Burning Town

~~~ Third person POV ~~~

In the following weeks since Beliath asked her hands to gather troops everything had gone smoothing for the Evil Mistress of the Darklands.

Kagome and Asuga had done as she asked preparing only the strongest warriors to help them take back their lands. They were lined up with each other on the top of one of the mountain edge, looking down at the province that was the chosen target.

Beliath being the first of the V-formation had the best view of it all. She could see the small pathetic people walking carelessly throughout the streets. Her thoughts were filled with disgust that they stepped on the land of Darklands but claimed it was their own.

Taken from innocent hands of Beliath's people who have now been long gone.

Luckily, Beliath had her followers beside her for that reason. On each side of her was Asuga and Kagome on their horses as well. Each wore a blank but stern expression as they gazed upon the land like Beliath.

Asuga spoke first breaking the silence of the group, "Mistress, what are your plans?"

The group waited for their Mistress's answer gazing at the back of her dark black hair. "We shall wait until night to attack. I want a full report of every movement of each building, guard, and person's whereabouts."

Asuga nods and departs from the group with three other of the men behind her. Kagome who hasn't spoken a word looked down at the oblivious people and smile, "Such rude low life's. This is going to be too easy." She smirked confidently.

Snickers followed her remark from the ghoulish men behind her. Death was upon the land below and they didn't even know.

"Kagome, let us find ourselves a camp and prepare. A night of glorious fun is waiting for us." Beliath says as her horse turns from the edge and starts down towards the base of the mountain where their camp lies.

The other six followed behind their queen as the sun stood in the sky above them. A light breeze wove through the air and hit the skin of Beliath's face making her shiver. This was going to a night to remember.


Darkness and moonlight had fallen upon the land as nightfall arrived. The subtle yellow lights from each of the buildings shown out unto the nearby surfaces of the town.

The star twinkled above on the midnight black sky like eyes about to witness the destruction by Beliath. The six of the troop were waiting for Asuga to come back. Kagome and Beliath were speaking about the preparations when they came back.

"Ah, Asuga what have you collected?" The hand walked forward to the table where the two were sitting and sat down relaying the news.

"On the east side of the town, there is nothing but shops, young families, and the gardens. Further down, is just homes, the pleasure house. The very end is where the guards are along with the weapon house. Ten guards are on patrol right now and most everyone is inside."

Her hands point to things on a paper she sketched out previously and Beliath's face lit up with a mischievous smile. "Asuga, you do know how to make me proud."

Asuga smirked and rolled up the paper to hand to Kagome.

"I want three men on the east and west of the town. One of you will go with a group of three and I will have 'Him' with me."

They nod and head out of the tent to get ready. Beliath who had thought she was invincible against everything and anyone was now waiting to plan her takeover. The corruption of the demon world itself.

Tonight marked the start of it. The start of the downfall of 'The Glorious and Manic Vor'on' and Beliath grew more impatient.

She threw her cloak around herself and raised the dark black hood over her braided hair. As she walked out of the tent, the few men looked upon her with a slightly fearful gaze.

Her aura was menacing enough as it was and tonight her body seemed to radiate that energy to those around her. "Everyone! On your horses and ready for the town. This is going to be the start of what we have been waiting for."

She swung up onto her horse as did Asuga and Kagome. Soon, they were a mile after a mile away from the town and tying their horse to the dark forest trees.

"We will go on foot from here," She looked at Asuga. "Remember the formation I told you?"

Only a slight nod from her and she headed up farther from the group to begin the assault against the innocent.

The distant sounds of people chattering inside and laughing became louder as they got closer. Few people were out and walking out of the houses before them. A sour taste invaded Beliath's mouth as she saw them carelessly walking without a care.

Anger grew inside her and her arm flicked up into the arm letting go of a green fireball that flew into the dark sky and exploded signaling the other group to begin.

A mass crash echoed through the air with screams erupting into the cold night.

"It's begun, Mistress." Kagome approached the hidden Beliath.

"Good, now let us wreak havoc and send a message to those pathetic fools who wish to doubt us." They walked forward coming close to the people who were running out of buildings.

Beliath's hand shot out in different directions causing fires to erupt on the buildings before them. More screams from the people filled Beliath's ear and caused her to smile.

"Kagome, bring me the guards."

"Yes, Mistress." The small form of the undead girl opens her hands and the men amongst the town glow yellow with her eyes.

Each one of them was now being controlled by the girl and becoming a puppet to the game Beliath had created. Buildings were being smashed, burned, and clobbered to the ground by the fists of Kagome's puppets.

Laughter came from Beliath seeing each of the pathetic demons who lived in the town slaughtered to the ground. A young woman came running out from behind a nearby home to come face to face with Beliath. Her form trembled and fear clouded her eyes.

A young boy yelled out to the girl but before he could run any further Kagome's men thrust his sword into the chest of the boy's body. His eyes went wide from shock and looked down at the peeking out sword from the middle of his body.

"Kana..." He choked out before his body went limp and slid off the sword.

The girl collapsed to her knees as tears suddenly fell onto her cheeks. "No... No..."

Beliath howled with laughter at the girl's reaction, "Mere girl, your brother was nothing against us."

She walked forward to the girl and yanked her chin up to meet her gaze. The girl's eyes were like mirrors as they produced her tears, "I want you to take a message to me into the next town over. We have come to take back our lands and if anyone stops us... They will meet their demise."

A smirk grew across her face as the sparkle in her eyes dimmed into nothing. The girl got up from her spot on the ground and ran through the chaos and into the night.

"Mistress, here are the guards." She turned around to see that Asuga had seven men layed out on the ground before her like rabbits.

"Ah, thank you. Always such fine work," She nods and looks down at the sniveling faces of the men. "Which one of you runs this town?"

A man with black hair mumbled a reply and groaned in pain. His body was more built than anyone else and good looking.

"Of course you do." Beliath scoffed and squatted down in front of him.

"Give me all the information you know about Vor'on."

He spat at the ground, "Why would I listen to you? You're just a demon who raids."

Beliath's face went cold with rage, "Just a demon?"

Her hand went to his throat and glowed green with her fire. "I am Beliath. The queen of the Darklands and I have come to end the reign of Vor'on. Stupid male."

Her hand flung him back into a nearby building and crashed into the boards, letting her fire consume his body.

"Mistress, what should we do now?" Kagome asks.

"Destroy everything. Everything in this province is ours. If anything comes in our way. Destroy it. Corrupt this land with whatever you see fit."

Kagome smiled and her eyes glowed once more with an intense gold.

This was only the beginning for them. Beliath looked into the sky as the flames danced against the black midnight like a ribbon in the breeze.

"I will hunt you down girl. Being in hiding won't stop me from finding you." She whispered and let the smoke carry those words into the cold air of the night.