LOG 15

(DAY 141)

the fight yesterday has been a very exhausting one. rather than fighting like I normally do, I was experimenting with the bone possession spell.

it was a surprisingly hard thing to do. it was like trying to thread a needle from a hundred kilometers away and the result of screwing up was my hands blowing some pretty incredible distance. this is the reason that I did not consider this spell for movement and it still turns out that I underestimated how hard this would be to control.

anyway, I have more annoying concerns, considering the matters of the hunt. for the classless beasts, it is not too much of a problem to hunt them. they are dumb and they are not that good at fighting. they have a few basic attacks and that's it. the class nine beasts are way more intelligent. while they can still be tricked they are many times harder to fight. look at the flame apes that we had to deal with in the beginning.

I don't think it will be easy to deal with that many class 9 beasts, even with mad dragon breaking through. so all I can do is take a risk and try not to hunt any class nine beasts and focus exclusively on the classless ones, but that would mean that whatever prestige I had in the tribe will be lost. I think that is why I have been sent on this mission.

I don't care about all of this stuff, but the problem is when you are in a leadership position, you need to have some kind of a reputation. otherwise, the power struggles that dominate these lands will be many times more annoying.

well, looks like will have to talk to mad dragon's master even before I wanted to(that kid is surprisingly open about all his master, and the most important thing is he does not support any power, so he will be the safest person to begin my recruitment process with.).also, it is very sad that only brats are here with me. they can talk about their elders but that won't be enough for me. right now I need the support of the people that are against the ruling class. so I will have to begin by figuring out who is worthy of trust and who is not. I would rather not be betrayed at the right time.

anyway, with all these considerations I most likely will stop recording after today. it might not look like it but it takes a considerable amount of effort to use this magic. it has been etched in my soul, after all. every memory that I record has to go through two stages. in the first, the memory is stored in a part of my soul, temporarily being stored there, and then later I have to activate a seal in my soul, allowing it to be stored in my soul permanently. honestly speaking, even I don't have too much idea as to how exactly it works. only it's creator would have any understanding of the process and she was a genius, so I can't even begin to comprehend how it works. I hate to say it, but this magic is quite useful. anyway, activating that seal will cause my soul to be put under some heavy strain. I usually tend to do all of this while other people are resting. during that, I don't do much anyway, except reading the book which is a very complex piece of work.

anyway, I can't let the recording process put a strain on me, while I am practicing this new method of mine.

also, that sense of discomfort I had been feeling for days has intensified too much. every second feels like someone is about to attack. being in the forest, where that is usually the case does not help. it feels like I am putting myself at too much risk whenever that seal is active.

anyway, I will have to improve my strength as much as possible at this time, otherwise I won't be able to rest peacefully.

(the narrator)

meanwhile on the same day, at the place where the kid's body had been. as you might remember there was an urn in the place, covered with seals. the kid has deemed it too dangerous to open it and even if he tried all he could do was weaken it by a bit. today we will be talking about the urn that has been stored in that place.

Jack could see what was outside but he could not take a peek inside. it is good that he did not. he still does not have the mental conviction to look at the being inside. I can see what it is very clear, but this is not my story to tell. I am only here to fill the gaps. as for why I am speaking so long on it, the urn is glowing, in a blood-red color. if one has very sharp hearing they can catch traces of a few words. it is telling "great king, save me from this pitiful prison". it has begun glowing the minute after Stephen had left the place, after all even mighty tigers will fear a greater tiger.

(DAY 165)

the last month in which I have spent in the forest has helped in boosting my power a lot and I was right not to record during this time. the strain caused by recording these logs on my soul is a bit too much.

once I stopped doing so, my focus and mental power has increased by a lot.

species - death totem

mana - 515/515

skills - string manipulation - lvl 10

bone bolt- lvl 10

dream walk- lvl 0

bone possession - lvl10

bone seed

death raiser- lvl 3

bone fusion - lvl 4

dash - lvl 5

string manifestation - lvl 2

managed to get a couple of new skills. bone possession spell has been maxed out by me. I have been using that spell for every moment that I have been in a fight.

regardless, using it as I had intended to cause quite the damage to my joints. at a point, I couldn't even join together my body using the string circuit.

bone fusion actually came to me from this joint damage of mine only. it is basically an extension ability of death raiser, allowing me to fuse bone and with some practice can be used to repair torn ligaments. other than that, bone fusion also gives me the ability to fuse skeletons I have awakened (don't have an idea what else to call it.). The closest I can think of is clay. bone fusion gives me the ability to mold bone like it were clay.

