New home

"She hasn't woken up in three days Orochi. I'm starting to worry about her."

"Ren is fine. Her heartbeat is stable." These voices, I know who these are. The deep silk voice was unmistakable who it is.

"Seriously? I have never seen a slayer do that before. Let alone be able to land that bad of hit on such a powerful demon." This voice is very feminine, obviously Tomoko.

"Well, her ancestor is Aiya."

"Aiya was never able to do that."

A deep hum responds to Tomoko, did something happen? I feel my body laying down on the floor. My body feels so heavy and tired, my arms feel like they were being weighed down by rocks. I tried forcing movement into my fingers but they won't budge.

"Do you think her body is too weak?" I feel a soft warm hand lay on my forehead.

"She could just be recovering, the medicine we gave her was enough to knock out a small household. Tomorrow, she will more than likely wake. If not, Aiya is the only one that we can depend on to help her." Orochi's voice gets closer to me and the hand lifts off my forehead.

"She still is warm, what do you think happened?" I hear Tomoko worryingly say.

"I have no idea, in all my long years of being a demon; I have never seen anything like that."

Seen what? Did something happen while I was unconscious? As I lay there listening to their conversation, I can feel myself dipping into a deep slumber when I hear the last words from Orochi, "She might just be in more danger now than she has before."

~~~~~ DREAM POV ~~~~~

I was wandering on a path surrounded by creepy dark, twisting trees. Their limbs curled in odd shapes and ways above me, letting barely any moonlight in for me to see the path. As I walked, my feet were crunching on sharp sticks making me wince in pain. Crows cawed around me and owls were heard in a distance, I squinted my eyes to a green light fading in and out in the distance.

"Someone is here!" I put my hand up to see better when a woman is standing under the moonlight. "Miss! Can you please help me? I'm lost and I have no idea where in the world I-"

I'm swiftly cut off when I realize that the woman is Beliath. Her mouth turns upward and a menacing laugh erupts from her lips. I was sending a few feet out of the forest line to where I could run back into it for safety.

"You mindless foul! Calling yourself a slayer," She brings her hands out to the side of her proudly and ignites green flames in the palm of her hand. "You can't even escape me!"

Fire engulfs the area around me and makes my eyes water from the heat. "You killed my family out an idiotic grudge! There is no excuse besides you were just being evil!"

Her eyes go blank, "Watch what you say, girl."

Beliath's hand flashes out letting her green flame go...


I sit up and start gasping for air, my chest is heavily heaving and my heartbeat is pumping lively.

"Shhhh, its okay Miss," Warm arms engulf me and hold me. "Your safe now."

A few minutes go by as I try to calm my heart from the nightmare. It all seemed so real, the heat, the forest, and the smile. The smile that was laced with seductive poison. My feet still feel sore from the deathly dry twigs in my nightmare.

"Miss, are you alright?" Tomoko's voice was soothing in her small form. It was almost childlike and filled with a child's innocence.

"Yes, I'm okay," I glance around the room noticing the unfamiliar environment. "Where are we anyway?"

She comes in front of me and sits on the floor beside me. "The estate had burned into basically a pile of ash and burned wood. Master had helped all the people escaping from the fire when Beliath left and you were taken care of. We are currently in one of the other houses that he has hidden in the mountains. Right now, he is out on business and I'm here to take care of you."

My lips clap together, so Beliath burned down Orochi's home, killed my entire clan, and then my parents. I look down at my hands and see they are wrapped in a cream white cloth. "Why are my hands wrapped?"

I see Tomoko clasp her hands together and laugh nervously, "Well, uh, you kind of cut open your hands at one point and if we didn't clean them they would have got infected."

I nod my head as I close my eyes. Orochi is gone out, Tomoko is taking care of me and I'm a sitting duck but my thoughts are interrupted by Tomoko. "You can always count on me, Miss. I know how heartbroken you must be right now but it will be okay."

"How? It feels like my whole life has been ripped away from me and now, I have no one left." My chest aches saying that sent but now I have to bear the truth.

"It will be okay, Miss. It won't hurt anymore after time goes by, the wound heals and you slowly start to forget about them besides the sweet memories you have with them. Time heals even the deepest of wounds."

My eyes start to water, "Yeah, I guess your right."

Tomoko smiles softly at me, her smile reaches her eyes making them crinkle. She is just like a mother, so heart-warming, honest, and helpful. I lay my head on her lap and let some tears flow down from my eyes.

"Do you want anything to eat? I'm pretty sure you much be exhausted from not having another to eat." I feel her little hand brush my hair down and then back up repeatedly before I answered.

"Yes, please." My stomach growls after and we both burst out laughing.

"Master went hunting earlier today and found some fish in a nearby lake. I can make that for you and make some rice if you want?"

"Ahhh, that sounds heavenly." I close my eyes and imagine the warm rice in my hands and the amazing flavor of food.

"Alrighty then." As Tomoko begins cooking, I get up stretching my body. Something catches my eye, I look to see the book and sword of my family laying on the table.

"You guys found the book?" I walk over to it and run my hand over the small flower on the cover.

"Master found it before it was burnt away to crisp. When he is back you should thank him."

I look to the sword, my mind fills with the gash I made on Beliath's chest. I pick it up and open it. The metal is clean and shiny like nothing that happened to it at all. Such a beautiful sword but there is a history of mine behind it now. Beliath was stronger than just a sword and could burn me into ashes if she wanted to. My mind wanders looking at the sword and until I hear shuffling.

"Glad you're awake."