
He knows about the mark on my arm. I begin to panic and exclaim, "I don't know what it means. I had that dream and suddenly it's on my arm. Believe me!"

He raises his eyebrow, "It's just a flower, Ren."

I look at him dumbfounded and yank up my sleeve. Indeed it's the same flower but it's not as faded as it was when I got out of the baths.

"It was what?" Orochi questions.

I furrow my eyebrows in utter confusion, "Nothing. I'm just exhausted."

"Alright, well since your awake. I'll call Tomoko to prepare some tea." He leaves the room and I'm left to my hesitation alone.

"I thought that the flower went away. I'm almost absolutely positive. I'm not going crazy! That dream has got to do something it, " My stomach growls "Or maybe I just haven't eaten." I frown in defeat and sigh.

"Ahhhh, mother would scold me about how I'm treating myself. I probably look so horrible." I squish my face with my hands stressing. I look so tired looking I am right now.

The door slides open, with Orochi and little Tomoko's worrying face. "Miss! I was so worried!" She comes up and hugs me tightly. I wince in pain.

"Careful, Tomo she is still injured." Orochi pats her head.

She frowns, "Still, I wish I could have done something or saw that women before got to Ren."

I smile, "It's okay. You did enough by bringing attention to what was happening. Thank you."

She backs away and brings me a cup of small green liquid. "This is for you. I put honey it so it could help your voice."

Nodding my head, I take it and drink it slowly. The tea feels soothing against my tongue and mouth like a nice warm hug on the inside.

Tomoko grins and shines her bright little sunshine personality at me. She's so sweet and innocent, she reminds me of my father ever so cheerful even though he had such pressing matters on his shoulders all the time.

"So what exactly happened last night? I know I left you after eating breakfast, but then that incident happened." Orochi asks from behind Tomoko. I look up at him to see a very frightening face.

Not mad but very upset with himself. He looked like his mind was elsewhere and not here at the moment.

"Well, after you had left I was tripped by the lady. Tomoko helped me to my room and took care of my ankle. We stayed and talked with each other until I fell asleep. Then, I woke up to the lady walking into my room and strangling me." I state and rub my throat gently noticing the swollen sore skin where her hands were. I never knew a woman could be so menacing.

Orochi's face darkens with anger, "The thing is, is that she isn't just any guest. It's Qing Qing."

Tomoko gasps, "What! I was taking care of her before I went to Miss." Her little face furrows and her chest starts heaving heavily.

"Tomoko... I'm alright. I can take care of myself. If anything I'm just a bother in the demon world." I put her head gently to comfort her but she seems to sadden even more.

"Your too good for us Miss. Your kindness is rare, even in this world." She says with her ears folded down. I frown at her. Such a sweet little fox.

But Orochi is feeling other than distressed. He has just been standing sourly on the side the whole time. The anger was radiating off of him like a fire in the winter.

"She is a demon-like all of us but she can shapeshift into different forms. She probably used a different form to do that tonight. If that is the case, then she has committed treason."

I look up at him confused, "What do you mean, treason?"

"He means treason as in Qing Qing tried hurting the royal family of the demon world Miss. Since you are going to be Master's wife, your part of the family now," Tomoko says beside me.

I whip my head around, "What! I'm not marrying him! I barely know this place and it's hardly fair I get no say in this."

Tomoko scowls at me, "Miss, quit being stubborn."

"I'm not being stub-"

Orochi clears his throat trying to end the conversation, "Either we can choose to report this to my father or we can give it the side, just banning her from coming here. It's up to you."

They both look at me waiting for my final decision. I only have arrived here about a week and a half ago.

I glance towards Tomoko, her eyes anticipating my answer with such innocent intensity I have to look down at the tea in my hands. But which is the right thing to do?

I see from under my lashes Orochi is the same way but a harsh cold stare. Wrapping my hands around my cup tighter, I exhale and look back to them determined.

"This is no point in causing a big raucous over something so small. If anything, we probably are overlooking it." I state my reply to them, it sits in the open for a few seconds before anyone reacts.

Tomoko seems glad I chose that option but from the corner of my eye, Orochi is on another world at this point.

"Orochi, is there something wrong?" I notice that his face has no expression now. Does he think I made the wrong choice?

Extending my hand out I try to grasp his arm but he turns around and storms out of the room. My mouth opens to call towards him but all anyone could hear was the cracking of my voice.

"Miss, leave him be. He probably needs some time to process this." Tomoko grabs my arm and lays it down on my lap.

"Tomoko, what room is this?" I stare at sullen reflection in the tea.

"Orochi' s personal quarters."

"Who brought me here?"


Something nags at my chest, like a rope it pulls my heart to want to dash after him to say something but instead I sit doing nothing embarrassed of my intentions.