(DAY 87)

I think I have made a mistake hunting the chimera. over the last few days, there have been a large number of beasts and these are not the normal kinds. I know when I am being hunted. thankfully, I have yet to be found. also, the loss of an arm is a pretty annoying thing and I don't even know how to replace it. I would need a humanoid arm, which is something that is in a pretty low supply in the surroundings. I could go up to the human territory but an arm is not worth the risk. I could die this time.

that is why I have stopped my attempts with the gate and focused on making the ironwood spikes with the explosion seal. the explosion seal is the kind of similar to the kind of seals that I use for projection. rather than forming a projection, the stored mana is sealed in such a way that it can be released in quite an explosive manner.

maybe I should have created these explosive spikes before attempting the harder and more annoying magic of projection.

the gate is at the very least somewhat of a success though it is still not very durable( okay who am I kidding, it was a waste of time). at the very least, I will have some very explosive spikes with me and if I am lucky, maybe a few explosive arrows to do the trick. the problem with the arrows is not the explosion seal, rather I don't know how to carve it into an arrow shape (the shape is important for a good arrow and I don't have projection to help me out here ) exploding arrows have no use for me now, so I won't be trying too hard anyway.

I am still worried about the entire thing, I did not expect these beasts to have any level of cooperation. there is a reason that there are not many beast type powerhouses in all the worlds. they simply don't have the nature to work together. they only work together if something more powerful than them is forcing them to do so.

I wouldn't like to meet that something. anyway, at the very least I can hide myself with some peace of mind, I don't have a smell ( I think so, I don't have a sense of smell. the beasts don't seem to react to me on basis of smell.) and I don't have much weight to cause any large sounds. sight is one of the more dangerous things to rely on in such a colorful place. it is like trying to listen to a single person in a group of people, easy to get confused. So I can hide pretty easily in a forest.

anyway, time for me to get to work, I don't want to run out of spikes in the middle of a battle. I am thinking of converting the bow into a shield (a bow is kind of pointless when I can't draw it) but I will see about that later.

(the narrator)

meanwhile in the city above. in an office made in a remote place, two people are arguing over a massive map. this map is a map of the dungeon. the day is 88

Albert - Lord, this is the place where the dungeon servants are gathering in. the dungeon servants are gathering in that spot to look for something. this kind of thing is pretty weird, Lord. I believe that some kind of mutant beast is being created over there.

Stephen - don't worry so much, Albert, your problem is that you think too much. you need to calm down a bit. don't jump at every single thing that happens.

Albert - I know, but this time is weird. The servants are being commanded by the dungeon and I have never seen it command its servants so actively. whatever the dungeon is looking for is important to it.

Stephen - little one, if there is a bug on your arm, will you try to cut it using a blade. that will only end up with you getting a bloody wound. the dungeon seems to be going through something similar. maybe some idiot has absorbed a dungeon core. though I don't think the dungeon would directly command its servants to search for such kind of a thing, the losses are more than the benefits.

Albert - yes, Lord, it is weird, but do we have the time or resources to be wasting our time here. we are already on the verge of discovery, if it weren't for their armies do you think that we would have only one priest after us. even with the single priest, we barely have control of the city. the golden one is always trying to stamp out your kind.

Stephen - I will go and check it out, personally. it will be a bad thing if we missed something important now. it is not like I have something important to do now. I want to see which idiotic being has a dungeon core in his body and more importantly what kind of being could make a dungeon attempt such kind of suicidal things.

Albert - Lord, is such a risk necessary. you can't be far from the city, do you want something like fifty years ago to happen again.

Stephen - young one, I know my limits and even fifty years ago was something that I

could not help. by the way, deal with that servant of god. he is a kind one, you know trying to help us even when his lord had commanded the opposite.

Albert - Lord, could you please.....

