(DAY 134)
I think that this new job of mine is something I am pretty good at. hunting is one of the few things that I have learned pretty well.
though I have to say that it is pretty intense on me. I think I know the reason that I have been sent to this place, they are trying to remove me from the group. there is no point in me being their great totem if I can't talk to them, much less try to sway them to my side.
the only problem is that I have not been given any troops. I have my troop, but it is not exactly powerful, especially with the numbers they are giving me. I have about a month before I have to meet my quota and there Are a lot of rankless corpses needed(they don't need the cores), so I can increase their power( and mine in the process). normally that is what these kids should be doing, spending a lot of time trying to increase the rank of their core. I have no idea why that is not being done but then again, I have no idea about the politics of this world.
thankfully, there won't be any supervision on me which is the only good thing that I get in this deal, which means that I can show a few of my more powerful tricks, things that I would not like the beast tribe to know. also, even if the brats try to describe anything it is not as if they have a way to describe it properly and things like the explosive spikes are not something I can hide anyway.
anyway, time to get to work.
(day 135)
we have already entered the expansive forest, also called the demon's forest by the people of the tribe. we have quite a tall order to fill, almost too much if I have to say so. thankfully I have a basic idea of the forest and the many beasts that live in the place. today I am hunting a group of flame apes, something the locals call flame monks. there are about seven of them and I am sure that at least one of them is class 9 ( not very sure, all I know is that one of those beasts has a capacity for mana that is greater than others ). the plan is simple, and thunder spark will provoke the leader of the enemy, preferably drag it as far away from the group as possible, and then we will swoop in and take out the remaining apes, a simple but effective plan. my only problem will start if all of them start to gang up on thunder spark.
thunder sparks blood line ability is also another problem but everybody has sworn that he won't be losing control too easily. I don't have any other method of dealing with all of this. he is a double-edged sword, though if he screws up on his first hunt, I will have to think of another use for him, something less dangerous.
anyway, the young ones have already covered the tree that the flaming apes reside on. even if any of them were to escape, we won't be losing any of our prey. though I must say that the tree they reside on is a pretty weird one. it is some kind of large tree, with some ridiculously durable branches( I promise you this, the flame apes are heavy enough to break any ordinary tree. ).maybe I could use it to enhance my spear.
anyway, I am waiting for that bomb to enter the battlefield. once he enters I can decide what to do. there he is, hiding himself so badly that the flame apes have detected him. anyway, an ape has left the tree, some kind of a guard I believe. it is one of the coreless ones. the kid doesn't take too long before thunder sparks claws have pierced the flame apes chests. the scent of blood has roused the remaining apes, all of whom are charging towards thunder spark.
a fireball materialized in front of thunder spark, catching him by surprise. seeing the fireball the remaining monkeys, who were all in a state of battle readiness all began to retreat. it looks like the leader holds some level of intelligence, at the very least knowing that his minions are too weak to help in the battle. he must have expected thunder spark to be alone. it does not matter, now is my time.
(live recording )
catching one of the shorter bone spears that I have crafted (can't be called a spear), I throw it at one of the apes, the farthest to be precise. my spear almost hit it with the beast dodging it at the last minute. I did underestimate their instincts.
regardless, I quietly pour mana from the core into my hands, as the spear which was about to hit the ground suddenly began to float. taking a moment to aim at the flame ape. the spear hit the unsuspecting flame ape right through the throat.
while it takes time for you understand what is going on, only a few moment has passed since I have thrown the bone spear. (calling it bone spear is wrong, it is an ordinary bone with a sharpened end, but I can use bone possession so it is useful. )
the others have begun to charge overwhelming the retreating troops meanwhile, the enemy leader has revealed himself.
it is not pretty large, actually way smaller than the average. you can see the glint of intelligence in the beast's eye. it is going to be tough. it sees me and suddenly raises its hand. I can see multiple balls of fire forming in his hands. I understood its intention.
me - lions, retreat immediately. thunder spark, occupy the enemy, will you?
