
As I watch Orochi storm away angrily from me, I walk back to my room and lay on my bed staring at the roof. Where is that fox girl when you need someone to talk to?

Father would give me advice in a situation like this. I would always go to him with my problems and he would make everything easier.

I turn onto my side and hug my legs to my chest. I feel so small and unimportant here.

No one knows me here in this terrifying demon world. I am not known by anyone because of that reason. I am not anyone significant like I was back in Japan. There is no important title for me here.

I start feeling tears in my eyes and the tiny tears drip down onto the bed, wetting the pillow. This is not my home, home was back with my mother and father. All of us laughing in the middle of the house while eating was the perfect family I envisioned.

I feel a cry coming up my throat making it harder and more difficult not to burst into tears. Mother would say that crying would ruin my face and make it ugly. She was always the one to make me feel confident in myself. Father was the glue who held me together in rough times.

I finally fall into millions of shattered pieces and cry. No one is there is comfort me. No one is trying to make it all better. The demon world is a lonely place and if you didn't have someone to talk to, it's every man for himself.

After a while, my tears dry and I lay there alone, trying to keep me busy from bringing more sadness to myself. A sudden quiet knock is heard on my door and Tomoko sticks her head in.

"Hello Miss, I came to-" She gasps at the look of me on my bed and runs to my bed "What happened?! Miss, are you hurt? Did someone make you sad?" Her worried eyes search my face.

I softly smile at her actions and sit up. "Nothing... I just want to go home."

She softly smiles at me and grabs my hand, "As much as you might hate it here. Give it a try. The demon world isn't as bad as it seems, okay?"

I look at her, "So are trying to convince me to stay?"

She laughs, "Just for comfort is all."

My eyes glance down at our hands, being here so far she is the only one who has shown me any type of kindness.


Days pass from the last incident with Orochi and I haven't seen him anywhere on the estate grounds besides when I ask Tomoko about it. All she says is that he is busy with Demon world matters. During an afternoon when we were having tea together, I ask, "Tomoko, what is Orochi like?"

She smiles, "He may seem very mean, Miss. But he is a very honest and kind person to people who thinks deserves it" she sets down her tea "You see miss, I am a lot older than I look. To be honest, I am two-hundred and fifty years old. For a Fox, that is still very young. I was saved by the Master when I was even younger. Some rogue demons had raided my village and set it aflame for fun."

I look at her and she seems like she is in deep thought. Probably reliving that night in her head again since I brought it up.

"Master found me in one of the nearby fields and knew that all my family was gone when he found me. He told me that I can live freely among the other demon in his estate if I worked as a maid. And of course, I accepted the offer that he gave. He was much more open-hearted back then when I got to know him." She smiles and sips her tea.

"Orochi was not so rude and cryptic all the time? That's a shocker." I retort.

Laughing out loud, "Thank the heavens! No! Not everyone is like how they are perceived."

I frowned knowing how badly I insulted Orochi when I first met him, he seemed so rude. But from what Tomoko is saying it seems like he is a nice person. But, it doesn't change my mind on how ridiculous this whole situation is.

"Tomoko when can I talk with him again?" I ask quietly.

"Right now." A deep voice says behind.

I jump at the loud booming voice and only one person I know who has that.


Spinning around I see him leaning against the pillar so casually. Today his hair seems much more unkempt. It's like a black lions mane. His horns shine under the sun like charcoal grey sticks. Dressed in a black robe with koi fish embroider on it. His slim body looks much more muscular even under his clothes.

I blush and dart my eyes down afraid of the man before me. "I was just talking with Tomoko."

He looks at Tomoko, "You can excuse yourself now."

Tomoko bows and leaves us silently with the awkward silence beginning in the air between us. Orochi comes up and sits across from me at the table. But, he stares off into one of the corners of the garden like he doesn't notice my presence.

I roll my eyes at the sense of awkwardness and sigh in defeat, "I'm sorry." I look at him waiting for a reply but he says nothing.

He simply just keeps staring off into the plants around us like my apology didn't matter. After some time of silence, he side glances at me and speaks, "It's alright."

"Thank you for the room you prepared. It probably took a while to arrange it so, thank you."

"It wasn't a problem. I had it done within two days of me requesting before you came here." Orochi admits.

It becomes silent again and it stays like that until he calls my name. "Ren, come with me."


"Because I said so." He stands and begins to walk off without looking back at me to catch up. I huff, getting up and attempt to catch up to him but end up having to run.

I fall in step behind him and catch him smirking before it goes back to a blank face. I frown to myself, he probably thinks he's the one in control here.

"Stupid demon," I mumble.

"What was that?"

I panic, "Uhhh, nothing!" As I keep walking with him until we hear arguing ahead and a group of demons is gathered around. They get louder and more oblivious to the scene around them when we get closer. It was an all-out battle.

"Hey! What's going on?" Orochi orders in a loud voice.

Suddenly all of the demons start speaking at once until Orochi glares at them, which they are suddenly silenced in fear.

"Tell me what is the problem so we can get this resolved. I don't have time for your banter." Orochi darkly states to them. The first person who speaks up is a female demon who wears a kimono with printed dragons on it and tons of pins in her long beautiful hair.

Her skin is a light shade of grey. With the amount of highly expensive things she has on her right now, she has got to be important. She seemed as if she was a geisha herself with how beautiful she was.

"Someone in this group of savages has accused me of stealing their belongings which I didn't. Tell them to stop bothering me and this will all be let go." She cuts her eyes to someone in the group and back to Orochi pleasantly. It was obvious she knew how to get her way.

He grimaces seeing this action, "You always come here and you're always accused of something. This isn't new. You are bad news every time. If anything I should ban you from coming here but yet I don't."

"So are you saying I cause trouble all the time?!" She gasps at his statement and starts to turn red in the face. Her anger is visibly rising in her face.

"Well, yes. I mean you are known for stealing all over the demon world."

She huffs and throws something back at the demons in the group hitting one in the face with the item. Her eyes turn until they land on me in utter shock. She smiles widely, "Orochi, who is this little daring you have?"

Then suddenly, all eyes are on me.