(DAY 70)

I have managed to create about five percent of my meridian, which will be connecting my skull to the hand. maybe I could connect the mana core to this meridian, but such a thing is risky. I am just following instructions in this matter. I can't even understand much of what I am creating or how I am doing so. the meridian does not have a particularly high amount of mana, but it is enough for me to use the projection spell. it is a weird feeling, using this new meridian of mine, but I must say it feels good to use my old spells again, especially the projection spell. I stopped the usage of this spell long ago. I was not even supposed to have learnt it, you know.

the spell allows me to coat (or project ) anything with mana. for example, i could project a sword using a piece of rock. though, pieces of metal are much better as a core. only something like a piece of metal would could handle the strain of projection. even rusted pieces of metal would work, so that two rusted spear will be quite useful. actually, it was those two spears that gave me the idea of using the projection spell. it is a pretty interesting magic. for now, I most likely will project a bow and arrows. I would have liked to create a spear, but spear and such weapons, require a kind of reaction time that I don't have. why do mana circuits have to be so complex. it could take me a couple of months before i can even figure out the simplest mana circuit that is hidden in the the book( which is still tens of time better than the the rudimentary circuit that i have put together)

what annoying me is the mana core. it has no use for me. I can't extract any mana from it and it just sits there, where it has no use.

the only thing left is the other two mana cores, which turns out I can absorb into my newly formed core. I am going to absorb those two cores tomorrow. it is going pretty annoying for me, I am not exactly the kind that can sit in one place and keep studying a fixed topics, I am a pretty curious guy but I can't sit in one place without any problem.

anyway, I am going to leave this stupid cave at most by tomorrow.

(DAY 71)

today was not a particularly fruitful day for me. the forest seems to become less populated the deeper I am going into the forest. today I had only one beast to fight today. it was a flame ape that seems stronger than its fellow beasts. thankfully this time I have a method to deal with beasts. there is a reason that I manifested a bow and arrows rather than a spear. while I might not be an expert marksmen I have been trained in the art of using a bow. this flame apes fire magic was even weaker than the one I met before, and I managed to keep a suitable distance from the beast while shooting my arrows.( which are only one use, because I used pieces of rock to create them. they break after a single use.)

while even this time I was in for a long battle I did not worry as much as the last time, after all this time I barely took any damage from the beast. though this one was significantly more powerful than its kind(the one flame ape that I had the benefit of meeting or more accurately killing ) though its flame magic was many times weaker. now, I have three cores again and I plan to absorb them now.

presently I don't dare to go forwards, as it seems too dangerous for me at this moment, the beasts are getting stronger the deeper I go into the forest. I need to figure out just how to use the mana in the core and my combat power would shoot up in an instant. I am not exactly the kind of guy that is good at figuring out stuff, so I don't expect that I would be going any deeper at least for now. the one thing that I can't figure out is the bloodthirstiness of the beasts of this land, it is way more than my expectations. I mean normally combat is the last option for any being that lives in such a wild environment. it is very impractical, to say the least, especially when there is nothing that I can give them( i have my core, but it would be a bad idea to take my core rather than anybody else's, after all, I come in the category of tough to fight, anyway beasts do not have an habit of actively attempting to grow stronger )

also if I have to say so, these beasts are pretty dumb. other than that I can't find anything weird about these lands. it is almost like any other world without any outside influence. which is what is pretty confusing for me. a game world is something that gods create mostly to check out their new troops. I can barely find the influence of a god in these beasts( believe me when I say that I know how these god beasts behave and how powerful they are.)

regardless, now is not the time for me to worry about which world I am in, my present goal is to figure out how I can grow powerful. one is this core, if I can figure out how to use it. the other is this meridian creating method. I don't want to cultivate this art. for all I know, I could be an experiment for the heavenly ghost. it is not exactly an ally, I don't even know why it passed on this technique to me. I was not a ghost when it had given this to me. so, I will practice this technique at most to one meridian stage and then see if I can cultivate the local method of cultivation.

anyway, I am going to absorb the mana cores now and see what happens. Let's see what will happen.

