Market craziness

We travel to the market a little while later and were standing right in front of the town opening. There is a little half stone wall that wraps around the town with two guards standing guarding the entrance. In the distance, you could see seagulls flying in the air the town and more than likely the sea.

"This isn't such a shabby place as I thought it would be," Orochi admits.

Tomoko puts her hands on her hips proud that she was right in her previous argument in an 'I told you so' smile. "Well, now that we're here. Let's go!"

I feel a heavy yank on my arm and I'm being pulled forward by the small fox pass the guards and inside the walls. A slightly dense crowd surrounds us as they shop for their items. Small conversations fill the air bringing a smile to my face. "Wow! I didn't expect such a small port town to be so popular."

Tomoko nods her head and lets go of my hand to fall in step next to me. "Indeed, it is pretty busy. But this is one of the most popular ports due to the rare items you can only get here."

"Rare items?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes, this port is located on a specific part of the land where they find items from certain ocean monsters, beasts, rare prey and it's the closest to the capital in distance compared to the others." She walks up to a shop that has baskets of strange harvests I never have seen before.

My eyes travel around the tent at all the vivid beautiful colors and how massive some of the items were. "Tomoko, this is pretty cool!"

I wandering over to a strange looking pile of flowers that were blue with bright pink centers. "These are pretty!" I reach down to pick one up-

"Miss! Don't touch those! Those flowers are poisonous to humans. Only demons can pick those up. If the pollen was to get on your skin, it would cause hallucinations. For demons, it's a relaxing effect but I wouldn't get them." Her grip on my hand lets go.

Laughing nervously I back away from the table, "Sorry."

She shakes her head and continues to put things into her basket, "It would be better if today, you just watch me shop instead of trying to help. There is a lot of things here that you can be hurt with if you're not careful."

I shake my head and put my hand in front of me. I see Orochi's tall dark figure coming through the crowd to us. He looks down to see the basket that Tomoko is holding full of things, "We're barely here and you have already filled your basket full of things."

I stifle a smile behind my hand as her face distorted, "At least I'm doing something useful."

The three of us walk to pay for the items and head out to look for more things. "Miss, we got the food for the next few days so why don't we look for items for you? That kimono looks horrible."

I look down at the dull green cloth and back to her, "I thought this looked nice though."

"No, that is a mess. The color does not match you at all," She thrusts the basket at Orochi and grabs my hand, dragging me away from Orochi. At least, she knows her way around the port. We walk into the small shop where beautiful clothes were folded against each other, amazing patterns and colors jumped out at my eyes making them dart in everything direction. "Woah..."

"Hello, ma'am." The woman turns around and greets us with a smile.

"Hello, small one. How can I help you today?"

"We need to get my mistress some fine cloth and things for her today." She gestures over to me with a bursting smile.

The lady who is behind the stand suddenly looks at me bewildered, "A human?! How in the world can she afford anything in this world?"

My anger suddenly flares up, "Just because I am a human in a demon realm doesn't mean I'm poor." Right as she was able to say something, a heavy hand rests on my shoulder and I know who it is automatically.

"Is there a problem?" Orochi says behind me.

The woman's eyes go wide with shock, "N-no! Not at all! No problem here!" But the nervous fidgeting says different. He moves around me and walks over to the woman and leans down to whisper something in her ear.

She eyes glance over to me and then back down at the floor. Orochi backs away as the store owner clears her throat, "What would you like madam?"

I raise my eyebrow at Orochi but he shrugs like he had nothing to do with it. "Well, like my friend said I need clothing and thing for myself. Is there anything you would recommend?"

Her eyes light up at my comment and within seconds she grabbing clothes off the shelf and putting them into my arms. The pile gets heavier with the more she piles on top of my thin arms. "Ma'am, I don't need that much.."

My arms start to shake under the weight of it, Orochi notices and takes the pile from me. "These will be fine. If we need more, we know where to come."

She nods and takes us to the front allowing us to pay before putting it all in a paper so nothing would mess with the fabric. Tomoko joyously walks in front of both of us as we walk around the town.

"Having fun with Tomoko dragging you around?" Orochi asks protrudes.

I laughed shyly, "I mean sure if you think getting your arm ripped out of you is fun."

"I heard that!"

Orochi snickers, "Well, shopping is her strong suit."

"What is yours?" I glance over to Orochi sideways but his eyes seemed to have something else on his mind, "Or not..." I mumble.

I walk mindlessly through the crowd following Tomoko alongside Orochi. A smiled at the peacefulness of shopping, it was almost like we were in the human world again shopping with my mother...

"Something wrong?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Orochi staring at me.

It hasn't hit me yet that the only people I have any connection of happiness in the world is Tomoko and Orochi. The last bit of sanity keeping ground to the planet.

"I'm alright. It's just that I was thinking about my-" Then suddenly something hits my shoulder making me fall backward on my behind.

"Ow..." I whimper when I feel pain shoot up the bottom of my back.

Orochi turns around and sees me on the ground, "Ren! Are you alright?"

He holds his hand out towards me and I take it, slowly getting up trying not to make anything else hurt. "Yeah, I- I don't know what happened. Something just hit my shoulder hard and I fell on my behind."

His face creased with confusion as he looks around in the crowd. Tomoko runs up to us, "Hey! Why weren't you guys behind me? I was twenty yards ahead of you when I noticed...Miss! What happened to your clothes?!"

I look down to see that dry dirt was covering the bottom of my skirt and covering the socks I was wearing, "I fell by something hitting me."

Her cheeks puff, "I feel dumb now. I should have noticed before you guys weren't following me."

I laugh, "It's fine. Dirt doesn't hurt, Momo."

She scoffs and bends down to brush it off my skirt. I frown as she aggressively pats down my legs and stands in front of me, "There isn't anything that will change your mind about me being to tomboy is there?"

"No, you're just very mind-boggling. Orochi probably agrees as well." I look over to see him dart his eyes.

"Oh! Look at that!"

"Hey!" I huff and cross my arms.

Tomoko burst out laughing at me, "Miss, no one can take you seriously like that."

I roll my eyes playfully and storm off to Orochi who is walking casually. His eyes are squinted off into the distance ahead, "Orochi, what do you see?"

"Just buildings."

My eyes look towards the buildings that split off into two sections, nothing out of the ordinary but that didn't mean there isn't anything strange. I ignore it for now and continue to look at the passing stalls and their beautiful items until I come across a pair of eyes who are staring at me.

Bright red-pink eyes follow me as I pass.

"Ren, what are you looking at?" I blink and suddenly the person with the weird eyes is gone.

"I just saw someone staring at me right there." I point to the wall.

I look back to Orochi who is frowning at my puzzled expression. "You probably need sleep, Ren. We should hurry back to the house and let you get some relaxation. Its the first day you have been back since the incident."