Wrath of the Evil Queen

~~~ Third person POV (Beliath) ~~~

(This is going to be in Beliath's view of after Ren wounded her the night she burned down Orochi's Estate and killed the whole Lotus Clan.)

Pain was what Beliath was feeling in her body right now. All caused by the human brat she failed to kill. Beliath's furious silhouette came into the view of the hall with blood pouring from the wound across her chest.

As she moved her arm to keep it held to her body, blood seeped into her kimono making her head dizzy as she walked into the throne room.

"Someone come here and help me!" She swiped the items laying on the table in front of her off and slammed her arms down. Her chest heaved as she clutched her eyes shut.

Her body swayed slightly with every second she lost more blood.

"Your highness, please lay down while I take care of you."

A small girl with long raven black hair came up behind her with a bag of items.

Beliath scoffed and layed down hissing, "Stupid girl, how dare she strike at me?!"

Her eyes glowed with an internal rage but the small girl didn't take notice of it. Her small pale hands pulled down the kimono to reveal a cut that went from Beliath's shoulder down to the center of her chest.

Her small little eyes went wide at the sight of it and began to panic, "Beliath, please lay still while I give stitches to you. It's going to be painful and more than likely leave a scar."

She nodded and stared at the ceiling that opened to the darkened sky above. Tears pricked her eyes as the needle pierced her skin. Bloody clothes littered her side as the girl closed Beliath's wound.

The wound Ren had created was clean and cut precisely that it could wound Beliath enough to lose her balance. Her magic was draining slowly as her blood poured out of her.

Rage and revenge filled her body as she barred the pain by herself. Her thoughts were filled with Ren when she swung her sword at her. She had tried to stop it but somehow, it made it passed her.

"Beliath, may I ask who did this?" The girl clipped the string as she pulled the skin together making the Queen hiss in pain.

A deep growl came from the bottom of her throat, "Ren, the disgusting and pathetic human Orochi claims to be his wife. The only daughter of the Lotus that had been born."

Uncertainty leek into the small girl's mind as she finished the stitches, "How could someone make it past to injure you this deeply? You're one of the strongest demons in this world and you are wounded worse than you ever had been before."

Beliath's right arm slammed down making a crack in the table below her, "You think I don't know that?!"

Her sudden outburst made the girl jump back away from her and she scoffed at her reaction. "Pathetic. She is from that weak spirit Aiya who I killed all those years ago and right when I had all their throats in my hand, one manages to get away from me."

A small girl pours a liquid onto a piece of cotton and wipes it across the broke skin, "Is she a concern to us?"

Beliath who stared back at the bottomless void of the sky shook her head, "I don't know."

A pin of worry and chaos was stabbed into Beliath then as she thought of someone being able to hurt her even to this extent.

She was the Queen of the Darklands, the cruelest ruler in over the last hundreds of years and she was wounded by a single strike from a demon slayer. A human. The enemy who killed her brother long ago and the spawn of her prey Aiya.

This wasn't the end she wanted and she didn't plan to end that way.

The girl's hands hovered over Beliath's wounds with a soft yellow glow, she could feel the magic healing her wound and sealing her skin shut like new.

The pain slowly subsided and her body exhales from the tense position she was lying in.

"You should be fine for now. Please lay down and eat something to recover from the blood loss." The girl bows and walks away from Beliath who was standing now with a deep look of concentration on her face.

She walked down a series of halls and finally walked out onto a balcony where the chill of the midnight wind shuffled her hair. A sour taste touched her tongue as she thought about Orochi defending the small human.

Finding the girl and killing her with her bare hands sounded like a pleasurable idea but by causing problems with Orochi, she had put her kingdom at risk from the moronic Vor'on.

He would be coming after her if she didn't make a move now. The provinces that separated the Capital and Darklands were on the verge of success. But if he decided to retaliate against her, it could be bigger losses than they had suffered.

Unless... she went out there by herself and did something about it.

Her lips and hands twitched with the realization that this was her chance to take over the Capital. Before she knew it, she was setting out to find her hands to initiate her orders.

When she found them both we in a room cleaning their swords, as usual, Beliath thought. Both her hands were the most feared swordsman in the Darklands.

Asuga, her left hand was sitting on the steps inside whipping her blades. She had long white hair that reached the bottom of her back. A natural body with a beauty like no one in Darklands. She was feared by everyone within a six-foot reach and one look from her could make one shiver.

Her blades had killed the most powerful of regional warriors and even the innocent. She had found Beliath when her had taken an arrow to her chest unable to heal herself, Beliath took her in many years ago.

The second girl was shorter and quieter but that wasn't something one looked down upon. Her name was Kagome and was the living dead girl amongst the people in Darklands.

She was undead and mastered the art of necromancy. Her eyes were as soulless and filled with death like Death himself. Her demons were the undead warriors of the Darklands, puppets she called them.

The pride and joy of her undead heart. She had a short bob cut and empty red eyes that chilled you to the core.

Her body was small and fit with pale white skin that looked like a light shade of blue. "Asuga, Kagome I need your assistance."

They looked up at their queen and stood by, "Yes, Mistress Beliath. What do you need?" They both replied in unison.

They were the most feared Duo in all the Kingdom and if anyone crossed Beliath in any way, your death was guaranteed to be at the hands of them.

Both were wearing the armor of male warriors and it fit them both like a glove over a hand. That woman could be just as sinister a men and they both embodied it to the spec of dust.

"By the next fortnight, I want you to assemble a group of warriors and we are going to take the War Lands." She smirks at her statement.

Both nod but Asuga speaks up, "Which War Land, if I may ask?"

Beliath smiled at her left hand proud of her determination, "The province next to the nearest port town. I intend to gain control over the imports so that the Capital can suffer slowly without their needs. Snuffing out the weak."

Asuga nodded and took her to leave, Kagome was left staring at Beliath.

"Ah, my dearest right hand. My sweet flower of Death, I want you to raise the strongest dead warriors to walk along beside us as we take what used to belong to us."

No reaction came from Kagome because a small and monotone, "Yes, Mistress."

Without another word, Beliath was left again to herself with the satisfying feeling of the upper-hand now at her advantage. She would control the capital now and Vor'on who was probably drinking his thoughts away in wine.

A deep cackle rose from her mouth and raked its way through the air. A laugh-filled with insanity and blood lust for the girl who harmed her.

It filled the air around her and echoed down the hall to the ears of Beliath's hands. They both smirked at the sound of their pleased Mistress with the thought of pleasing their Mistress.

Beliath smiled with insanity filling her mind and body. But in the far off distance, little did Beliath know that Ren was finding out who she truly was.

Chaos and war were upon them and Beliath intended to face it head-on.