

This sparked a problem nate was not happy when he heard that she was getting a abortion and it caused problems in the relationship. fast forward to week after and all luvbi and Nate did was fight to sum it up he called her a child killer and she called him a bastard and that he just dosent understand the struggle of being a women and the pain that she will have to endure.

After the fight the two decided to go on a break, not breakup but just a little break.

nate and luvbi had no contact with one another for months and the girls comforted her the whole six months. what was nate doing the whole time? She wondered, she even tried to call him but he would not answer or respond to her voicemail. The girls even tried looking for him. Was he hurt? Was the question that they had running through their heads but would not say anything like that to luvbi, she probably had the same thought anyway.

The girls decided to get away from this whole thing for a while and concentrate on one another right now. They went to a local bar and ordered a private lounge so they would have to worry about any guys bugging them but not even five feet through the door and they were already stopped by someone, not a boy but a girl. She was small around 5'3 and had a medium figure with a golden brown tan and her eyes were hazel with her hair a ginger color, she was wearing a very small red crop top that showed off almost her whole chest and some green booty shorts. Beautiful almost like she had no imperfections what so ever.

she introduced herself to the girls,

" hi im vanessa who are you girls ive never seen your faces around here at all"

"were new comers, our friend is going trough a hard time right now so were just trying to keep her distracted" cherri budded in saying before lisa could speak

"hi cherri, oh I love that name are you the one with the boy troubles?"

"no thats me, im luvbi"

"oh well talk about right place right time I am an expert on boy troubles, rant away and I can see what I can do."

She never even let Lisa introduce herself to her the second she heard boy her ears pointed up like a dog who heard something outside.

The girls and Vanessa talked for hours on end until when she looked at her silver watch she saw that it was almost midnight and they had to get back to school before they get locked out of their dorm.

"so heres my number girls, call me anytime ok"

"ok and thank you so much for that advice" luvbi responded saying as she caught lisa giving her the glear of death as they walked out of the club.

when they made it back to the dorm their were flowers waiting for luvbi by the door, violets wrapped in a red silk string that was holding them together. And a card from nate saying 'im sorry for the way I acted, I realize that it wasn't very gentlemanly of me to do so and Im sorry that I didn't realize that what you would have to go through would be so damn painful, I hope you can forgive me, cafe tomorrow at 2:00?'

Tears ran across luvbis face after she got the message and a smile ran across her face. She was happy and as long as she was happy her friends were happy for her.