Lost in the sorrow

"I killed all the Lotus besides you."

My heart and blood froze. No, it isn't real, nothing that she says is real. "You're lying. There is no way you could have killed them."

A high pitch cackle erupted from her black lips, "Stupid girl. Of course, I killed them. There merely pathetic humans. I killed every single one of them by lighting them on fire and burning all of your relatives alive.

When it came down to your father, he put up quite a fight against me but it was a shame that he had his one weakness with him."

The world began to sway and my body rocked itself back and forth. I felt my legs give out under me making my body slam on the ground. This couldn't be happening, I just saw my mother. I lay my hands on the floor and look down at the grass. "You... You..."

"Killed your parents?" She smiled with joy, insanity was gleaming in her eyes. "Yes, I did. Your father watched as your mother burned before his eyes. She screamed in agony from the flames and all he did was stare. Kumi was a weakness and I used it against him. Isn't that beautiful?" Beliath clasped her hands together and smiled in pure delight of her murdering.

"You killed my family over a simple grudge?" I could feel my world-shattering into pieces. My whole family was gone within a matter of hours after I had just seen my mother.

The hairpin that she had given me weighed heavier then it did before and the last thing that I had of my father was probably burning away in the fire.

Everything I had, everything that I was is gone now. I plant my hands on the ground to stop the swaying of the world around me and stared at the ground.

"Your father just came unglued and lost all his scenes when he saw her blackened corpse crumpled on the floor. It was pitch black sticks and the only thing left was the pins he gave to her."

Her voice had sliced my heart opened with the truth, all of the agonies were flowing out of me and I couldn't hold it back. All I could cave into the ground.

"Beliath! How dare you! Do you realize that you have just committed treason against the kingdom by harming her family?" I bow my head to the ground, squeezing my eyes shut to stop me from crying and screamed.

My throat grows hoarse, tears begin to fall my eyes into the dry grass.

"How could you do this to me?" I say between sobs.

Her laugh was like a hammer against my brain nailing that my family was gone. "Stupid Orochi, do you think I care for some weak girl who isn't trained to be a slayer? This pathetic line of hunters was finished when I killed Aiya."

Orochi's and Beliath's voices became background noise to me now. All that I could hear was the sobs escaping my mouth and the tears staining my cheeks.

I could feel something deep within me, it was making its way from up my stomach to my chest. I could feel my blood rushing, making me gasp for deep breaths.

My eyes were starting to burn from feeling to hot and started choking on the intense heat coming up my throat.

My fingernails were starting to break the skin in the palm of my hand, my eyes dart to the katana beside me. The only relic of my clan, I reached out and grabbed it. As it opened, I could see my eyes were glowing a strange purple. "Aw look, the tiny demon slayer has finally awoken her powers. It's such a shame that you be able to use them."

My hand tightened around the blades handle, it's just like how I used it in the spirit realm. Every swing is supposed to sharp and precise, unfaltering, and confident. I yank it out causing Orochi and Tomoko to look over at me.

"Miss, don't do anything rash." Tomoko's worried voice is heard on my left ear but my attention was elsewhere, they were on Beliath who's face was taken over by a devilish smile.

"So you have chosen death." Her eyes light up with a blinding green fire, casting shadows across her face.

I shut my eyes and concentrate on the sword in my hands. Aiya's words echo in my mind: Quick, sharp, and precise. I swing it to the left and see a flash of green before me.

"You stupid girl! You think with throwing energy at me you can kill me!" I look to see that a huge gash is across her shoulder that goes down to the center of her chest.

"Arrgh!" I see her hand fling something at me but it breaks apart before my eyes by some unknown force.

"Beliath! You hereby are named an enemy of this kingdom from this moment in time onward! You are will not be receiving benefits from us and nor will our people from yours." Orochi's voice is filled with rage.

Beliath flicks her hands sending flames around, igniting at the scenery around us. "Orochi, note from this day forward: Ren is now an enemy to the Darklands and will be killed on sight if anyone finds her," Her green eyes dart over to me with furious intent in them. "I will get you eventually girl."

"As long as we're here, you won't be able to!" Tomoko finally speaks up, by the looks of it; her whole body is shaking with rage.

"Shut it, fox! You have no master and that's frowned upon." I see that Tomoko winces from the comment made my Beliath. I thought Orochi was her master?

"Leave Beliath, before I burn you into pieces."

She scoffed at his comment, disappeared into smoke in front of us only leaving only a fading wisp of black. I can feel my head start to spin again and stumble on my feet.

"I got you, it's fine. Relax. You can relax now." I feel Orochi grab my body and hold my weight against him.

"I'm sorry." With that, those are the last two words I say before I pass out into unconsciousness.