chapter twelve: admitting

Angel/Alira's POV

Me and Jace went upstairs towards his room. Right now we're laying in his bed. "Jace?" I ask him. "Yes?" He asks. He looks down at me. "Am I really your first kiss?" I ask.

I don't know why but I started to doubt it. "Yes" He says and kisses me on the lips. "Why are you asking? Is it because of earlier?" He asks. I look down. "Yes" I say softly. He sighs.

"Are you still a virign?" I ask him. "Yes" he says and pulls me closer to him. "And I hope you will be my first" He says. I blush in his shirt. "Really? Why me?" I ask him.

He frowns at me. "Why not?" He says. "Well.. I don't know" I say. "Tell me" He says. "It's just.. my sisters" I say. "What about them?" He asks.

"It's just that.. they are prettier than me" I say. "Why would you think that?" He asks with a frown. "I know we are an identical quintuplet but not quite the same you know, For example they have bigger.. well.. "curves" than me. And I saw you looking at it" I say and glare at him.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want you to be my first, I love you" He says. I blush and hide my face in his shirt. "I'm kind of glad that you are also a quintuplet because then I can keep you all for myself" He says which makes me smile.

I sigh. "Do you think now that my sisters are here, that the others will still love me?" I ask him. "Of course, why wouldn't they? They are still mated to you" He says. He is right though, for some weird reason we all share the same mates. He turns us around. Now he lays on top of me with his head on my chest.

"Is it bad that I wouldn't mind that? When I first found out that I had to share you with my brothers I hated it and really did not want to. I'm actually glad that you're sisters are here because then I finally have you for myself. I feel kind of guilty because they are my brothers and you are also mated to them and it feels I'm stealing you away from them. And sure I love your sisters because they are my mates too but.. I don't know" He says.

He breaths out loudly. I stroke my hand over his head. "I don't think it is bad at all. This whole situation is just so confusing for everyone. It doesn't happen everyday that you have to share 5 mates with your siblings" I say.

I'm glad that he told me his real thoughts. I understand that it's hard for him. I give him a kiss on his head. "Goodnight" I say. He looks up at me and gives me a kiss on my lips. "Goodnight babygirl" He says. I roll my eyes at the nickname.

Leilani's POV

He throws me on his bed. I glare at him. He puts off his shirt and pants and lays down on the bed. "You're going to sleep in your normal clothes?" He asks with an amused face expression.

I glare at him. "I want my own room" I says stubborn and fold my arms. "Goodnight" He says and turns off the lights. He doesn't even listen! I hate him so much. He pulls me closer to him but I push him away from me. Not that it has any effect.

He holds me very tight and kisses me on my forehead. He sighs. "You don't want to sleep with me because I'm not a virgin anymore, do you?" He says. How could he have guessed it?

"You think so?" I say. He sighs again. I feel a slight pain, I know it's not mine so it must be from him. "Why did you do it?" I ask him. I can't help but feel a bit hurt by it.

He pulls me even closer to him. "I don't know. I was young and stupid I guess. I thought I would never find my mate" He says. "Why did you think that?" I ask him.

"Because I always wanted a mate. When my parents died I was so sad and I thought that a mate would make me happy, so I started to search for my mate. After years of searching I gave up, and I was also a bit impatient. I am an Alpha, and also the oldest of the quintuplet, I have to have a child to become my successor. I was also scared that I wouldn't find my mate on time" He says.

I clench my hands. "So that means you have a child?" I ask him. "No but if I wouldn't find my mate before my 30th birthday I would have" He says. I sigh in relief. "What I didn't know is that I would have 5" He says with amusement.

"How old are you guys by the way?" I ask him curiously. "24" He says. "How old are you all?" He asks. "22" I mumble. "So that means I'm, we are older" He says and smiles. I glare at him annoyed. "But I am still the oldest" I say. "But so am I" He says challenging. "Urgh he is so annoying" I mumble out loud without realizing it.

"Am I that annoying?" He asks amused and challenging at the same time. "Yes you are" I say. He gives me a kiss on the lips. "Am I still annoying?" He asks. "Yes" I say. He pouts. I just roll my eyes.

"Are you really going to sleep with clothes on?" He asks. "Yes" I say stubborn. "Please?" "No" "Please?" "No" "Pleaaaaaase?" He asks for the 3rd time. "I said no" I say stubborn.

"Can you at least wear my shirt?" He asks. I didn't know I would stay so I didn't bring a suitcase with me, which means I don't have pajamas with me. "Fine" I say.

His eyes light up. He gets up and turns on the light. He walks to his closet, grabs a t-shirt and gives it to me. "Can you leave?" I ask him. "Why?" He asks. "I'm not going to change in front of you" I say.