I have used it for a lot of things. right now I have an armor ( so heavy that I need bone possession to move it. I made it quite impulsively.), a bow (using strings from spider monsters known as spider queens ), a sword (an experiment. I don't like to use swords) and finally a spear. the spear is my greatest creation. the entire body is made from the bone of beasts (precisely seventy-three beasts) and it is the sturdiest thing I have created using the spell. thunder spark had to go berserk to damage it in any way. the spell itself is just a level below that of projections spell in terms of complexity. thankfully I am quite experienced with projection so I don't have that much of a problem. anyway, the result of this month's hard work and bodily harm is a spell called dash. it has also been recognized by the dungeon, which means that it has a record of the spell in its core. ( a dungeon has something called the library, storing every spell it has access to. this allows the dungeon to have access to spells that it grants to the beasts in the dungeon, allowing them to use the spell. it also records any new spell that it finds. )

the last spell that I got goes by the name of string manifestation. turns out that is the next level of skill that is possible with string manipulation. a simpler way of explaining this would be once a beast manages to reach level 10 with any skill, the dungeon provides them with a more advanced version of the same skill, provided you satisfy some kind of condition. for string manifestation, the condition was that I had to try and manifest my string out into the real world, rather than store them in my body. I thought it could be a viable method of attack. the strings while very thin are pretty sturdy and made of mana. they can quite easily strangle a person or a beast.

when I manifested it, the dungeon gave me the option to learn it. normally I do not like to learn this kind of thing from sources like the dungeon, but I do not like the atmosphere in the tribe. even the kids have been noticing it for quite a while.even they do not complain, even thunder spark who lives to do so. honestly speaking this is not a very good feeling. I have yet to meet an adult in this place other than thunder drum. honestly speaking, it is pretty annoying.

just as I had expected we could not get a lot of class 9 bodies. we got about five of them, though we over fulfilled the classless quota. we have about fifty classless corpses extra. right now quite a few of the people are on the brink of class 9.

anyway, I had fun in the last month. the kids might be quite unskilled (it's not like I am any more powerful than them.), but a hunt is a hunt. if anything being weaker makes it so much more interesting. regardless now is the time for me to enter the world of politics.

(after a while, after the kids collected all the corpses that we have gathered in the last month using a bag with space magic inside. it is actually a pretty interesting magical device. it seems that it has been created by the darkness monks. I will need those guys by my side. it will be better that we don't piss them off in any way. the intelligent ones should never really made into enemies. anyway, we are going up where thunder drum shall meet us. )

(from there I will most likely put in some kind of a dangerous mission. well, as long as I don't remain in their supervision it shall not be a problem. it is not like I don't know how to adapt to dangerous enemies. ask my enemies, they shall give a very detailed explanation. )

(a few hours later at the pit, where the tribe has established themselves, quite well I might add. I can already see preliminary battle buildings, something that is most likely some kind of long-range weaponry, and a wall made of wood is wrapping the area outside the pit. the wall itself is pretty flimsy but such kind of thing is usually meant to only delay the enemy, in case of some kind of invasion. )

(anyway, I can finally see thunder drum, waiting for us. now that I could think about it, I have never seen him outside of his tent. I can't tell what he is thinking, but I am, getting a very bad feeling looking at him. I want to kill that dungeon lord, why in hell does he need to leave me with this bunch.)

(live recording)

thunder drum - I must say that you have disappointed me. to think that you only got five rank nine corpses. we are already running out of our back up supplies. leave now, I will contact you later. your failure shall put us in a bad situation(right in front of other people of the tribe. )

me - not really, I would rather like to discuss something with you. I would rather like it if you could escort me to your tent. this kind of thing is something that is better of discussed in private.

thunder drum - follow me, great totem.

(saying that thunder drum pointed towards his tent. I quickly move in the direction that he pointed. taking the very first step I could feel immense pressure. this is the feeling that is felt one is turning his back to a predator, an apex predator at that.

any normal person would feel an immense sense of threat the moment that he sees someone like that, but I am not an ordinary man that I will threatened by someone like that. anyway if I were to react now I would admit defeat to the one in front of me.)