( as soon as he said that Stephen, disappeared from the office leaving a very annoyed man behind. )

(DAY 92)

the mana in the ground is rising again, almost exponentially. that would not be much of a problem, but the number of beasts in the place is also rising exponentially. I don't even dare to leave the place to an ironwood grove nearby(something already pretty dangerous with the new beasts in the place)

at the very least I have finally gathered enough information to create a class 9 core and it is not so simple. I will not talk about it now, but I have finally acquired a magic. it happen when I had finally acquired a hundred units of mana.

it is the first time information was not forced into my mind, but I was given a choice of spells. the first one was 'raise undead' and it is exactly as it sounds. I don't like practicing this particular spell, mainly because such dark magic doesn't particularly make me comfortable and it does not help that I have seen such spells so many times that I know just how weak such spells are. I know every weakness of the spell that can be exploited.

the second was 'dark mana' and its faults are obvious, it is a kind of a spell like 'demonification' which can corrupt you.

the last one was the most interesting to me. it is a spell called 'bone possession.' the name could be a bit better, but the spell is kind of practical. it allows me to possess my bones. it is another and more crude way of moving used by a ghost. well, it is not that crude because it is meant more for attacks. you can think of the spell as a telekinesis spell for bones, able to pack quite the punch. I can already think of the various methods that I can use this spell in combat. I must say this last few months have done wonders for my creativity. normally, I would be screaming at my subordinates like a crazy person, commanding them to give me a solution. maybe not having subordinates is bringing out a side of me that I had forgotten that I had.

Other than that, I am more proud of my base. I have managed to create a self destruct switch for the base. it is a set of explosive spikes placed in key areas. explode all of them and the cave will collapse. ( I would like the look on my fellow sect mates, who thought that I was wasting my time learning about infrastructure And construction.)

I am a skeleton, so other than a few collapsed bones I will not face any real problems. though digging my way out will be a hassle(I am expecting it to take a couple of months).

other than that I have a couple of traps, though I don't know how effective they will be.

anyway, let's talk about the class 9 core now. there are three conditions to fulfill before creating. gather mana up to 1000 units. that is the first requirement. the second is I need a combination of cores, to act as the base for your class 9 core. as for the third, I need to descend a certain distance down the dungeon, where the concentration of mana is enough that I won't run out of mana just maintaining my basic life processes. once I create the class 9 core, it will become a part of my body and mana will become a necessity for me like food to a human.

I am nonetheless not too clear on the process, but it is enough for now, I can't go on a hunting spree anyway, in this place especially the way that the surrounding beasts are. I am telling you that these beasts are popping right out of the ground.

(the narrator )

(on day 88, at the crater caused by the kids explosion)

Stephen - how long do you think that you can spy on me, dungeon lord. I am not here to fight, we have stronger enemies to worry about now.

(as soon as that was said, an old man appeared in the crater, in front of Stephen)

dungeon lord- why are you here, this is my territory. I don't particularly mind you but you don't leave your city, do you? the last time was fifty years ago.

Stephen - nothing, it is hard being cooped with my second in command. he has become too much of a scared-nowadays. so who is the new beast, you seem to be pretty worried about it.

( suddenly the old man fades for a couple of seconds leaving a silent Stephen behind. )

Stephen - still can't deal with all the voices, can you?

dungeon lord - his summons are growing stronger by the day. If it not for your village somewhat being able to muffle the noise, I would have already lost it.

Stephen - so what is with this servant of yours that you are so worried about.

dungeon lord - he is not one of mine, he is some outsider that managed to absorb a core.

I don't even know just how is he able to keep his mind from losing control. I have been sending attacks on him and the only result of all of that was nothing, he is not even noticing my voice. I have been trying to ever since I noticed him. I am thinking of killing him now, I don't want a variable like that especially now.

Stephen - so what are you going to do, you can't interfere directly, can you.

dungeon lord - well, it does not matter to me, my dungeon is already on the verge of destruction. I don't have any class 1 beasts, let alone any class 0 beasts. I simply don't want the golden one to have another weapon to deal with my people, however idiotic they are. so does the golden one suspect you?

Stephen - he does, but he simply does not have the time to give a shit. he is busy with his war and we are busy with ours.

dungeon lord - so what do you think we should do with the ghost. I already have pinpointed his location and can send every beast in the first level to kill him.

Stephen - why are you so worried about all of this. that ghost is only a foreign soul. we don't need to worry about any otherworldly soul, nothing truly powerful ever enters anyway.

dungeon lord- this one worries me, it is not like the other souls. I don't have any level of control over it and it seems to be leeching off me. it has already established the stability of its core and is taking the spells I have set up for his kind.

Stephen - you are too violent, dungeon lord. you are on the verge of death, do you have the time for worrying about an outside soul. you say it has the powerful ability to resist mental magic, then cultivate him. maybe, you can even make him the next dungeon lord. one that will be way better than you.

dungeon lord - fine then, but you can't trust the outsiders, they are always looking to conquer our world and that kind of war is something we don't need. I am going to do the dungeon break soon enough, then we will see what we can do with the ghost.