"But I will see you naked eventually" He says. "Yes but I don't want it, at least not yet" I say. "Fine" He says and leaves the room. I change as quick as possible. "You can come in" I say.

He walks inside the room again. He looks me up and down. I cross my arms and glare at him. He just smirks at me. We lay down on the bed again. He puts off the lights and says "Sleep tight my beautiful mate" He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

Mia's POV

I put off my clothes except for my shirt. Juan put off his clothes as well and is only left in his boxers. We both lay down in his bed. I'm just glad that I don't have to sleep with Jaxon.

Juan sighs. "Can I ask you something?" He says. "Sure" I say. "Why aren't you a virgin anymore?" He asks. "Because I thought I wouldn't find my mate so I didn't really care" I say.

The real reason why I had so many boyfriends and already did it was because I already got my heat. I never told anyone because I thought that would be weird because I didn't find my mate yet. Or maybe one of them went to our pack, that would explain a lot.

"Did one of you ever visit the Sunflower pack?" I ask him. He is thinking. "Maybe Jaxon once I don't know, why?" He says. "Oh I was just wondering" I say. He puts his head in my neck and breathes in my scent.

"You smell delicious" He says. I giggle because it tickles a bit. "Sleep tight strawberry cake. Get it? Because you smell like strawberries?" He says. I giggle. He is so cute. "Yes I get it. Goodnight cutie, get it? Because you're cute?" I say playfully. He smiles and kisses my on my lips. Soon we fall asleep in eachother's arms.


I burst out laughing. "Juan stop" I say while still laughing. He woke me up by tickling me. "Goodmorning gorgeous" Juan says and kisses my cheek. "Goodmorning handsome" I say. I strech myself. How late is it?" I ask.

"It's 06:00 o'clock" He says. "What?! Why would you wake me up so early?" I say. "Because I have to go to work" He says. "Yeah but I don't" I say. "Yes but I want to eat breakfast with you" He says.

I smile. "Fine" I say. We both get out of bed. He puts on a shirt. He also grabs a pair of sweatpants and hands me them. "No thanks" I say. He growls. "My mate is not going to walk around like that" He says.

I fold me arms and raise an eyebrow. "So you're going to decide what I'm going to wear too? No thanks" I say with an attitude. "What if other male wolves see you like this?" He says. "There are no other wolves here" I say. He takes a few steps forward. "Put it on" He says. "Make me" I say challenging. Now he raises an eyebrow.

Out of nowhere he picks me up and throws me on the bed. He lays on top of me so I can't move and start to tickle me. I burt out laughing again. "Juan stop!" I say through the laughing. "Only if you put on the sweatpants" He says. "Okay okay I will!" I say.

He stops tickling. "Get off of me so I can put them on" I say. He gets off of but instead of putting on the sweatpants I start running out of the room towards the kitchen. I can hear him running behind me. "Get here" Juan says playfully. He obviously holds himself in and runs slower than normal.

He almost caught me but I jumped off the stairs in time what he didn't expect me to do. I land on my feet and run to the kitchen. I sit down on a chair as quick as possible. I see the others sitting in the kitchen.

Juan also sits down on a chair. "Why is she wearing that?!" Jaxon says. The boys look angry at me and then at Juan. "She didn't want to wear sweatpants" Juan says. What he left out is that I outsmarted him.

"But you still let her" Jonah says angry. "She is our mate too and I don't want her to wear that, not outside the room at least" Jesse says. I roll my eyes at his words. "Calm down, it's not like I normally wear pants, at least not long ones" I say.

I almost never wear pants, only when it's cold. They seem not to like what I said. "From now on you will" Jaxon says. I cross my arms. "And what if I don't" I say.

He looks furious at my words. "So you're going to decide what we're going to wear too?" Leilani says. She glares at Jaxon who stares angry back. "I am not suddenly going to wear long modest clothes just because you want to" Chiara says.

"Me neither" Alira says. Jace now glares at her. "When are we going to pick up our stuff by the way? I want to wear my own clothes" Chelsea says. "Can we pick it up today?" I ask.

"No we have work to do, we can pick up your stuff in the weekend" Jaxon says. "But that will be over a few days! Can't we just in advance pick up at least a few of our stuff?" Chelsea says impatient.

"Fine but our betas will go with you" Jace says. Jaxon glares at Jace but he just glares back. "Fine you will leave when our betas arrive" Jaxon says defeated.


Me and my sisters have been sitting in the living room and chatting with each other for an hour until Jaxon calls us. Excited I walk towards the kitchen. Maybe we can finally leave and pick up our stuff, I miss my stuff. Especially my clothes.

"We have discussed something. We need to talk" Jaxon says. They all look serious at us. I don't see their betas either so I assume we're not going to leave yet. What do they want to talk about then?