on her face as she would have to killer her own child her first child.
"Good I'll have an appointment ready for you first thing when you get out. I hope you told Nate about this cause he's gonna need to take you" her father added
"I was going to tell him after I told you" Luvbi said in a quiet and dull voice as she ended the FaceTime call upset with her father.
No matter how tired the girls were they got off their bed to comfort Luvbi as she fell to the ground crying her eyes out. After she calmed down a little bit she got up to call her husband who took the upper hand and recommended that they got married. But when he was told she was getting an abortion even he fell to tears. It would be his first child too.