
I gasp at the sight in front of me. Everything around me is covered in flowers and gems. I look around realizing that the inside of the tent is larger than the outside of it. It's like a hidden oasis from the prying eyes of the world.

I spin around speechless admiring the beauties before me, "Woah, this is so-"

"Amazing? I know, it took me years to get something like this." A voice says behind me.

I spin around to see a pink skin woman. Her bright blue hair up in a sloppy bun with a shell crown around her head. Her ears stuck out behind stray hairs as little pale pink fins, gills on the side of her neck.

Under the dim yellow light coming from candles intent where the light hits her skin, it shines with millions of tiny scales that cover her body. She's a fish?! How is she breathing above ground?!

Tomoko and I bow to the gorgeous woman, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come in unexpectantly. I just thought that it was a walk-in type of situation and me-"

The lady walks up to me and ushers both Tomoko and me to stand straight. "It is quite alright. I wasn't expecting anyone to come here today since most of my business is conducted at the beginning of the week. What would you ladies like for me to do?"

She gleefully smiles at me in response to my kindness.

I take another look at her and notice her face is almost smooth like human skin. The scales on her face are even smaller than the others covering her shining body. She has bright teal eyes with yellow specs in them. She is stunningly beautiful.

I realize that I haven't said anything to her and blush, "I'm sorry. You're just very pretty." I see Tomoko shake her head in agreement.

"Well, thank you! I try my best." She laughs at our embarrassed faces.

Tomoko speaks up, "My friend was wondering if you could read her."

The fish lady gaps, "Of course I can," she grabs my hand leading me further into the tent "I can do about anything here! Do you want to get your future read, your love life, your best friend, enemies, spiritual energy?"

We arrive at a table with four chairs and the three of us sit down. A single glass orb sits in the center of the table. The slowly moving surface reflects the light around us like a bubble giving off purple and green colors as it sits.

"May I ask you a personal question?" Tomoko asks her.

"Sure, you can ask me anything." She smiles.

"How are you breathing if your a fish and above ground? I have never seen anything like it?!" Tomoko leans forward eagerly with her tail wagging behind her.

The lady laughs," Your a curious little fox aren't you? Well, I have something an old friend gave to me as a gift and with this gift, I can be above ground." She smiles and pats Tomoko on her head.

I laugh at the reaction she gives the lady. Tomoko is much older but she still seems like a little girl on the inside. Curious and innocent. I like her. I hope to become more fond of her as time goes on but the urge to escape to my parents is even stronger.

"Now, let me read those hands of yours" The lady grabs them and holds them in front of her. It's cool her grasp. Like holding a cup of something cold on a warm day. It's probably she could survive above ground with a gift she has.

Her face remains peaceful for a few seconds until her eyebrows furrow and her face starts to pinch. She stays in that position when she opens her eyes and looks at me with trembling fear.

She lets go of the hands and gasps, "You! You must leave! I don't allow people so dangerous like you to be here!"

"What? What happened, what did you see?" I asked confused by her reaction but I'm suddenly lifted out of my seat like Tomoko and pushed towards the tent's opening.

The lady looks both ways of the tent as if she is searching for people who could have been watching what was happening and looks back to us in fear, "I saw something dangerous." She grabs both sides of the tent's door and says finally, "I don't want you two to come back."

With that, she yanks the tent opening closed and left us standing outside confused.

Tomoko looks at me and grabs my hand, "Miss, let's go. We should get back since it's late. We have nothing else to do here." I shake my head in agreement and start walking away from the mysterious tent.

She was so scared of what she saw, what could have possibly scared her to the point she threw me out? I couldn't help but turn around to look at the tent again but when I did, it was gone.

"Tomoko, what does she mean?" I look down at her worrying.

She keeps walking and only says, "Miss, I told you nothing good comes from readings. Don't mention this to anyone or event the Master. This should be kept a secret."

I slip into silence and walk with Tomoko back to our ox cart for the way back to the estate. The ride was silent and filled with unknown thoughts in my head.

All I could think about was the worried face of the lady and her anger towards me.

Am I that much of a danger to the Demon world?

Who... am I?