Kaen's Return and his Powerful Family Background(Part1)

"Ah my head, what is this pain "

"why I am not dead its painful if I not die fast I have to be in this much pain for the time"

"I have read that after death of body brain cells takes 3-4 minutes to die deprived of oxygen."

"Is this the reason why I am not dead instantly"?

Kaen is talking in his mind

After a hour

"doctor why is he not still wake up still" Said in a worried tone, Young lady in her 20's

"The injury on brain is not serious its just an outside cut, I think he got a shock because of impact. Don't worry he will be alright after few hours of rest". Said a person in doctor's suit.

"And also nurse Moana is here if needed she will call me, OK Mr Cail I have to go to attend a patient". Doctor said while facing a middle age man in his 30's.

uuuuh uhhhhh

The sound of Door opening and closing.

After few minutes Kaen opened his eyes when he sees the young lady standing with a worried face in front of him he says

"Mother" his eyes starting crying instantly and heart felling heavy

He remembered this figure in front of him which he sees in the last family photo which he always have with him. This charming lady is the most he remembered whenever he sees that family photo.

"Kaen, my son why do you do these naughty things,look you injured yourself now" her mother can't control her emotion started and crying after seeing her child's crying eyes and hug him while standing.

Than Kaen see the 2nd face which is of Mr Cail he is the one who helped him to get the compensation of 2% and also the one which testimony and prepared documents making that old man as guardian. when my uncle given me to sign the papers while selling I read some lines while fastly turning and signing pages on which it is written that I am 2% share holder 'of my own company' and on the last page the company is written in the name of my Mom's father but I said nothing in fear that they will kill me for the question. He has many Lackeys which do crimes for him. I thought Cail as the man which I can trust but when I am roaming the forest I remembered something, he never come to me after the things settles but when I was 7 he came for a single time to the old mans house to settle the elder Uncle the chairman's seat because many people protest for my rights in the meeting room of house, he than said (Mc is hearing from the other door as it is his own house at first his father use this place for seeing for unwanted people and and prepare himself that is why the meeting mostly held here, he's father told him to not reveal this place when he first took him here) "The child of the boss is in a shocked state after the incident and still not been able to cope up with his present situation and so Its better to think of future and also you will get increased share of the company".

At that time and even in future some servants revealed the place and I don't get any chance for going there anymore. But than I was clear that without that good mouth butler which father pitted and take him when that person was just 15 is a snake in the house. Even the death of previous butler at my 5th birthday is a mystery and I dote that he have done it and after this incident within 8 months Mom and Dad died this rascal #######(Mc goes over board with his language due to his feelings)

"Mam why and how Master Kaen drove the car, if that car not got in an accident while started after a moment the impact will be not that small ". said Sinora the Head of house maids

"Sinora" while chucking in an angry tone said Cail "my lady young master recently have a huge shock why make him more panicked with this discussions "

"Oh, now I remembered this is the small accident which has given me that scar how I not remembered it, this man is the one who given me the keys when the driver is gone to take meal also he put blame on the driver later and made an expression towards me in this time so that I pitted him and not tell the truth, he know about my nature and know that I will not tell it after this he came other day giving me the latest game of the year to apologies and I am a fool who accepted it. Don't think this time you will make out of this situation even if my father not believe easily the truth but if I tell in front of mother than she will definitely trust me and force father into this by which I will be able to get much time before taking actions, as he will not pursue the plan further when father get in. Even if my father not look like it he is not some ordinary person as Sinora and also other house maid of our house I heard saying said that if his dad have been here and heard of the things that old man did than he will be long dead and even those people of big families in country not have guts to offend him.

Sorry, Sinora for that past but this time I will make

Cail looking at Kaen made a worried expression and plead with a dumb face expression.

"Ohh this facade given that old face expression you think you will fool me two times with the same trick". thinking Kaen in his mind

"Mom Sir Cail given those key to me and said that you can drive it, its really easy even father know how to drive when he was 4, when I said no he pushed me inside the car and started it while instructing me to press foot on that accelerator paddle when I said no he opened the door and put a heavy rock on the paddle". Kaen said in loud voice so that every person inside the big room will hear it and also given a tensed expression(who can think a little kid can be this good of an actor ) while thinking" I said the truth that he said me to press the paddle and that time I pressed it, but this formatted truth sound even better ".


"You" Sinora said while looking towards Cail with anger.

Cail responded fast and try to clear his name out from the incident he said worriedly

"Mam I think that young master in not having a clear mind, give him some time I think he remembered wrongly I am in the building at that time also" just than he is interrupted

"you think I not know my child how dare you to try this to my son" said angrily looking in the face of Cail

Cail not have the guts to say his eyes is in disbelief

"you handed those keys to my son and also trying to kill him in accident" said with the look like kill him any instant

"Take him to the hall and make his hands so that never be used again in this life after that take him to the interrogation room, I want to know he done it on his own or someone is there at his back" She said this while shouting in anger and looking at Cail with a evil face.

"Mam please mam I am wrongly accused I don't know why young master says those things" was again interrupted but by a heavy hand which grabbed him from collar and forced in kneeling than other man grabbed him to from collar and the other hand.

Cail's face struck with fear he never thought that the innocent looking boy can be this much cunning he formed a story and even said in a way that he is been forced by him, looking towards the boy while turning hid head back in disbelief.

Two big bulky man looking like demons angrily dragged Cail outside

Outside the room

"Stop" said Kaen's mother while coming out of the room furiously

Cail thought in hope that he will be spared, but then

"Cut his both legs too, while doing this make him scream loud so that all the other people hear and If anyone even have a slightest thought to harm my son in this house will shiver and not have the guts to even think of it". said Kaen' mother not looking normal this time killing intent can be seen in this mother's eyes after coming out of room her sinister side more came out.

Cail when see those eyes shivered to the core he not know that this lady which he seen as harmless can be this evil.

Kaen's View

"What I never thought that this will the outcome I am planning to give that bastard a lesion after some days but never thought that my mother can do this what the background of my family I never thought much those days but now I am sure that the old man definitely be killed if his father and mother not died just by thinking to harm me in anyway". said while talking to himself in his mind

Than he looked in the room there are 10 people standing with having one hand inside there suit I think they have guns there and which are not small so they have to hide them in there from my site also there are two very angry looking people which are giving killing intent to the Cail when I finished speaking like they are ready to kill him in any moment and also the thing is that, I not remember them I think they are the two of the 5 people died along my father and mom which die in that car accident.

"If this is the power of my father's family than how that old man have taken my action there is something which is working in the shadows".

Thought Kaen in his mind

(I know that you love to get some elements here but the 4 ch is having those element so not take your eyes of the scenes in this novel and stay tunned)