(DAY 126)
I drew the short end of this deal, that is for sure. I know that I am not strong, but I am still their general, at least in name. no one among the powerhouses of the tribe even bothered to visit me. they are sending me a very clear message.
still, I need to focus on the battle in front of me. I am in a dangerous position, the enemy is many times stronger than me and while I am not focused on combat, scouting is one of the more dangerous positions in a battle. especially, with these guys who are all about the fighting.
I don't even know why these beings were made into a scouting group, they would have been more suited for the head-on fighting( which is the more likely thing to happen when the actual fighting happens.)
anyway, here comes the mad dragon, most likely to ask about the condition of the thunder spark. I want to know just what kind of things did that brat do to inspire such loyalty among his people. believe me when I say that it is pretty hard to gain loyalty among those like the people of this tribe.
well, time for another headache.
( live recording )
me - so why have you come here to annoy me now. I have a lot of work to do.
mad dragon - great totem, why are you punishing thunder spark. you told me that you would not be punishing him.
( you know how annoying these kids are. they should at the very least give me some respect. regardless, now is not the time for me to argue with them. mad dragon is one of the more reasonable types of people. having him as an enemy would be dangerous. )
me - has he said that he is being punished. I am not punishing him I am training him.
mad dragon(almost impulsively)- but what would you know about us that you could give him any form of training. he is a class 9 core Wielder with the ability to break into class 8 any time.
(he instantly begins to panic, maybe because he insulted a commanding officer while on duty. that kind of thing is usually pretty heavily punished(which I would have liked to administer) but because I am not particularly strong I have to take a milder approach. )
me - well, mad dragon, I am a pretty gentle tempered man, but you don't insult me in front of me. well, what you do say is true but don't think that I am a weak person. as you must already know that I come from a different world.
mad dragon - yes, great totem.
me - my world is not as peaceful as yours. we have too many powerful beings and too many factions to have impulsive fighters like your thunder spark. every soldier in my land has the responsibility of sane thought. people like your thunder spark would end up starting a war. you kind of seem to be in a war already, so you should be understanding why nobody would wish for it.
mad dragon - yes, great dragon.
me - we naturally have methods to train (or more accurately torture) people to be more in control of their powers. naturally, I am teaching him to control his power. so, if you don't mind, let me get back to my work.
(end of live conversation)
now as I was saying, they are the wrong troop for their job. right now, I will have to expect minimal support from the tribe. it will be enough for me if they do not get in my way, that is how annoying these people are becoming. I don't know what the hell are we supposed to be doing now.
anyway, I will have to see what is going to be the next mission. if it is another scouting(AKA killing the first patrol troop we find) mission, I won't be so worried but if it is a proper scouting mission where we have to enter deep into enemy territory, we are screwed.
for now, we are resting, at least most of us. that kids training is not in the least easy. his training is not to attack a blood imp. blood imps are beings that gain their power from the emotion of the other side, especially something like anger. the berserk ability leaves its user in a state of bloodlust, at the same time granting them great power. it is not anger but it will do. to be honest, I won't be allowing him onto the battlefield. having such a loose cannon By my side on this chaotic battlefield is nothing but inviting trouble. anyway, we will get our next mission by the next week. for now, I should rest, there is no point in thinking too deeply about all of this. I am sure that they are not ready to kill off their great totem, so quickly. time to check up on an idiot.
( after a while)
I am presently sitting inside a cave quite close to the pit. it is the place where thunder spark is undergoing his training. judging from his effort, I can say that he has learned nothing. right now he can't distinguish reality from illusions. blood imps are masters of illusions, especially the kind that can completely make a person angry. an angry (in this case bloodlust) person can never escape from the magic of a blood imp.
the blood imp is sitting bored in the ground in front of me( I have never seen such a boring blood imp), while the blood imps victim is slashing in the air with his claws, most likely at some kind of being that terrifies him.
me - how is it going, blood imp. how fares your victim.
blood imp - very poorly, young master. he was doing pretty good when that weird ability of his had not activated but once it activated, I have been sitting here bored. that ability of his is very powerful but it is too easy to keep him occupied. why are you wasting your time on him?
me - I don't have a choice, imp. the human is one of the soldiers of my army. I can't abandon him.
