chapter thirteen: the talk

Angel/Alira's POV

"We need to talk" Jaxon says with a serious tone. We all sit down at the kitchen table. "We have discussed somethings and decided in advance who will mark who" Jaxon says but Mia interrupts him.

"So we don't have a say in this?!" Mia says annoyed. "Well because the others are still a virign and we both are the only one who aren't anymore we thought it would be fair if we mated the first time" Jaxon says. Mia crosses her arms and keeps quiet.

"And because you all will go in heat soon we thought it would be smart to decide in advance who will mate who first" He says. He got a point. "Does that count for everytime?" Mia asks. "No only for the first time" He says.

"Then who with who?" Chiara asks. "Well we thought in the order of age but because Mia is the second youngest and Jaxon the oldest we thought Mia and Leilani would switch. So that would be Jace and Angel, Juan and Leilani, Jesse and Chelsea, me and Chiara and Jaxon and Mia" Jonah says.

"Any complains?" He asks and looks especially at Leilani. No one says anything so I assume everybody agrees. "Good. And for today, at any moment our beta's Gael and Kai will arrive so they can watch you. At 12 o'clock our other beta's will arrive too so you can pick up your stuff" Jaxon says.

"So we get babysitters?" Chelsea says. Jaxon ignores her comment. "From now on we will wake up at six in the morning to eat breakfast and at 7 o'clock we will leave for work" Jaxon adds. "But why so early" Mia complains.

"Because if we work earlier then we can also come home earlier. And we also want to eat breakfast with you all" Juan says. Mia rolls her eyes. "Because we didn't work that much the last few days we have to work overtime for the rest of the week so we won't be home until 5 o'clock" Jonah says.

"We will miss you" Jace says and gives me a kiss on my cheek. All the boys gives us one by one a kiss. "Bye sweet pumpkins" Jesse says last and they leave.

Then Gael and Kai walk in. "Hey Angel! And Angels 2.0 to 5.0" Kai says jokingly.


It's finally 12 o'clock. Juan's Beta Jayden, Jace's Beta Levi and Jesse's Beta Isaiah arrived. "Ready?" Gael asks. "Oh right! I totally forgot!" Chelsea says.

"What did you forget?" Leilani asks her. "We were at Alira's old pack remember? Some of our stuff are still there" She says. Why did they sleep at my old house?

"That's okay because we were planning to bring Angel or Alira first to her pack because that's the closest. We can bring you there as well" Gael says.

I get in the bus with Jayden, Kai, Levi and Isaiah. Chiara, Chelsea, Mia Leilani and Gael are in the other bus. We are driving to my old pack. I take a deep breath. I missed my old place so much.

It is an hour drive from our pack. I know I just saw them yesterday but I still miss them.


After an hour all my stuff are packed in the bus. I also said goodbye to my parents and Dylan and his mate. I'm so happy for him that he found a mate as well. She is also super nice.

I give them one last hug. "Promise me you will visit us soon!" Mom says. "I promise" I say. Maybe This weekend? Or next week?

I walk towards the bus. The guys are done with packing my stuff and we're driving away. "Wait why aren't we driving with the others?" I ask. Kai who drives smirks. "We are dropping you off at home with your stuff. Jace will be back earlier to help you carry your stuff. We will immediately drive to your sisters pack. Because they are with more we need 2 busses. And their pack is also 4 hours away from here" He explains.

Yes but I can still come with them. Even though there is only room for 5 people per bus.. Okay maybe I get it. "But I want to visit my old pack" I say stubborn. "You will this weekend. I heard them saying something about going this weekend but because you all wanted desperately your stuff today we had to bring you" Kai says.

Chelsea's POV

We got our stuff that we left at Alira's old house hours ago and are FINALLY at home! "FINALLY" I scream and get out of the bus. "Wait where is Alira?" I ask Gael.

"She is dropped at home" He says. "Why?" Leilani asks. "Because you are with more you need 2 busses for your stuff. They dropped her off and then they will immediately come here to save time because it's a 4 hour drive from our pack to here. Angel still has to put her stuff in the house etc. which also takes time. Jace quit work earlier so he could help her. At the time we arrive at home it's midnight so I don't think we will have time to unload your stuff" He explains.

(A/n): For clarity: they bring ALL their stuff, that includes furniture.

I guess that makes sence. "The others will arrive in about an hour but we can in advance load some stuff in" Gael says. "But then she can't meet everyone!" I complain.

"We know that and that's why they wanted to come in the weekend so she could meet everyone and probably stay overnight while we would load in your stuff all day etc. I don't know why they suddenly changed plans and decided to pick up your stuff today but I think you will still go back in the weekend" He says.

Me and my sisters look at each other. Oh they already had a plan. "Whatever, I want my clothes! I have been in the same outfit for 3 days now! And I'm starving I want to eat" Mia says and walks towards our house. I roll my eyes at her.