How can I escape

This pain in my heart and head?

Do I need to forget you?

Or still continue this love I have in you?

Why cant you just love me back?

Just forget her and you have me still.

Willing to love your flaws or even how broken your heart is

Your my love, I dont want to see you hurt or how badly you are wounded.

You lost your track when you broke up

But here I am ready to help you find your missing piece

She was your past, who leaves you with broken heart

I just want you happy. My man, my eternity. Please love me back.

The way you love her flaws sometimes I wish.

It was I whom you always love and loving still

Maybe she'd hurt your soul so deeply

That even I, cant mend the scars that still bleeding.

Your a broken man with a broken soul

But I see you as a man who's worth loving and fighting for.

Maybe your world had been in an upside down

But still I can see myself revolves around your axis.

I can see the man I saw the first time I met

You have the charisma yet it was hidden by your sadness

Your smile that will always be my sunshine

Your twinkling eyes like a star in a weary night.

For now maybe you cant see my worth because your hurt

You cant feel my love beacause your in pain

Numb and lonely but I know,

Someday youll gonna be okay

All your heartaches will fade away.

And that broken heart of yours will be mend and that scars will be your reminder.

For a love. That somehow fated yet not to forever.

Please heal for my sake, my love

I want your happiness and your energetic side

I will always be here for you, forever.

Your friend, your companion, your adviser.

And the one whose watching all your versions of changing personality

yet the one who's deeply loving you still secretely.