Lets go....Shopping!

The next morning, I woke up as usual as the last few days. The routine was wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, explore the grounds, speak with people, dinner, relaxing then finally going to sleep. It was getting a little boring if I am going to be completely honest.

I was sitting on my outside in the garden, reading a book about some history in the Demon world. All about how new kings take over the world and their rein throughout history.

Orochi's father is mentioned in some of the text. Vor 'on was his name. He has been in rein for seven hundred years. He was said to be a very cruel and ignorant king to his people that has brought poverty, crime, and theft into the land.

His rein was just described as wars between other kingdoms and battles. Towards the end of his part of the book, it said that he had borne three sons with the princess Gila.

But the right has the page was going to list the names the whole bottom half of the page was ripped off.

If Orochi is the first son of his father, it means he has two younger siblings.

"Who are his younger siblings?" I mumble to myself.

I close the huge book and groan in anger. So much history about the demon world and I'm only scratching the surface of what has gone on here. Asking Tomoko would be simpler.

If he is a son of a king, why is he not living in a more appropriate living situation? This place seems like nothing compared to what a prince should have. Did something happen?

Was it something Orochi did? He seems very intimidating but he has been nice to me since I have arrived here in this world. Maybe it's all an act so he can gain my trust without me knowing the truth.

It would seem like the best bet for the situation but coming to misunderstandings that aren't correct seem to be bad.

I drop my head on the book in front of me and groan. "I'm so conflicted! I can't even make a valid point!"

Still frustrated I sit in the same position with my thoughts going in circles. A never-ending cycle of unsureness.

I hear footsteps come up from behind me and a little voice yell, "Miss! Miss, are you alright?" Tomoko comes running up and pounces on me from behind.

I look at her and nervously chuckle," Yes, I'm okay. I just was deep in thought about something. How have you been?".

"I'm okay but I wanted to ask you something since you seemed like you had nothing to do." She grinned at me.

"What's the question?"

"Well, not a question really since I'm not going to ask you. But! We're... going... Shopping!" She starts jumping up and down like a little kid after getting sweet.

"That isn't a question..."

I pinch my fingers on the bridge of my nose. This is going to one big annoying trip. I don't even know what kind of shopper she is. Maybe this can be a chance for me to escape from the demons.

My chest lit up with excitement with the thought of my family. Could I really get to see them if I somehow get away? But I was yanked out of my thoughts by Tomoko dragging me to the carriage that was waiting to take us into the town.

"Here miss," She ties shawl around my head "This is you can keep your identity secret from most of the demons here. They don't take too well to humans and we don't know what could happen in the marketplace."

I bring the edges of the shawl to cover my face a bit more while we start the ride to the market place so people on the way there don't see. It scares me to think that demons won't like me because of how I am just a human.

What did humans ever do to demons? Isn't it the other way around? Something tells me that demons might the innocent ones but I still have my doubts. I know the Lotus are good people... right?


We finally arrive at the marketplace and we both get off the carriage straightening our kimonos. All around us demons are walking with so many different looks to them.

Different sizes in horns, colors, skin tones, height; everything you could ever imagine a demon would look like is here. Even animals. So many foxes and cats wandered the crowd beside them like nothing was wrong.

I took in the scene with everyone just shopping. It seems just like Japan. Everyone minding their own business and shopping for fun needs or do to lists. I chuckled and started walking into the crowd with Tomoko.

We walked around for a while looking at stalls with enchanted items that Tomoko told me not to touch even though some items looked so pretty. We had some food that so delicious and finally, we came across a stall that was meant for a soul reading.

It caught my eye and I had to ask Tomoko, "Hey, let's go to that one. It seems kind of fun."

Tomoko hesitated, "I don't know. Sometimes those kinds of things can be scams and something dangerous can happen to you if you're not careful."

"Well, you're with me so what can go wrong?" I smirk at her but she doesn't seem convinced.

"I don't know Ren. It seems okay but that's how they get you. If something was to happen, Master would be very angry with me for letting you do this type of thing and put your life potentially at risk."

I laugh, "It's fine. Nothing will happen, Tomoko. Plus Orochi isn't here so I can do whatever I want in the meantime." I pat her on the head and I start walking towards the area with Tomoko slowly joining me behind.

We walk into the tent and I gasp at the sight in front of me.