The Prince in My Room


I made the prince jumped to shush me as I got under the covers out of fear.

"SHHHHHHHHH, shut up, don't be so loud!," he said. "Its me! The prince you met yesterday!,".






(he was wearing noble clothing)

I quickly got up and tried to pull myself together towards this freak.


"Your Majesty, how did you get here?," I said to him with a stern look on my face. "OH, that merchant outside your house, his name was... uh I forgot! Anyways, nice to meet you Miss Kim,".

I quickly ran out of words right after he said that.

"Uhm, nice to meet you.. prince,".

"Hmm? You don't know my name?," the prince asked me. "You really don't know me??," he asked again as I quickly shake my head. "I guess you didn't receive any education, or even socialize like a normal human being in this kingdom," he said arrogantly.

Uhm excuse ME?!

"EXCUSE me Prince! I've had education BETTER THAN YOU-," I quickly closed my mouth as I just realized what I was going to say to him. I'm so dead. Really.

"Haha, oh really? Do you really think SO? If so, I'd like to see you WRITE your NAME THEN!," he challenged me.

"HUH? EASY, a child can do that!," I taunted him. "THEN, lets do THIS!," he said.

___________________(TIME SKIP TO THE CHALLENGE)________________________________________________

The challenge starts as if we were in the wild west, fighting like cowboys in the dry, desert lands.

He puts a piece of paper and a brush with an inkbox next to it.

I was ready to prove him wrong!

I picked the brush up from the ink box thingamajig and started to slowly, SLOWLY write my name down to see the look on his face. He was shocked by how well I did. Then challenged me to write a verse of words.

But he was also dumbfounded.

__________________(the arrogant prince POV)_________________________________________________________

How did she learned to do this stuff so easily? Is she from a rich noble family? If so, how can she not know my name?? I'm the royal prince of Joseon and I don't understand her!

Aa-HA! MAYBE SHE can't write a poem!

"I bet you can't write a poem!," I challenged her.

"A poem? HA, easy!," said Miss Kim.

"oh, ReaLLy?," I taunted her.

a few minutes passed by and I realized I made a HUUUGE mistake.

"HA, read my poem arrogant Old MAN!," she ends her poem with her sliding the piece of paper towards me.

I slowly read the poem.

title: Ye Arrogant oLd MaN

I suddenly woke up,

Just to find a man suddenly challenging me to a fight.

I didn't wanted this fight because he was an old, weak man.

My thoughts become'd testy because he was quite zany for quite a bit.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings nor I do want my pride to be scratched by the wrong person.

"O! Whatever will art, I shall not art feayerd by an old man," I thought to myself.

A few challenges were taken and I knew that ye old zany man was gast of me.

As ye war ends, and Ay! My was right! That zany old man lost.

And ye old man also became vindictive of myself.

"What arrogance!," I yelled and ye old man was wall-eyed by myself.

Ye old man ran off and was never seen again.

-Kim Hyejeong

The arrogant prince POV_________________________________________________

"W-what is this?!," I raised my voice. "You dare to mock the prince of Joseon!," I raised chin up slightly.

"Oh, really?," she slightly pushed my chin down. "Are you an arrogant old man? NO NO NO No NO! The prince of Joseon is tall, lean, smart and handsome!,"

OooHH I did not expect compliments like I usually do.

I smirked as I couldn't help myself to forgive this disrespectful, young child.

"Fine, you win, and I shall forgive you since you mean nothing by this fight by complimenting me today, and I shall give you a treat at a restaurant!," I attempt to secretly ask her on a date.

"wha-," I cut her off.

"Follow me,".

__________KIM HYEJEONG POV______________________________________________

The arrogant prince pulled me towards a restaurant and sat me down at a table.

"Waitress! Get me two bowls of JAEpChaE! And two bottles of soju!," said the prince to a waitress nearby.

The compliment was for me to escape, not go out with him! Dang IT!

"So, where do you come from?," he asked me suddenly. "uhhhh...H-here I guess?," I hesitantly lie. "oh, ok, so.... what's your job?," he asked again. "I don't actually have a job, uh well I, uh do odd jobs here and there...,".

"so, you're jobless,".

A waitress came to our table and gave our food with bottles of soju and two cups. The waitress was a old lady.

"Wow, sir! You are sooo handsome! Wow, you were born with lots and looooots of good luck!," said the waitress.

"Thank you!," he slightly bowed to the waitress.

Suddenly the waitress turns her head at ME.

"And this must be your wife!-,"

"uhmm..," ummed me and the prince. "She is so beautiful! With big beautiful doe eyes and such FAIR skin! YOU both will have lots and lots of beautiful children together!," .

"Uhhh, thanks?," I thanked the waitress awkwardly. There was an awkward silence between us.

"Uhhh-," I cut the prince off.

"Let's eat!," I started eating.

________________________Three hours later....________________________________________________________

"You kNow Hyejeong-Ah, I'm SOoooooooooooooooo TiRed Of bEinG The PriNCe of DumB SErvanTs!WHY cant I BE FReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!," the prince laughs as he chugs down his SIXTH bottle of soju.

"oh god, you're like, really, really drunk.," I said to him. He quickly falls asleep as he finishes his bottle of soju. I looked at his face and felt pity on him towards what he just said.

I slowly dragged him to the palace and gave him to his servant a.k.a the guards. It was already dark.

I was tired and slowly walked to the direction of my home.
