( DAY 58)

I have found a local in this world. I have finally found the kind of world. This Is a game world. this world is considered a nightmare for any being that attempts to enter it from outside or in this case, me.

Well, I don't have enough time to idle like before. If this is a game world, then I am screwed.

The local Is pretty much a human, which is not uncommon among the game worlds, only the human gods have the kind of crazy thinking to build something like this.

I followed the human, as safely As I could have to discover the enemy's base of operations. the human Is wearing a kind of uniform, either working for the military or the clergy. the thing about gods is that they are pretty predictable and once you have seen one God, you know most of them.

I am surprised that the enemies have not found me so close to their bases. Thank God that I am not very good with the seals or I would have been found already. seal magic is in no way a magic that is known for being quiet.

From now on I will have to tread more carefully. Thankfully in my travels, I have found something that would keep me somewhat safe. Underground caves, though I do find it weird that such things exist in such a place,( the caves should have destabilized the ground upon which the city is built ) other worlds have a way of surprising you. this is a game world. no other world is as confusing as the rules in a game world.

Regardless, I think soon I should be retreating. If I hide myself properly I can get lost in those caves with nobody being able to find me. the only problem in all of this is that I have no idea about the route underground. if my luck is bad then I could walk right into my enemy's base.

Let's just hope that the other side does not have detailed maps of the place and I should be able to hide myself.

For the next few days that is my major task, to tail the humans to see if they are using the tunnels. A risky path, but I don't see any other option. let's just hope that they do not have prophetic magic or I would be better of writing my will.

Other than that, I have finally opened the second page and know the reason that the first page had the two spells.

Those two spells were a test, you see. The main problem with a ghost is that they usually are raving mad beings ( I don't blame them, you don't know how damaging it is to have your soul break down to pieces and most ghosts usually lose all their memories, have split personalities and are in general terms, very mad. I am lucky that I came to when I did, I was right at the beginning of losing my memories.)

The two spells are tests to see just how well my mind is working. 'Bone bolts' while not a powerful spell, is very complex and not something a ghost whose mind would not be working correctly would be able to grasp easily. ' demonification ' is a simple spell and is dependant on the strength of your mind( if anything, the weaker your mind, the stronger the spell. demonic mana is easier to control the more unstable your mind is) Any weaker-minded person would learn the spell in a couple of days. Naturally once the spell is executed properly you would begin to get possessed by a demon and then become the vessel for a demon. this all was written on the second page, most likely a warning never to use that spell.

Anyway, the second page is a magical art, more precisely a magical art that can be used by a skeleton.

You don't understand the implications, magical arts are heavily dependant on the structure of your body and the strength of your meridians, and thousands of other things. What do you think a skeleton has, other than bones? Anybody can cultivate a magical art that can be used by a skeleton.

Well, I might have celebrated a bit too early. The kind of mana cultivated by the magical art (called dead bone by the way) is extremely corrosive on the body and will rot any flesh that was on the body. Only a ghost and a few types of undead would be able to cultivate this said art.

Well, the other good thing is that this page also contains information on string circuits, which means that I can finally upgrade the string circuit and develop it to be a lot more effective. who knows maybe I can even fight in close-quarter combat shortly. I mean, close quarters are the place where a skeleton is most effective. a skeleton is nigh unbreakable(especially with this new art of mine which can strengthen my body) and with the right string circuit, as agile as an assassin.

though creating those kinds of string circuits will still take a lot of time and effort for me. I can barely understand the few basic ones recorded in the book. time to get to work, I suppose.

(DAY 60)

Surprisingly, two months have passed in a flash. My cultivation of the dead bone art has barely begun and will take me way longer to complete, even in the core formation stage.

You see our cultivation begins at the core formation stage, where one needs to gather mana from the world. This is the stage that you need meridians.

That is where you move and store your mana. The meridians are kind of like blood vessels that exist in our body, that allow mana to travel through instantaneously. You can cultivate some arts without them, but most of such arts have no true value.

If anything I feel that we are overly reliant on the meridians. anyway, A core is nothing but a massive block of condensed mana. This Is done by gathering mana in a part of your meridians, then forcing the mana to condense In the place you have chosen. ( the core is not solid, just that no more mana can be stored in that part of the meridians. upon death, the core usually disappears). For example, in my previous body, my core was in the meridians of my left hands. I could instantly use all my spells from my left hand.

