Start Again(From Beginning)

I was a man which learn fast and love to learn from books and get knowledge which I can apply in my life that is why I learned botany, Zoology, and other books while remaining a librarian assistant in an Institute of research. Than one day the world get changed, many people got powers and some even became born as legends in this era, I to got my physique boosted and that old fatty librarian got his height increased(but still remain fatty and old), I don't know the actual reason, though the way he do things now show his authority on face with a happy smile on that wrinkled face also after some time(5 months or so) when the things are seen as normal and new organisation formed by world top leaders even college chairman show respect to him ,after first talent test is done on people for knowing there powers and levels. I also heard that some people see some table like game stats when they sleep at night at the starting months. The institute where I work and other worlds research institutes started research on this and I also got to read some basic and some research titles but there is increased restriction after a professor gained a success in his new research, after which The World SuperHuman Federation purchased the Institute and kicked useless staff including me and placed new people on work which they trusted, within a year of the start of changes I lost my job. My parents died when i was 5 from than Mom's father took me and also my property and business as guardian and made my elder uncle as chairman when I come of the age to get my inheritance I know if I go for the company they will make my life miserable and even they not give me that 2% they give me legally form start through my account.

I choose to do job so that they will not come after me and I also not wanted to be dependent on them. I just love to read books and not want to involve in the business matters so I mainly use my money to purchase books and have a easy life.

(my college girlfriend ditched me when she know about my family affairs and that I am not going after my company and going to do job with my degree, that girl is really going for my money and I prepared even a villa of all of my savings, I should have purchased the book on new research other than that villa).

My Uncle took some loses in textile industry at that time, so he sold it with making me to agree with still 2%, I have told that my situation is not good, as I not have a job but he got angry and started to tell how much they have done for me, I insist him to give me reports on company assets on the papers than I will sign papers he slapped me angrily as my nature is cowardly at that time so I just signed it while crying( It is the first time someone slapped me in my whole life).

After the things got settled I leave the city and gone to give interview in the largest library known in nation. I got selected due to my knowledge for assistant but the librarian want his nephew for that job and offered me the job of library pages, he also given me rights to read all the old and the 1st to 2nd floor books and a nice salary, As at that time I don't want to bother by any thing so I just settled there for rest of my life after 4 years I got my talent in alchemy and with in a year I become an apprentice and after a month I started to sell my Level 1 pills which I made during practice.

The world change a lot in these years almost all people of world are awakened with some powers and new reforms made, due to monsters many cities destroyed I thank god that I have remained at the library which later become Imperial Library of our nation which is not having any gov. because the development is impossible without proper power to subjugate monsters so many city and states totally destroyed.

Many awakened and wealthy people started there own large guilds after the first US guild "The Protectors" made and so gov. losses power and nation is composed of guilds and a court which become Imperial Court later and empire nation (with protection and laws and democracy and rights for people) formed with having 'The most powerful people as Royal and nobles Society' and formed outer inner and central and empirical region which hold equality within a region for people in it.

Dungeons started appearing underground and on mountain caves many times void formed due to space distortions in resources rich regions where new mineral deposit came out during volcanic eruptions I never gone to such places but I heard about it I was a coward so never thought to become a warrior or other fighting classes to get powerful and hold better rights.

I lost my one hand when I have been robed of my precious blood clotting pills that i made myself. During going through the road as the sun is setting and after 8:00 no pills and alchemy shops is remain opened in Loahia street. Dangers lurking in the outer city district for years and monster and some demons increased in power which led to many outbreaks of southern gate at night time. So to reduce casualties where the more numbers of people gather at night those shops are closed now at mid-night. I have become level 2 alchemist and so have to sell my pills and get the materials to make more pills for practice. So to go there fast I traveled through woods. I made a mistake to take that detour in the wood.



I will die today for sure. I have been running in this forest for a year. I have been chased by many foot soldiers of the alchemy federation.

This is all because I lost my hand and not able to go on my alchemy with the same speed and also as library pages have to do a lot of physical work in this huge library. I am only one of the many library pages so when director give me a offer of 2 million federation dollars in advance and than 10 years of bond in alchemy department I see it as a big offer and a chance to study deeper in my alchemy so to increase my level to 10, after which I can be a teacher in the subject after getting degree of alchemy.

This decision is the biggest mistake of my life,. That shitty director given me this offer after checking my background as an orphan so nobody is going to care about me and also I am a coward. That rubbish contract has hidden clauses that I will be ready for any human trails of pills as needed by the organisation and part time as alchemy apprentice, after sometime I have accepted the reality of situation. They are powerful people and work for big organisations and firms I can't do anything here.

But one day when I am going for the corridor to managers office for submitting document. I heard noises from the back of the guest room, so I just want to see what's the matter because the sound of sought are continuous even though low than I saw in the guest room manager is forcing an apprentice. He slapped her hard after which he tossed that fragile beauty on the bed and torn her uniform by his powerful hands but the girls eyes glow blue and she burned manager in blue fire to death but than in the room a powerful person came which noticed my presence and after entering that guest room he looked towards my side. That eyes are just like only by looking will suck me in abyss. I instantly shake my head and ran to my room.