blood imp - I don't care, young master. though, I don't know why you would waste your time trying to conquer such a useless land. just how much of a useless land have you landed on that you have to take this weakling as a part of your army.
me - I don't have a choice this time. though I would rather like it if you did not mention my position to the blood tree. I have too many enemies and in this state, each of them can kill me too easily.
blood imp - that is why you have called me, my friend haven't you, since you know you can trust me. anyway, I do not like my people's nosiness in my matter.
me - thank you, then blood imp. how long is left on your contract.
blood imp - it is seven hours per week. my time is ending in a couple of minutes. though I would suggest not to put that kid in such a risky position. if he does not learn how to keep it in control, he will die simply because his body couldn't handle that much amount of stress on his body.
me - you are the specialist on that, so I will leave it to your specialist hands. just make sure he doesn't die due to your training, he is pretty fragile.
blood imp - don't insult me, I know what I am doing.
me - fine, you should be leaving then.
( the blood imp prepares to leave, leaving behind the boy who Is going to be in quite the pain. they are a funny species. any member of their species does not have an individual name, to us outsiders they shall always be called as a blood imp.)
(I have more details as to why is that so ( benefits of friendship with a blood imp). every blood imp is connected to something called the blood tree. the blood imps can transfer any of their memories to the blood tree, making it into one of the largest concentrations of knowledge in any world accessible to the blood imps. any blood imp that links to the blood tree has to abandon their name and call themselves as blood imp.
while my friend imp (told you, can't call that guy blood imp ) told me about the blood imps, he kept his Lips tight about his people and his society. it makes sense, no matter how friendly we are to each other, we shouldn't give vital information, which can be exploited to conquer our worlds.
anyway, I pick up the kid who has collapsed due to overexerting his body. that ability called berserk does strain the body, I am surprised that his body could even handle that ability for seven hours. while he did not use the ability to its fullest, it still is surprising. this kid is special, that much is certain.
(day 133)
today is the day that I will be given a new mission. this last week of peace has been very successfully utilized. I have been focusing on my string manipulation skill, trying to increase my speed as much as possible. I found out why my body has suddenly become so much faster. there are seals in my body, so small that I did not find them in my body. I don't understand them. I think it has something to do with my abilities as a totem. I don't even know how to use my totem abilities, I have not been in combat for a lot of time, to experiment with my ability.
Anyway, I seem to have hit some kind of a limit when practicing string manipulation, being stuck at level 10.
the kids around me even more clueless than me, they don't care about the status, they only use the core to power their hides. so they are useless.
this is my status.
species - death totem
mana - 100/100
skills - string manipulation - lvl 10
bone bolt- lvl 8
dream walk- lvl 0
bone possession - lvl 2
bone seed
death raiser- lvl 0
it is not too much of an improvement, but I have been studying and it is not like in the forest where I would be fighting for almost the entire day.
well, here comes thunder drum
(live conversation)
thunder drum - great totem, do come in.
me - yes, general
(he lead me into his tent, a luxurious place decorated lavishly. at least ten of my tents can fit in this place. well, I like my tent better. this place is too luxurious for my tastes.)
thunder drum - great totem, so how has the last few weeks been for you. I have heard of your successful ambush. to think that you would attempt an ambush with the lions. it has decreased some of the patrols in the other areas, decreasing the pressure on our guarding troops.
me - so what mission are you going to give me.
thunder drum - we are presently low on our food supplies and we need to restock it.
me - so what do I need to do?
thunder drum - I need you to supply us with food.
me - from where?
thunder drum - from down there
(pointing towards the dungeon )
thunder drum - we have the same limitations as the beasts that dwell in the dungeon. the mana in our cores leak out, not very significantly but with enough time it is enough for us to empty our cores. then our hides are useless. we have found a way to circumvent that problem, but it requires us to consume the flesh of the beast at a suitable level. a class 9 core user needs the flesh of a class 9 beast.it is the same for us all, even me a class 5 core user.
me - so what is needed from me. how many beasts am I supposed to give you?.
thunder drum - let's see, there are presently about fifty class nine core users and one hundred and sixty-three classless core users. so we need about a hundred and ten class nine cores and three hundred and twenty-six classless beasts.