Most people like to keep it in their chest or a similar place( mana take time to pass through even in the meridians, a very little amount of time, but sometimes these moments can be the decider of victory and failure.)

I have a major problem because I have no meridians( meridians can be called an organ of the body, that is made of flesh.) The only way that I can still cultivate is to craft mana meridians. It is wrong calling them meridians, it is better to call them pseudo mana cores because I will create these meridians in the same way that I can create a mana core, minus the meridians. I will slowly but steadily use the mana in my soul, to craft a main meridian. I don't know how the heavenly ghost has such deep knowledge about the meridian, giving everybody the methods to construct a meridian.

I am surprised that such an ingenious method could have been created by a ghost. The very first thing I need to do is absorb mana using my soul and slowly but steadily construct the mana meridians. To create a proper meridian could take me years. The only help I have is that the meridians can be used to store mana,( having the same ability as a core, along with the ability of a meridian). which means that I would not need to adjust with the very pitiful amount of mana my would hold. The only spell I can use right now is bone bolts because of my mana storage and can't simply create the other spells I know, simply because I don't have enough mana( the destruction of my body Is another reason. )another thing is that from now on, I won't be relying on the old style of cultivation, the path that I am taking is a completely new one. the very first step is so different. I am crafting meridians rather than having them innately and the number of meridians I am talking about is a thousand. normally, the lesser the number of meridians the better it is. (it helps during the personalization stage ). I have to create a thousand meridians, so that means that whatever this type of cultivation is, it is not the kind I am used to.

At the very least, my combat power will increase won't it. Well, it is time for me to get to work already.

(DAY 65)

it has already been almost a week since I have begun to tail the humans and it is sad to say that I have been caught.

you can't blame me, try trailing someone who is way more faster than you. this humans behavior is pretty weird. over the last few days, he has been entering and leaving his base, (some kind of a city) looking for something or someone.

during this process, I have encountered quite a few beasts and while the human destroyed these beasts almost instantly, I have figured out quite a few of my opponent's spells and quite a few of his weaknesses. his first weakness is that he is not a close-range combatant, though it is not one I can't use(let's just say that close combat is not something this body is good at. )

the other is that he has to spell out the spells name and there is a smaller gap between the spell be called out and then the spell coming to affect.

though the only sad thing is that I have been discovered. all the enemy had to use a spell called holy smite and all my body parts collapsed to pieces. thankfully that was it. another use of the string circuit is that it allows me to reattach my body. the holy smite thing broke all my joints, though, with the string circuit, I barely managed to join them back. this is the terror of a skeleton, being high indestructible and one of the few beings that have no weak points. I don't have eyes, throat, or even other sensitive areas ( even the most sensitive of them all ).

attack the joints and even with a shoddy string circuit, you can put yourselves back( like mine)

from that time I don't dare to follow him, in any way. the humans have begun to search for me and they are getting close. I have found their traces very close to the city, just yesterday. it seems to be an elite troops, dedicated to hunting the ghosts (I was myself one just not so long ago) and that is leaving me with the only choice, to go into the underground caves I found.

I don't know if it is a good idea. it is an unknown place, for all I know that could be an entire kingdom down there or something like that but there is a chance I will survive down there. which is something I don't think will happen up here.

normally, I am never this conflicted in making a choice but it seems like I will have to.

the fear does not help. I am starting to see them everywhere. the vision of a ghost doesn't have any colors so the world is in the colors of black and white. it is not very helpful when I am seeing monsters in the shadows. it is almost funny that a ghost is getting so scared of an enemy. we are the ones who dive into other people's minds and then show them their worst nightmares. anyway, by tomorrow I will be entering the cave downstairs and hope that I can hide myself over there. one last thing, in the five days that I have cultivated,

I have constructed one-hundredth of a meridian. it is surprisingly not as hard as I was expecting. still, I am curious just what can I do with a thousand meridians. maybe it will allow me to form some kind of a seal, after all the heavenly ghost is the greatest seal master of them all.