Chapter 10 - Soul of poison (Kite)

Two men for me to look out for, with not enough given information, and they gave me no leads on where the Resistance hideout could even be, what the hell do they think I am, a diety, like I'll just know where to start, this is idiotic.

I pushed myself off my bed with frustration attaching my hidden blades and inserting vials of poison into the dispenser attached to them then slightly fixing my hair in the mirror next to my blade stand. The stand was made of Jade and was passed down from my ancestors, my ancestors were said to be a small village of hired assassins, I was their heir once, but now I'm just a servant for Lord Ren.

I was taken when I was young, our family had been hired against the Hanju, making us a target, the only reason I wasn't killed is because the ruler saw me as a valuable weapon for their cause, now this Jade statue is all I have to remember my past before being enslaved by The Hanju.

Alright, I have to get moving, what street was Kenneth first spotted? I thought to myself

I believe it was Oker St, I'll start there and see if I could possibly gain any leads on a more pinpoint location. I quickly throw on my crimson trench coat throwing the dark black hoodie over my head, then slowly walking out of the door making sure not to make too much noise. I don't want any problems, and I'm sure making noise will stir up something with these assholes. Denver is disrespectful but he never has horrible intentions like other men. As I began walking out from my room lightly laying my foot onto the wooden floor I heard footsteps in the distance to the left of the long dark hallway, I could only hear, for the darkness covered whoever was moving towards me.

"Kite, where are you off to, I'm sure you could put it on hold, a wonderful woman like you has more important things to attend to then a job, right?" I heard from behind the shadows, the figure slowly emerging from the darkness, "not him...why him" I say to myself in anger. I've heard rumors of suspects raped and sexually harassed by him, but all were passed by as just being rumors, he may have just paid people off to keep their mouths shut about the ordeal, but I'm not stupid. He continued to walk towards me with a vicious vibe, he had bad intentions and I could feel it. "Come on honey, I'm sure we can have a better time here than whatever task they sent you to do," He said as he reached his arm out to me. In a flash of anger, I quickly grabbed his hand before it touched my shoulder crushing it in my left hand as I felt the power of the first wall surge through me, the sound of his bones cracking gave me satisfaction as I continued to crush it even further, then covering his mouth with my right hand, digging my nails into his left cheek as the blood poured down his face, suppressing his screams. "You...won't...EVER...try to touch me...or any other woman...ever again or next time it'll be my poison that enters your bloodstream making you scream in agony. On second thought I'll give you such a high dose you'll go straight to stage 3 and start foaming in your mouth, then you'll be unable to scream, do you understand?"

He muffled a quiet "Yes..yes." in fear

"You know what, people like you don't belong in this world, I'll spare another person's suffering killing you now," I say as I relentlessly snap his neck leaving him pale and breathless, afterwards walking down the dark hallway to my left as his body drops to the cold floor. "People like you don't deserve a burial, you deserve to lay right there as an example for everyone who walks by, I'll kill all who try to stop me."