

I hit my head onto something as I passed the void.

I looked around me. I was in a unfamiliar room. It looks like those rooms that you see In k-dramas about kings and all that weird history stuff that I wasn't interested in during high school. I look at myself and founded out that I was wearing a hanbok. A pink one, to be more specific.

I looked at the table and saw a book that say journal on it, right next to it was a brush with an ink box (I dunno what it is called) next to it. I stood up, confused as I looked around and headed to the table to look into the journal.

I looked inside and saw daily stuff this person did, like, washing clothes, buying stuff and etc. The book had my name on it. How did I end up here? Where am I? Why am I here?

I took the journal and went out, as soon as I went out, it was crowded with people and there were carts pulled by horses and stalls that sells accessories and other stuff. THiS mUst BE OnE oF YouR WeirD DREams, KiM HyeJonG! I walked out confidently and walked around for a while until I stopped at a stall to look at the fabrics the merchant was selling. "Wow! You are one young and beautiful lady, your skin is flawless! You should buy this hairpin!," said the merchant to me. I leaned over towards him, and thought of asking a question A SIMPLE QUESTION.

"um sir, do you know where we are?," I asked him as he suddenly made a perplexed face at me. "Are you serious?," he asked. I nodded back. "young lady," I leaned closer.

ARE YOU DUMB ENOUGH TO NOT KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN HANYANG?," he whispered to my face. I leaned back and put on a annoyed face. I can't.

"well, its obvious that you are born here, or are you, possibly, KIDNAPPED?," he said.

"The prince is here!," said a lady.

The prince? I turned around and started getting pushed by the crowd behind me.


Someone accidentally pushed me right in front of the prince.

*inHaLEs* eoicfvjrifjrijfrejferiojfoerjf PANIC ATTACK MODE*

I fell right in front of the prince. I slowly looked up just to see him staring at me. It was silent. I slowly gulped. One of the prince's female escort suddenly shouted and started dragging me in front of the crowd. "SHAME!," she shouted. "THIs wench tried to block his majesty's path!," she continued. "ASK FOR FORGIVENESS," she pushed me in a bowing position in front of the prince. I was in loss of words. I didn't know what to say, I was in silence. This situation made shivers go down my spine. I was shaking.

The prince got on one knee to see my face. "Get up," he pulls my hand to help me get up. "Now, fix that hair of yours, its gotten quite messy for a pretty girl like you," he smiled as I fixed my hair since I didn't know what else to do but FOLLOW his order. "better," he smiled at me. He reminds me of spring, just very warm and pretty (YeEt). Then, he walks past me as if nothing happened. "Lee Hyo-Rin, how many times did I tell you to not do things like this?," he scolded his female escort.

"And oh, what your name miss?," he turned around to my direction. "Huh? umm.. Hyejong Kim," I answered. "Soo, Miss Kim, what punishment do you want hers to be?," he asked. "huh, WHAT?," I'm shook. "She can be caned, embarrassed publicly, etc," he continues confidently. "or a bit extreme, drowned, stoned, or possibly, beheaded?," he names them whilst using his fingers to count them. I can't believe this guy, this scenario has been escalated pretty quickly. I felt bad for her, well I mean I NOT that mean. "I don't think she should be punished, your majesty, she just made a small mistake, I don't think it's fair for her to be punished," I gave him my choice.

"huh, you're different, Miss Kim, I like that," he said. "See you next time, then," he turns around, ended his sentence with a goodbye as he walks away.

I stood there in silence, thoughts rummaging through my head. I SAVED AN EVIL ESCORT(>:)).

OH my god. That was tense.

I slowly walked back to where I teleported, I think its my house and sat down on my bed.

I wrote down about what happened in my journal. It was scary. The prince was kinda cute tho.

I lay down the bed hugging my journal to my chest and started to roll around on it. Is this a love story? If I was the author, this would be the very cheesy kind. I'm in love with this dream! BUT sadly I have to go back to reality, And so I slowly closed my eyes to go back to my sad reality. :)




I woke up, feeling the soft sheets of my bed. With the sun on my face, my hand slowly tries to find my phone. Wait. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

Where's MY PHONE. My eyes soon adjusted itself to the light that was shining on my face. Wait, this isn't my room. Why am I still here??

"Wow, took you quite a long time to wake up, Miss Kim,". The voice sounds very familiar.


I slowly turned around towards the voice.


I saw the prince sitting right in front of me.

I jumped out of my soft, comfortable bedsheets and sent out a very, very, very loud scream that made him also jumped.