(DAY 66)

I don't like to admit it, but I am lost. the underground caves that I have been in are pretty complex if I have to say so. maybe it is a pretty good thing that this happened.

right now, I only can shoot twelve bone bolts.

while it is not much (considering that a bone bolt is a pretty useless spell), it is still a spell and can be used in a battle. as she used to say 'there are only useless casters, not useless spells'. anyway, the beings of this world don't seem to be particularly strong and seem to be overly dependent on a god's blessings. still, it helps to never underestimate the enemy. they always have weird methods of attacking.

anyway, I can feel the mana in the ground increasing quite a bit. I have traveled for about half an hour, not that far away from the surface. presently it is at least ten percent more than on the surface.

this is something I can't make sense of, mana tends to flow from high concentration to low concentration, so why could this place have such a thing. one thing that could be happening is that there is a source of mana in this place, constantly emitting mana. I don't think that is possible because such a world has little possibility of keeping such a treasure. the gods are not dumb people and more importantly, they are misers.

the second is some kind of barrier that can seal the mana, keeping trapped in a certain spot. I don't know how they achieved such a thing because if there was a barrier then I did not feel it.

that is something that we don't know how to achieve. it is a pretty useful thing to have. it would make so many of our devices even more effective. we waste so much mana due to it leaking into the atmosphere.

other than that my journey has been pretty boring, almost unbearably so. at least I have my studies to keep me busy. I need to upgrade my string circuit as fastly as possible because this slow and clumsy style of movement is pretty annoying if I am, to be honest. I am used to fight in close range combat, and now that would just be suicide( maybe not so much, my body Is pretty sturdy. I can take quite a few hits, but even if I can take a million attacks, it is pointless If I can't attack back.)

other than that, it is pretty fascinating to study this new body of mine, especially the string circuits and how they work. in a manner of speaking, a string circuit is nothing but strings of mana connecting my soul to different parts of my body. if I have to say, it is like a nerve and muscles both being fused into one. you don't know how much this knowledge would help my people. the number of people that lost their legs or hands in combat is a step higher than any other sect or clan.(turns out fighting ghosts is not without its costs) this would have revolutionized the prosthetics that we were using for these people. they would not have used it anyway, my people don't like the usage of evil magics. maybe some would, but it would only be the evil mountain(the people in my clan that cultivate a demonic art) and their purpose is to research these kind of things. if those guys could not figure out what I did in a few months in their centuries of research than they would not exist.

I would like to see my sectmates seeing me learn such heretical arts, well they won't be able to, I made sure of that. trying to kill me, they should have been more careful.

regardless, now is not the time to think about the past. I am being chased by an army of humans and I do not have the time or patience to worry about all of this. thankfully I don't need to eat or drink, so this became many times easier. even if the humans are good at moving in this place, I have a feeling I will be somewhat fine.

(DAY 67)

I am not exactly sure where I am but the humans won't be able to touch me in this place. The underground caves gave way to a massive Forest whose ends I have yet to discover. I don't know how such a massive forest could exist without destabilizing the ground above. I can't even see the ceiling above me, making me wonder if this place has some kind of spatial interference. that would also explain the mana difference.

As for why I am so sure that the humans

won't touch me, this place is full of monsters. I haven't been here long but I have been attacked thrice, with the third one being almost fatal to me. as soon as I enter the forest, the first monster I faced was a rabbit, one capable of using nature magic. I have decided to name It a 'leaf rabbit' due to how it looks( completely green and with veins passing through it.). anyway, the monster is completely stupid. it is using some kind of nature magic to attack. the only problem is that this spell took too long to activate and a well placed one bolt shot through the rabbits head. cutting through the beasts head, I found a weird crystal-like rock through it. it is full of mana. it seems to be important so I had kept it for later.

going deeper into the forest, I fought the second beast, an ape capable Of using fire magic. I have decided to call it, flame ape. the beasts flame magic does not manage to harm me( turns out my bones are fire-resistant), but it forced me into close combat. I could see many openings, and if I was just a bit faster, I would have killed him in an instant. it took me at least fifteen minutes of trading blows before I can shoot a bone bolt through its throat. thankfully I am a skeleton and even if I was hit, the punches would not affect me. skeletons are meant for close combat, if only I could deal with the problem of string circuit.this beast was not exactly smarter than the rabbit but it had better instincts.

anyway, it was the third beast that screwed me up completely.it is a snake I have decided to name the crusher snake. I am starting to hate my slow movements, even with my initiative I could not prevent the beast from getting on me, wrapping around me crushing my bone.

