Chapter 2: Kaen's Return and his Powerful Family Background(Part2)

Inside the Kaen's room

Kaen's mom came in

"Mam, I conveyed message to Master, he will be coming any moment" said an old man standing at the door, if someone not notice him it is not possible to fell his presence only like an ordinary man person he give no air and his face has no emotions on it. Earlier after hearing Kaen this old man got angry but after a second his face again become a plane slate.

"Old Gehu, when you tell that man about Kaen's accident than what he said"

"Master asked me about young master's conditions and when I said what Dr Santino told he said he will arrive shortly" Old man told it in reassuring tone with perfect gap in every words like a machine again with that plane face.

"OK" said Mom with angry face which is looking cute while thinking about the irresponsible father of his son.

"Mam I will go check the food" said Sinora

The time when Kaen came injured the food is already placed on the big dinning table for dinner.

"Take the food here for Kaen in his room and tell the chef to prepare food for some people's visit". said Kaen's mother in taunting manner a smile is formed on her pretty face looking evil.

Kaen want to plan his next steps from now on so that he will be able to handle the future coming events. If the thing somehow changed due to him but still he now the real thing is still not tackled he want some time alone for himself in the room.

"Mom don't worry about me, I am feeling sleepy already Just want to rest I will eat food after I get up" Kaen said this while making a sleepy face (looking like he is going to bed at night).

When all the people started looking at him he don't know why but he can tell that he somehow said something out of his normal behavior.

Actually he is timid when he was a kid and not talked to his mother more than needed. Everyone in the room thought that he is really tired.

"OK, Kaen than go to sleep Panther take the control of security of Kaen's in your hand and all of you come out" told Mom to one of the big stature boy looking like a wall at the door

when all the people gone outside the two guards on the door changed and Panther assigned the new guards and prepared some guards to go to the big balcony of the room.

In room only Kaen and his mother are remain

"Son, If you want anything ask Moana or Panther, I am going for some work, but I will come as fast as I can" Than she kissed Kaen's bandaged head and giving him a smile exit from the room.

After some time when, Kaen is not hearing any voices from outside he began to sit on the bed.

"There are to many people here its hard to maintain secrecy. But first I want to see how good cultivation techniques work now in the present". while thinking this Kaen's mouth twitched and a smile take shape on his face.

"That bastard Director he give me work of cleaning organisations library without any extra pay in the name of his half ass favor, but its good I have read few new high order cultivation books from which I have taken the idea that how the meridians and veins should put in order it will overcome the barrier which higher spiritual energy came across when travelling into body. He can't use his knowledge which he got from analyzing many high level technique and also not want to share this knowledge(He just not want that director to get the credit) this the exclusive knowledge that he have.

With the 4 Way Meridian Energy Path which he called this technique, he can get a continuous energy flow in every body part He first tried it at that time but due to the the technique he is already using he can only practice this technique with no real results as the path is destroyed in minutes after some cycles. Also by his analysis he know that it will take approx 2 years to make the technique reach 1 level after which the meridians all resistance will completely gone and energy will flow like water in river. By doing this he will get more energy when changes occur on first day which can give him many changes.

"I made this so that the energy of all the four origins (spiritual energy, mana, chaos, cosmic ) " to manipulated to evolve his body to absorb and release them

The research of that time only succeeded to maintain 2 energy to flow in meridians by different paths as they not able to reduce resistance to 0 and it is also in the testing phase.

"OK First I have to use an array, as only small spiritual energy and minuscule cosmic energy is present in atmosphere".

In present which is used by body practitioners 50 years to form foundation which give the power of 20 man at most and there life expectancy increase to 150 years but they start the practice as early as 4-7 to get this result otherwise it will take many years without sufficient base of body I to have to make my muscles so that with the opening of meridians with sequences will not give any sudden set back".

"spiral array is the easiest and not need any material only formation should me correct max 200 m formation can be made but if use 5 small spiral formation in correct sequence output can be approx double than single within the small area".

Two times the size of spiral array not means that the energy concentrated will double but Mc is using 5 two double the concentration within 2 m which will decrease the size of concentration area but increase energy accumulated will be same so the concentration in the small area will be increased

Kaen started to use small furniture which he can move to set a formation after which his room is looking like a mage he than down the curtains on windows and door after which he sit where should the array center will be formed according to formation on his bed and started meditation

after 4 hours in Kaen's room

Kaen is still in the meditation posture. From the pores of his body muddy sweat is coming out and his body started to heat.

Kaen's View

"I can fell the spiritual energy in my body there is resistance in its flow what is this suffocation I am felling heat in my abdomen only like a huge wall is pressing me Oh my meridian opened in my lower body this felling is just like ice in summer" Kaen is talking in his mind

"AH this pain like acid is stick on my body I have to from the base fast I already on the first two meridians connecting part,

"Ehaa Its hot just the 1 more meridian than first part will be done"Kaen is feeling his body is like pressing a wall with a needle and he is hammering it with spiritual energy to open and stabilize the change by the refining of the opened veins and meridian

After another hour Kaen has ended his meditation the mud like liquid is all over his body he than put on his cloth and started to move to the door than

"Oh, I am not in my Hostel"after saying this Kaen take off his clothes again and move towards the bathroom in his room.


Meanwhile when Kaen gone in meditative state, 'In the hall'

In the hall a man in his late 20s wearing suit and tie came in

"Careon where is your mistress" that man asked with a Hoarse the bulky figure which is standing on the right side of him.

"In interrogation room Sir" The bulky man which wear like a black suit bodyguard said in a tone as polite it can be

That bulky man is the head of security in the house.

The suit tie man which is looking like a gentleman walked towards the lift in his left side

After reaching there destination the bulky man stand outside the door and the young man entered in

He looked serious and after entering the room which has glass covered, on the other side of the glass Ceil is sitting with his hand already crippled and legs cut which is bandaged heavily.

"Master" Gehu said with a respectful tone with greeting by downing in head

"Clarin is he told anything about who is with him or what are they planing". said in a serious tone

Clarin is name of Kaen's Mother

"He said that a Foreigner came to him with proposal and also my father is present there which asked his help to kill the next heir of Asher family and they will give him the control of Salin's family also he will get the daughter of Salin".

"So this Bastard is sold for a girl and business, When he first asked me about the Cany I have told him to be in reality but he not even chased after her but now also want to harm my family open door I will give him his punishment". this young man which is Kaen's father started speaking in a slow voice while increasing it when told to open the door of the room with an air having powerful killing intent.

Kaen's father is a prodigy in body martial arts he mastered his family's technique when he was 20 and already is on peak of foundation state.