
All eyes are on me after the demon lady announces that I'm there with Orochi. All different colored eyes stared at me with different emotions and different facial expressions. Then it happened. The whispering of all their judgement came crush down on me light a weight. She's so small. Too thin. Too pale. She's human. Who would pick such a thing.

But the woman was more aggressive. She spat at me and said, "Stupid human being here. Know your place. You deserve to be eaten by the hungry snakes of my estate."

I never had received this much prejudice when I was in Japan. I was loved by so many people. The Demon world is a harsh place when your no one.

I looked down at my folded hands and soaked the words they said like a shield. It wasn't my place to say anything back. But I hated the way I was being look at right now.

My image was something of importance back in Japan and now it was just a pathetic girl that isn't anything special. I want to prove them wrong but that would be dangerous. A suicide mission. They could possibly all kill me.

It's dangerous to play courageous in a place you don't know much about. But anger was slowly boiling in my body and it was taking me everything not to yell at the woman.

Orochi must has seen the contemplating I was doing while standing there. He looked back angrily at the group of pompous demons and shouted, "She is none of those things you claim. I hear you say any of those rude things again and it will be your souls." He glared at the woman who coward backwards into the crowd but Orochi kept stepping forward.

"I know what your thinking Qing Qing. But it isn't going to happen." He finally stopped and he had created the image of a tall black giant standing over a small childlike figure.

I couldn't help but stand there. Orochi is very intimating. How am I supposed to get close to that kind of intensity? This whole situation is ridiculous. He backs away from everyone and walks away from the crowd with me following behind him like a little dog.

"Orochi, who were those people?" I look at his face and see his eyebrows furrowed.

"Bothersome people."

"Yes but who was that Qing Qing lady?" I ask.

He stops and looks down at me, "She is to no concern to you. She is worthless demon who tricks even the wittiest of people. Nothing good can come out of talking with her."

I nod my head slowly and we begin to walk again.

"I can't show what I was going to because of that. I don't want to go back and start anything more. Hopefully, you understand."

Shaking my head in a subtle agreement, we round the corner and we sit down on a wooden bench. We sit there for a few moments and take in the silence. No one is bothering us for something and there isn't anyone else around.

I realize I still know nothing of Orochi. All I know is well.. His name. He's a demon. He helped save Tomoko and he's intimating as hell.

What does he know about me?


He hums in reply.

"What's your full name?" I question.

"Orochi." He states.

I look over at him but he has his hands behind his head, eyes closed, faced towards the ceiling. He seemed like he was in a peaceful state. The sun was on his face giving his hair a dark purple reflection.

"I mean like I guess your whole title of you. Like what are you known for." I say but now he is staring at me dead in the eyes again.


I look down at my hands and mumble, "Well, I know nothing about you."

"I'm Orochi. The first born son of the Demon King. I have control over souls." He says it like its no big deal and lays back to how he was.

"Oh, well that's not so- HOLD UP! DEMON KING?!" My jaw hangs down and look at him wide eyes.

He chuckles and sits up against the chair and puts his chin on the top of his hand. "Your a very curious human. Your nothing like I'm used to."

"W-what's that suppose to mean?" I blush with my hair covering my face.

"I don't know. Take it how you see it." He stands up and walks away from me leaving in the warm sun with him proceeding back into the cold shadows.

I squint at the small of his back flustered and angry about the conversation.


After dinner, I wonder the estate some more and end up standing on a little bridge over looking down into part of the Demon world below. Like millions of tiny stars and planets. Above me in the midnight sheet of sprinkled stars across the sky. I could never see this many stars back home.

Strangely the sky remind me of the purple reflection in Orochi' s hair.

He seemed like some one I could trust. But could I trust that judgement? He is a demon. The thought scrambles my mind for longer than I would like until I hear the tiny yelps of someone calling me.

"Miss! Miss! Hello? It's dark outside! Please, get inside before something happens" she waves hurryingly over. She smiled at me hurrying to her following her down the halls of this maze called a house.

Walking about to my room and the question pops in my head again. He said he knew everything about me; what did he mean by that? My mind rushes me to bed and to sleep from the exhaustion from today. I encountered so many other demons and gain some knowledge of the people in this word.

But I can't try to escape with the shape I'm in. I would die out there if Orochi didn't help me the few times I needed it.

I sigh and hug my covering closer.

Orochi has helped me more than I could. Is he really that bad? No... He is a rude demon. There is no way I will ever fall in love with a rude and controlling person like him.