
True Love

After school luvbi went to go see Nate while Lisa and cherri went to a football game that there school was having, the girls were dressed and ready. The air was cold as December was approaching. The game was cutting it close with players getting knocked down, and bones being broken. You could hear them as they ran across grass because of how cold it was.

When the game was done an the boys sat on the benches one boy looked directly in cherries direction. This man was tall very tall like 6'2 kinda tall, broad shoulders and you could see his muscles through his jersey. Cherri looked back at him with her eyes filled with desire as she laid them on this chiseled god of a man. The boy walked up to her and introduced himself to cherri.

"hi im Sebastian"

"im cherri"

"oh I like that name"

"thank you, you did very good out there"

"well im still not better than some of those other guys out there"

"hay Sebastian get your ass down here were not done!" one of his coaches said calling for him

"Ok well I got to go but heres my number if you ever want to give me a call" Sebastian said as he wrote on her cold hand with black sharpie.

"maybe I will" cherri said teasing him as he made his way down to the field

"OH MY GOD!" lisa said ecstatic

" I know isn't he just the cutest and what a gentlemen"

the girls quickly rushed back to their dorms as snow began to fall they were sure they would get hypothermia for standing in the freezing cold like that and at what expense just so cherri could potentially meet the boy of her dreams? Yes thats exactly why.

When they got back to the dorm they caught luvbi and nate making out on her bed with the lights off. The two were startled as lisa and cherri came in, and their face turned red with embarrassment.

The girls and nate all sat in a circle on the floor as they talked about their amazing day all four of them had the brightest smile on their faces and twinkle in their colorful eyes. They sat so close to one another almost like they were a family of penguins trying to warm one another up.

Then they had nothing else to talk about they would play cards all night a variety of them too. Texas hold'em, poker, five crowns, and for the girls. The whole night was like they planned for this to happen but they didnt, after cards they decided to watch a walk to remember, and before it started lisa ran downstairs to grab some cookies and water. If only every night could be spent like this.