(DAY 72)

well, I finally have figured how such stupid beings are capable of using magic. this knowledge is being directly stuffed into their brains.

the place that I am standing in(the forest) is nothing but a massive formation, stretching for a very long distance. the formation's purpose is to guide these stupid beings that are being birthed in this place. as long as a mana core has a certain amount of mana, certain pieces of information are being directly pushed into their brains.

this allows them to use magic and also causes them to desire other cores. I am still not exactly sure as to the exact purpose of this place, but I know that this place is meant to create soldiers and also that no living being that has a mana core can leave this place, at least until they create a class 9 mana core. presently what I have in my head Is a classless core, which is the weakest kind of core in this place. sadly I don't know the method to strengthen a core to class 9. I think I can only find that out if I devour more cores.

anyway, today was even less useful than yesterday as I did not find any other beings. I don't know why the forest is so empty. I would expect more beasts in this place, after all the more beings that can be stuffed in this place, the more they would be filled. the gods are very miserly folks.

it is giving me a very uneasy feeling. what the hell is happening here. now is not the time for me to worry about all of that, as I have said all of that is important when I am stronger. also, my maximum storage of mana in the mana core is greater than before. I still don't have any magic that I can use with it, so it is still pretty useless for now. well, time to get hunting, I suppose.

(the narrator)

(day 72)

about half a kilometer above the region where the kid is standing, is a city. the city has that simple but sturdy feel to it. it is the kind of place that is built with practicality in mind and had no hint of any beauty to it.

the city Is worn down, the walls surrounding the place broken in many parts. you can see groups of people working on the wall, trying to repair it as much as possible. I am not here to discuss the people working on the wall, I am here to talk about two people standing on the walls. their names are Stephen and God's thunder(i will explain later)

Stephen - has your clergy shown any reaction, are we getting any reinforcements this time, at least. this time's dungeon break is going to be pretty annoying.

gods thunder - the clergy is tied, the war has taken quite the resources this Time. they might not be able to help us this time.

Stephen - they normally don't but I don't think we will be able to survive this time if we don't get back up, we barely have enough resources to hold this place for a couple of weeks, before we run out. the dungeon break this Time is too weird. I have never seen the dungeon be this quiet ever before. anyway, your soldier are quite close by aren't they.

( pointing to a pit on the ground, which was most likely connected to the dungeon. )

God's thunder - even then, I don't think the clergy will help. we are quite close to the border and the armies are planning on a retreat. if a dungeon break were to happen, it will affect them more than us. I am warning you that we should be retreating with the army. you don't have the strength to deal with their army.

Stephen - retreat to where exactly, you won't face much problem, but this is a town of ten thousand people. whichever town we retreat to, the problems we shall face will be even worse. humans are usually worse than the beasts we face every day. especially for us.

God's thunder - we will be alive at the very least, Stephen. now is not the time for you to be so arrogant, surviving is more important.

Stephen - arrogance is Also useful sometimes, anyway I have my trump cards, even if the borders were to fall today.

God's thunder - that plan of yours is stupid, it is the quickest way to commit suicide. anyway, have you found the skeleton yet? if their forces are on this land, we will be dead.

Stephen - I know, but we have found nothing. the skeleton could have randomly risen. you have a massive storehouse of corpses without any supervision. you don't think one of them would rise.

God's thunder - it doesn't work like that. I will have to leave in a couple Of days. the clergy is directing me to the borders. so if the undead army were to attack, you will have no defenses

Stephen - leave, young one. we are not the kind that tend to find comfort in your gods. we exist in this God forsaken place only because your gods could not accept us. now we are at the edge of war and your God chooses to abandon us still. we can fight our own wars, your God made sure of that.

gods thunder - my friend, you are too passionate at the moment. the gods never abandons one of their own. let's continue this discussion when you are calmer.

( the reason for the weird name of this god's servant Is that the clergy of this world have the habit of abandoning their previous names when they join the clergy. they usually pick another name for themselves, hence the reason that such weird names exist. there Is a fascinating reason as to why such a fascinating system came to be. it involves two popes( or their equivalent ranks in this world), a demon and a cow. presently, I don't have the patience to tell it, so I will tell it some other day. how strange reality can be sometimes.