The morning after

I wake up to find myself in Orochi's suffocating embrace from when he comforted me from my nightmare. My face was still tucked to his chest and I could see only his toned light grey skin. My face immediately flushed, how shameless can he be? I try pulling back some but Orochi groans and pulls me closer.

My lips frown in a straight line and I feel my eyes squint. Stupid sleeping demon, how dare you treat a woman with such intensity! My eyes travel up to his sleeping face, his sharp eyebrows are relaxed from the typical expression he usually wears. His hair lays effortlessly against his pale skin making him look like some type of rare creature.

If only I looked this good looking, I whine in my brain. My hands wrap around his arm and slowly lift it from my body. His arm is lean and muscular in my small hands that I look frail compared to him. "You don't want to sleep with your future husband, Ren?"

I jump back and yelp, "EH?!?!"

One of his captivating golden eyes look at me as brush his hair back with the hand I was trying to pick up. "Such a rude woman, waking her love from his slumber only to reject and dodge his questions."

I pout, "I'm doing no such thing to you. Your the one who was faking to be asleep."

He chuckles, "Faking to be asleep? Who said I wasn't asleep? I was dreaming before you interrupted me."

My face turns into a deeper shade of pink and I only hum in reply, knowing that he had proven his point.

"I hope you slept well."

I put my head down hoping my hair would hide my crimson face, "Yes, I am okay and sleep great."

Orochi closes his eyes and leans head back as far as his horns would let him. The rooms falls silent and all that can be heard is the soft breathing of each other. "What did you dream of?" He asks.

I bit my lip hesitant on how to reply to the heavy question, "My parents."

"No, before then."

I look at his tilted back head in confusion, "Before then?"

The room goes silent once more without an answer to my question. My mind is searching throughout the events that happened last night but everything seems so blurred. Last night, seems almost like it wasn't real even though with Orochi laying in front of me it proves otherwise.

He gets up from the bed throwing on his robes and tightening them, "It's nothing you need to worry about then. It was simply a curiosity."

But, curiosity gets to me as well and I begin to wonder what he meant by the statement. His face seems to have no emotion but I see a glint of something in his eyes from where I'm sitting. Confusion? Frustration?

"I bet you probably want to relax by yourself for a little bit. While I was out the last few days, I discovered that there were some hot springs here and had them cleaned up for you. Go and relax, by then Tomoko will have some food prepared for you."

I nod and watch him leave the room, such a strange man he is. I rub the back of my neck noticing how stiff it felt, maybe a bath would be nice.

A few minutes later, I was sitting in the hot spring letting the gentle warmth soak into my body. The steam was a gentle air to help my face from all the sweat and grime built up the last few days. "Ah... This feels amazing!" I let myself sink deeper into the water, smiling in such happiness.

I open my eyes admiring the mid-morning sun. Birds flew overhead and the few clouds moved with the wind high above where only birds could reach, it made me feel small. Smaller than I had felt the last few days. It even makes me think that my problems are only a small spark in the world as if it didn't matter at all. My body felt so weightless in the water like I could float away.

My eyes slowly close as I take in the gentle breeze of air, the warmth of the water, and all the sounds around me. I feel the warm water tickle the stray strands of hair floating in the hair off the bottom of my necks hairline. Such simplicity is strange after such intense events. All of it seemed like a dream and if only my mother was here...

A few minutes go by until I finally get out and go back to the house where the smell of food is filling the air after getting dressed. Tomoko is standing in the kitchen with her back turned busy with something while food ready on the table, "Tomoko! You made all of this in such a short time!"

She giggles as she turns around, "Good morning, Miss!"

I smile with enjoyment knowing that I'll have the company of Tomoko's warm presents. As I sit down to start eating, Orochi walks into the room and I dart my eyes down in embarrassment, trying to keep my nerves down. The memories from my episode last night haunt me, the dream seemed so real and heart-breaking. My parents were killed before, I'm embarrassed that Orochi had to see me at that state.

He probably thinks I'm weak now. I continue eating and hope the shame doesn't bother me any more than it has already.

Tomoko sits down next to me, "So Miss, how did you like the spring?"

"It was very relaxing and warm, much quieter then it was at the estate. I love the nature around, it makes it feel very private and secluded from prying eyes." I sip my tea after I explain to her my opinion. Orochi, of course, has stayed silent chewing his food and after a few minutes, it falls silent between us.

"So, what are we doing today?" Orochi asks breaking the silence between us.

My mouth opens but nothing comes up for me say, "Uhhh..."

"We're going into the market!" Tomoko exclaims.

He raises his eyebrow, "Market? You mean the little port with the shabby houses around it?"

Tomoko's eyes squint at him, "Just because it's not a fancy as the capital and lacks the population, does not mean it is any less than it."

He chuckles at her, "Well, since you put it that way."

She smiles and bounces around, "Ren! We must get you a bunch of new things for your side of the room and clothes! Besides, the Master doesn't like shopping."

I nod and take a sip of my tea trying to hold my laugh in at her rambunctious attitude. She sits back down calmly and asks, "So Ren, where were you last night? I didn't see you when I woke up during the night?"

My eyes burst open as tea hits the back of my throat making me choke and cough comes from Orochi. Her eyebrows raise, "I am assuming you had something to do with that Master?"

His eyes dart to the left, "So how is the weather today?"

"Don't avoid my question!" She whines.

"Ahh, don't worry Momo. I spent the night with Orochi because I was feeling down." As I wipe the tea off my cheek, she pats my shoulder to let me have some comfort which I nod in thanks to.

"Momo? Wow, I didn't know you were both on nicknames now." He rolls his eyes as a smirk plays across his lips.

"Hey!" We both shout which makes us all laugh at our idiocy.

Smiles are spread on our faces which makes me think this is the happiest and most relax that they both have been the last few days. I look at both of them and internally hug them both because I know they had been good to me while I was recuperating. More than that, Orochi had almost harmed himself just to keep me protected.

"So what exactly do you need to get?" He asks.

Tomoko puts a finger on her lips and thinks for a moment, "Well, we need to get the Miss more clothes, something to cover her face or distract her looks, more food, and a few other things."

I look over to see him shaking his head in disbelief, "You women and your shopping sprees."

"There isn't anything wrong with buying stuff for the Miss, is there?" She questions him. "Unless you want to come shopping as well?" Her eyebrows wiggle at him and I feel my face get red.

"Only if she wants me there." Both pairs of eyes look at me full of curiosity.

I stumble for words to say to them, "I mean, I'll be okay if he comes along."

Her hands clap in utter enjoyment, "Then let us get ready for the long day ahead of us and shop like the world is ending!"

A nervous laugh comes out of both Orochi and me as if the world didn't come crashing down on us days ago.