I have a hunch of the danger and know that I will be killed if I not ran from here. Coincidentally my room was towards forest side and 1 km from which there is Shoeaven Forest. They already know about my coward nature so they never thought I will ran and put myself in danger but now as I am felling that I will die if I not ran because I know from common knowledge that the rich and powerful kill common people as ants and rules and laws not stand in there way for these small matters, also I seen something I not supposed to see and my existence is equal to an ant in society and they will silence me either by torture or killing me instantly. I used my rocket boots and climbed at the tallest tree (The surveillance is not strict here and even not have advanced sensors as only small contract workers are put in these outside quarters of federation and only exit gate has 2 mid warrior guards, they even not bother to check if we ran as the people here are all poor and they came here by there own will and have no where to go just like me .) and jumped to the wall and rolled from the cavity between the railings(I am very skinny so that cavity is all what I need) than instantly grabbed one of the thin branches(I don't want to stand on the wall as it is to high also I want to remain within that tall tree canopy so that I am not be seen by any people) on the small tree opposite to wall. I still fall but due to the thin branch my fall slowed down and that branch stretched to its full after only half height of fall than it ripped.


Sound and my butt collide with the hard ground some minor injuries and loot of pain I fell at my side but "Thank God" no fracture or it will be a problem while running.

There was no one at this side of wall I ran towards the forest. I know that forest is dangerous but I read that there is less chance of the monsters to me in outer forest region as they fell more safe deeper inside so my idea is that I will ran straight into the forest 10 km deep and than travel in the vicinity of that 10 km outer forest in length until I ran of of my food and water and than I will see if they are approaching me or not than I will decide according to circumstances.

But after 2 days they got up to me, I have no choice but to ran deeper and I lost track in there. Than while running deeper my will to survive clicked and my deep knowledge made my body to work most efficiently in those life and death condition after which I started killing small monsters with ambush and hide on trees and put mud on my whole body with some weeds which smell hard so that monster not catch me with my smell I put the my shocks on my legs and always practice how to run with least sound after a 1 month time while daily hide and seek I not see any federation people following me but I still not believe and run deeper and deeper.

After a year I put my guard down and settled on a tree near river bank and kill low to mid rank monster that are small enough to eat fast but due to my long stay federation chased me.

Now hear these monkeys these 2 monkeys are the one which came here to arrest me and still chasing me for a whole day, you will know how funny is for them to take someone's life

While grinding his teeth a middle aged man while coughing many times said

"Stop already don't make us chase you otherwise you will feel the misery we will cut open your limbs and hang you upside down till every drop of your blood came out"

"As he is going to reward me when I stop. I think you have to first go to a doctor your mind and body are not in coordination coughing as dying and want to kill someone, eat my shit you crow".saying in his mind while running

After sometime

"You sinner you killed your branch manager and director, now be a good boy and adore for your sins". said the ugly beauty in sweet tone

"I not kill any one and even if I done it I will not a good boy than so why you do you saying that you bitch". saying In his mind

But this chase and run program come to an ironic end as a lv 5 lord class monster noticed us and than I started running towards the two.

ha a ha a

"He is monkey as his class I am telling you not Alchemist"said middle aged man while taking breath deep breath with mouth and stopped on a tree

"I will definitely kill that bastard in a " the ugly beauty interrupted him

"Hey, is it the rodent we are chasing, why he is running towards us"she said while pointing in a direction

"He He He He He come to your father I think he is terrified by my anger and came for a" Than they heard loud noise of cracking trees. those huge trees in front of them from where the Mc is coming dispersed as grass dispersed when someone stepped on it.

Until middle aged man can come to his senses his partner already is sprinting in opposite direction.

than the middle aged man jumped 180 degree and ran like a train not stopping anywhere

He have seen that 5 m tall Amogada lord monkey's face and without thinking his survival instinct and many years experience kicked him in his full speed even faster when he is chasing that brat. (Conclusion:- If he have ran at this speed than the so called brat have been caught by him in no time)


Mc view

I have to ran past them, I have to use rocket boots on my back or I will be crunched by any tree in the way. That thing even not need to squish me to death.

he jumped and put his leg in the left boot and after few steps jumped on a rock than put right shoes on his leg(He had practiced in doing this while he ran to not lose momentum Disclamer:- Please don't try this at home, as our Mc is professional and he have to run for his life.)

he put the boots on and slowly slowly accelerated the boots while keeping them on 2m height

shii shuu

While he takeover those poor chasers he not cared at all he like on nitro mode accelerating the boots at full power and fusing the last bit of fuel.

After crossing the forest he came to an unknown region where he float straight top to a hill after which a huge cliff came and its as deep as 200 m down there he's bad luck (or good) the fuel is emptied and he fall straight in while falling Mc thought with regret

"I read that many experts even not die from falls from helicopter in mid air when jumped to the ground".

If have taken things seriously and not be the coward at those occasions than I have never fallen to this pitiful state

"Now I know why those people seek power so that they will not be chased and not die in this pitful state like me"

"If If I can have the life again I want to be a brave one"

"I want to be the most powerful so that no one have the guts to offend me"

"I have no regrets as all of them are my own decision, I am coming Mom Dad"

than the view blanked in the eyes of Mc and his body squished in the ground to make cracks He died there

(Next chapter will be telecast after a short Break So stay tuned to my novel)