Bad dreams

We arrive back home and I immediately head towards my room ignoring Tomoko calling me from behind. I run into my room and close the doors behind me.

What did she mean I was a danger? I'm just an ordinary girl.

I walk over and sit next to the mirror sitting on the ground in the corner of the room.

I stare at my pale face in the mirror and the reflection stares back just as pale as I am. Lifeless since it's only my reflection. I look at my face and see the eyes of a person who I thought I knew.

I shake my head violently causing my pins to chime wildly. I do know myself. I lived in a home in Japan and was friends with all the people where I lived.

The title of the only child of Sanyu and Kumi. I am 17 years of age and I hate wasabi. There isn't anything I don't know about myself.

I haven't thought about them and how worried they probably are. They are more than likely still looking for me. To think that, they stayed up all night waiting for me to come home. They worry that their faces held trying to look for me when I wasn't even in the same world they're in.

What are they currently doing right now? Are they still looking for me? Am I missed at all? Questions boggle my mind.

I start to feel the cold and empty feeling of sadness filling my body. Orochi hasn't brought up my family at all. No one has mentioned anything about my human world. It's all demon world matters. It's like that part of me has been erased to not burden the demons here.

I furrow my eyebrows as a tear falls slides down my cheeks when thoughts of my smiling mother and father come into my head.

I didn't ask to be here in this world. I don't want to marry a demon that I know about.

I do want to know what the lady meant back in the market. Her bright blue hair flashes in my mind. I groan and throw my head back.

"Why does it keep bothering me?" I say to the ceiling above me.

Someone taps lightly behind the door.

"Miss, are you okay? What would you like for dinner since it's so late?"

Of course, it's Tomoko. I frown and dryly say, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not hungry so please don't worry about me."

I hear her sigh behind the other side and her footsteps fade away from my doors. She's so nice towards me and doesn't ask me questions.

It is probably ordered she is supposed to follow but the fact that she follows through is so sincere. I feel bad for being so rude towards her now.

I sigh and sit down next to the mirror beginning taking out the pins in my hair, setting them down one by one until my hair falls flat on my back.

I get up and slip in a robe, braid my hair into two. I look down at myself in these clothes. These are more extravagant than what I would get at home. Am I giving up my life at home full of love for a demon world just for riches?

"No, that's... that's disgusting. I would never do that." I shake my head at myself.

I'm the girl who is convinced she doesn't need to marry, the one who wants freedom. Not to be tied down by some demon.

I lay in my bed to sleep for the rest of the evening and night away.

My final thoughts are of the lady's words. Echoing the three words over and over.

You are dangerous. It goes round and round like a whirlpool in the ocean.

Like a flashing light fading in and fading out. An ending cycle. Then everything goes into a sea of black.


Branches and leaves shake with the cold wind tumbling through each of the long, draping limbs from the evergreen towers beside me. I'm standing in a dark forest, but how?

I look down and see I'm holding a katana in my hand. I start to panic but my body refuses to follow suit. It stays holding the katana and starts to walk forward. I see a dim figure in a distance kneeling on the forest's damp floor.

As I get closer and closer to it, I realize it's a crying man. A demon. I hold my sword up to its chin and they lift their face so I can see. It's covered in scars and blood. The eyes are still fine but the lips are cut open in different areas.

"Why should I save you?" I say in a loud, harsh, and unfamiliar voice.

The demon begins to cry, "I have a family and children. They are very young."

The sword lowers to the base of his neck, the sharp blade pressing against the skin. "Please! I'm begging you! I didn't do anything wrong." He weeps up to me with red eyes.

"You have murdered innocent people, stole from villages, taken women for your pleasure and now you want me to save you from the acts you have committed?" I squint my eyes down at the man as he lowers his head and cries.

He sits still as the ice wind that stings my cheeks. He suddenly tries to get up and run away. But, he is no match against the blade.

It slides through the air and I head a thud beside me.

He's dead.


I sit up in my bed with my heart thumping like a hummingbird in my chest. I pull my eyes tightly shut and pull my knees up. I killed a demon in my sleep. I cut off his head. I start to breathe heavily and clutch my legs closer. Why did I have that dream?

I wipe my cheek getting rid of the sweat and realize something is on my arm.

A pink Lotus flower.