The cost of that fight was that my ribs were broken to pieces and one of my legs was also broken. That kind of damages is pretty hard to ignore even for me, with my string circuit( it is not a particularly good string circuit, even with the upgrades I have given it.)

Right now I am hiding in a cave, provided to me by the third being that attacked me in this forest. I had ambushed it here when it was resting after quite a heavy meal. in the forest, I would have Lost my little life fighting this being.

I am recuperating myself for now. The cave is relatively well protected. For now, I want to construct a meridian so that I can perform a couple of my more weaker spells( I don't have many powerful spells, though everybody assumes I have many)

This kind of place doesn't make too much sense to me. Why waste so many resources on this kind of 'survival of fittest' mechanism. They would get elite troops but it still would not be enough to cover the costs of it all. the gods are the greatest misers of them all.

I have three mana cores(self-named) in my hand. They are a very weird kind of creation. They are crystal-like organs with seals etched into them. The seals are too complex for my understanding, so all I can do is to activate them.

The instant that I activate them the mana core melts into my body and a massive amount of mana floods to my skull, overloading my soul. thankfully I don't lose my consciousness for long. upon awakening, I can feel a similar mana core in my skull. activating it this time leads to this.

Species- undead (unknown mutation)

Mana- 7/10

Skills- string manipulation- LVL 5

Bone bolt- LVL 3

Dream walker- LVL 0

I have heard about such a thing before (from a crazy lady who wanted to replicate this kind of thing. My memory storing magic was a by-product of her attempts.)

It is called the status or something. I sometimes wish she was here, she would have managed to make somewhat sense of all of this.

Shit, I need to calm down, now is not the time to lose control of my emotions. Well, it is time for me to end this thing. I can't risk any more emotion for now.

(the narrator)

it is almost an interesting thing for me to watch how civilizations and the concept of cultivation develops in a world. I have seen tens of thousands of worlds and this is the only thing that remains constant. the lust for power is the only constant that exists in this universe.

it has always begun with a single man, someone different from the rest( most likely smarter than the rest but that is not ironclad.)

he will have grand ambition, planning to achieve something that others in his world would consider an impossibility. he will try and try but he will fail in the end (if the world could change by the hands of one man, well the world would be changing constantly)

he is what I like to call the seed. someone who will be the seed to great change.

anyway, you are not here to hear the rambling of an old man.

I am here to fill in the gaps that the little one in front of me doesn't know. at the Same floating mountain on which the over god talked to his lord.it is day 65

over god- lord, this search Is ending up too costly for me. I won't be able to continue it for too long. my people are already at war at your commands. the outsider is hiding himself too nicely. I don't think we will find him even if we search any longer. he ended up in their territory.

Lord - no, keep looking. I am sure that he is in our lands.

over god - lord, of that is the case then isn't it better if we lock down the land. it is not like we need to hide it for long. it will be less damaging to my people.

Lord - don't look for excuses, over god. both you and I know the profit you stand to gain if the plan succeeds. you won't get it without the proper costs now.

(the figure began to become more solid, maybe due to the rage it was feeling. it was almost like a domain in and of itself. over god clearly could not handle it, collapsing on the ground)

over god - what I do, I do for my people and what I gain from this will go to the people.

(he struggled to get up, he struggled to speak, but his words were pretty clear. such kind of conviction is so hard to find nowadays. )

Lord - you won't stop looking for the intruder and if you find him, you bring him to me. I need to know what he knows.

over god- I can't, Lord. I have a war to fight and I don't have the resources for this manhunt. losing the war will be more of a threat than any single being ever could be.

Lord - fine, fight your war but think twice before you dare to contradict me next Time. I can crush your soul into pieces

over god - lord, that is a dangerous prospect. the King of the dead could easily resurrect me and extract any useful information that he wants. not even you can challenge his authority in the land of the dead.

( in a flash, the over god disappeared from the mountain. the one called lord had disappeared. in a mountain a couple hundred kilometers away, over god had crashed into the mountain, destroying it. the only thing left was the rubble of the mountain and the bleeding over god.)

over god (muttering under his breath)- such an easy person to manipulate.