
Everybody say I'm a slut

For having the man that they want

But his attention was just for me

That puts my heart contended with glee

Everything maybe has its reasons

For it happened so fast without oblivion

The man that i love just gave me up

And just like that. Our whirlwind romance ended up.

But I pleaded my heart out

Plead for you to take me back

And ill pretend that im not a rebound

Its sad but so true that i only reminded you of her

The one that you always love and loving still.

Im a martyr as they say

But fuck off their words, I love you still

Maybe now Im just nobody to you

But you, your my everything, my man in this world so indifinite and cruel.

Out of nowhere i met this man

The man i never thought to be so unique yet blunt

An idea pop out like a mushroom

We started a deal that so absurb, unsure yet we both agreed out of desperation.

As time passes by,

gradually the pain his causing actually subside

And realization hit me

That yes, in no time i could fall hardly inlove with this guy.

Being with you was my happiest yet nostalgic piece

You brought me to places i never knew and lies emotion i never felt

You will always be my warrior when Im in war

My protector, my shelter, and my man i can always count when I am down.

I found a man who knows my flaws,

My insecurities and my uncertainties

But he still found me beautiful and worth it to be owned.

Love that unexpectedly happened out of desperate reason

But now we both still hanging and loving each other with no further explanation.

You knew Im a brat

And surely your one hell of a snob

A girl you fought to be yours was undeniable masochist

Yet your a man with words.

A warrior but diffinitely my softy sadist.

And thats what we are "The sadist lover"

A love we both found sadistic yet real

Cruel heartbreak that leads us together

And hand in hand we started believing in forever.

We both found a complicated love

Many hindrances to falter the bind we have

Maybe we somehow let ourselves be weak Situations out off hand get serious

that cause our heart-clenching break.

Leaving you was the easiest way for me

To mend my broken soul and my undying pleas

That somehow maybe your there beside me

When I needed you the most, crucially Cause Ive been in one of a hell place when I knew we lost our baby.

But three years fastly passed

And here am I, Finally I am back

Back to the place where most of my memories where made

But most of it I want my head to forget and reset

Its where the place I have maybe the happiest yet saddest part of my life.

The pain, pleas and heartbreak that cause my deepest downfall

where I let myself be in cause im a failure

Failed to be yours and a mother of an unborn angel in my body

How unlucky i am for being a greatest coward that everybody thinks of me.

Cause I am nobody, I cant see my worth And so why am i breathing, pleading and still living?

When all i want was to end my life so this heart will stop beating

And stop looking for a man who abondoned me

Never ever heard my agonies and my painful pleas

That for him to come back,

wipe my misery, calm my heart

Cause hes the only one who knows me more that I myself

Ive lost myself when i started loving him

Hes just a man. However, a man,

i never thought would be the destroyer of my reality.

And now out of nowhere, you just barge in my life again

Im not ready but life sucks me to be with you again and again

Ive thought of countless things to have my revenge

To let you feel how disgusting it is to be played and left without a single trace.

Ive rendered my heart and tell never ever fall for this man

Restrain myself to be fooled twice that will surely cause my mental breakdown

A man whos still sweet yet snob.

A man with few words yet I believed it with no hesitation.

And in no time here I am again. Falling!

Falling deep with your promises and love

Love you still have for me after years of seperation

Cant help myself, I admit I still love you Even the pain still lingers in my heart

Ive given you the last chance

To prove your love and worth being my man.

Maybe were too young to be inlove that time

That god has different plan and situation we never seen coming

That brought our heartbreaking part

That the two of us will be apart.

Maybe life sucks hard when you feel your in bubbles

Thats why we both have our broken souls

That only be mended with our forgiveness and selflove before any others

Thats what Ive learned, things will go smoothly when you forgive yet never forgets

Take it as a lesson and put it in your head.

That somehow things happened for you to be strong

You love a man, you should know when to hold and how to move on.

Your still the 'BAH' that I always love

Yes mature, but still the gentleman i always love and adore

You, who always have the naughty thoughts in your head

The Lance Mariano I always bullied yet have his ways to gets what he bids

I so love you even still your calling me rabbit.

The petname your using cause your a tease

I love a complicated man yet always be my sweet sadist

And Im your Miyuki, the pretty masochist.

A love we both found that has a unique beggining

A complicated love situation in the middle of these love so undying

and unending for us to have a diffinitely sadist love story.

Yet here we loving each other still

Creating new memories of our unending tommorows

Love we both feel and fought at the same time

That God has always that perfect timing for us to reunite

Now we have our happily ever after and finally, sanctity vows us to forever.