How the mighty hath fallen

"Glad you're awake."

I spin around to see Orochi standing across from me, observing me with the sword. The last time I saw him was when his home was burning down, he was angry with me before then and I was ignoring him. He saved my life and the last positions of my family from the fire. He looked tired and run down today, his eyes were perimeter with dark circles and bags were under his eyes. The aura of a proud and sinister demon was not present before me, all that was there was a worn-out looking shell.

"Orochi what happen-"

"Foods ready!" Tomoko came bursting in happily with a tray of food and placed in on the table. She looked up at us realizing what she walked in on. "Oh... Um, I can leave if you guys were talking about some-"

"No, we weren't talking. Go ahead and eat." He pushes off the wood and disappears down the hall.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I had no idea you guys were speaking. I should have waited." Her ears fold down in disappointment.

I take a few steps over to her and pat her soft head, "You're fine, nothing was going on. Thank you for the food." Her fluffy tail wags from side to side as she grins. I sit down at me my warm meal satisfying the hungry beast. The warm rice and fish felt tasted like heaven with the light spring flavor to it even.

"Tomoko, your such a great cook." I gently place my cup down and exhale satisfied with my current state.

"I wouldn't say that I'm a great cook. I know a few things from the chefs back at the estate because we were friends. Otherwise, my cooking is nothing. The best cooks in this world have made even the simplest thing taste like absolute heaven." A light blush came to her cheeks in embarrassment making her look even cuter than before.

I laugh at her reaction, "Nonsense! I will say you are the best cook until I have food that says otherwise. I've eaten a lot of food in the human world from simple market food to luxury food and this was so good."

She nods her head and smiles at me. "You sure are kind miss. I hope that you always stay like this, so easy going and kind."

I chuckle at her compliment, "Of course I will. There wouldn't be anything in the world that would change that."

A loud crash comes from down the hall, making both of us jump. "What was that?" Tomoko whispered.

"I don't know," I get up quietly grabbing my sword and open it slowly. "Let's go see."

We both slowly get up and tread lightly down the hall, the wooden floor slightly creaks at the pressure of our feet but nothing too loud to alert anyone if they were around. Nothing seemed out of place and everything seemed fine, no doors, items, or lighting was placed differently. A groan was heard behind the door on the right of the hall, "It's the master!" We both yank the door open and run over to his body lying on the ground.

"Orochi! What happened?" I squat down by his head, laying down my sword and lay his head on my thighs, my hand touches his forehead. "Orochi! You're burning up!"

"If getting sick means laying my head on my wife then I would do this every day." He smiles lazily.

"Orochi, shut up this isn't the time for flirting. Tomoko go get a cloth and get some medicine please." She nods and hurries out of the room.

"Ren, I'm fine really." He stands up but falters before I catch him.

"Come on, let's lay you down. Your in no shape to be moving around." I wrap my arm around his torso and his heavy arm around my shoulder. His body weighted shifts onto me and I almost fall over. As we trudge over to his bed, he seems to be going in and out of consciousness. I try the best I can to lay Orochi down as softly as I can but his body hits the bed with a deep thud.

"Do you always have men dropping like flies for you?" Orochi pulls the hair out of his face and exhales.

"Well, it isn't my fault your has heavy as a rock."

"Are you saying that I'm fat? Wow, look at this verbal abuse. Such a cruel future wife." He puts his hand on his heart and pouts. I feel my face frown at him and he laughs at my reaction.

"Oh yeah, so cruel." I push his head down at the pillow and Tomoko comes in with a small bucket of cold water and a rag.

"Here you go miss if you need more cold water just tell me." Tomoko bows and slides the door closed.

"You don't have to take care of me, I'm fine." I dunk the rag into the water and squeeze the excess out.

I glare at him in disbelief, "You are half asleep, Orochi. If you were fine, you wouldn't have needed my help getting you to lay down. Now, hold still so I can clean your face, trouble."

He nods his head and stays still with his eyes closed. I wipe from his forehead down to his chiseled jawline, across this the tops of his cheeks to his ears and from his jaw to the bottom of his neck. My hand dabs the skin around his lips but my eyes are glued to them. The memory of him kissing me appears in my mind and makes me flush.

Orochi's eyes slowly open and meet mine, "Why did you stop?"

I look up to his eyes staying silent, my heart starts to beat slightly faster. My hand drops down onto his chest. "Ren, what's wrong?" I feel his warm hand grab my hand with the cloth between them.

"Nothing, I just want to say thank you." I look back to see him smirking.

"Sure, you do but it's no problem." He smiles and lets his eyes close as sleep consumes him.

After a few minutes, his breath evens out, and if softly asleep. I gently take my hand away and lay the cloth on top of his forehead. I lean down and place a kiss on his brow. "Thank you, Orochi."