just how much of an idiot will that thunder spark will be. I gave him one job, to keep the enemy leader occupied. he is just standing there doing god knows what. a single well-placed fireball and the casualties will be too much. us and the apes hold the same fate, quite powerless in front of the enemy
thankfully the other tigers are pretty good at retreating and that idiot is finally reacting charging towards the enemy, trying to close the distance between him and his enemy. due to the sudden charge by thunder spark the ape had to use its multi fireball to deal with thunder spark. though the kid is inferior to the ape. long-range troops always hold dominion over the short-range ones, especially if there is distance between the two. while the kid himself won't be harmed, it will be too risky for us to fight. another attack like that multi fireball will kill us.
meanwhile, our retreat is going pretty nicely. they might be young, but I must say that they are pretty well trained. the enemy is not trying to engage us, which means that we will be retreating safely.
(after a while)
(at our temporary camp)
thunder spark(in a pretty serious tone) - what in hell were you doing, we could have defeated them.
me - I can't take that kind of risk, we don't have any troops to waste here. we are pretty lucky that they didn't want to engage us. it's not like you were doing your job any nicely. if not for you standing there like a statue, it would not have any chance to use that fireball attack.
thunder spark - I was doing my job pretty well. I just needed a moment to calm my blood, I blame that on you. your training has left me for the worse. I never lost control of my blood like this before
me - that training works, I have seen people in worse situations than yours learning control. it's not like you can escape it, anyway. it was clear that the enemy was not a dumb beast, the forest is full of beasts that we can kill. let's not waste our time on the one that is harder to kill.
thunder spark -we could have taken them out.
me -it does not matter, so let's focus on the next enemy for now.
(end of live conversation)
(in my temporary tent)
well, thunder spark is proving too troublesome to handle. I need to put him in some other job where he can do his job without causing problems.
the only problem I have is a replacement for the brat. the strongest in the group is mad dragon, with about nine hundred and seventy mana. while I don't have an idea as to what exactly is needed to create a class nine core, seems like the main problem is the gathering of cores. once that is completed, converting it to class nine is just a matter of time. once that happens maybe we can finally complete the quota requested of us. I need to teach these people the method of creating exploding spikes. honestly speaking, I am thankful that I am leading more trustable troops. even if I were to be given charge of the more powerful troops, I definitely would not trust them. it is simply a matter of interest. I promise you, no person exists in this world that would have good feelings for somebody taking their power.
the kids are the more safer option. it helps that the lions do not seem to be trusting of the other factions. though if I am, to be honest, I have missed all of this. I have also become quite rusty, to think that I did not consider the enemy to have a ranged leader. I mean it is not possible to prepare for everything, but I do need to consider things like this at the very least.
(the narrator)
(meanwhile in the forest)
mad dragon -thunder spark, do you need to get so excited. you almost lost control today.
thunder spark - I can't help it, normally I don't lose control of my powers so much. I think it is due to the weird beast that the great totem has summoned. according to the great totem, he will appear seven hours per week.
mad dragon - I have tried to reason with the great totem, but he is not listening. Anyway, I don't see a reason that he has to hurt you.
thunder spark - does it matter, I don't think I should be entering the battlefield.
mad dragon - the great totem most likely will not put you in any fight. I am surprised that you have not been returned to the base. he doesn't Like you as one of his soldiers.
thunder spark - it does not matter, I will stay here as long as possible and if he were to send me back, what does it matter.
mad dragon - fine, but it is a big mess up there, not even your father can protect you from the storms that are happening above.
thunder spark - nobody, especially me of all people can't escape from this fight. the elders only have me as their representative and they are not the type to go down without a fight. go to sleep, you will not know when that monster will come and beat you up. how the hell is he is so strong, he has such a puny core. even you need to get serious to defeat him.
mad dragon - he is the great totem, someone who is going to be one of the strongest beings there is.
thunder spark - don't sprout that idiotic prophecy. I will personally beat you up if you try something similar.
mad dragon - you and your people, do you need to doubt it so much. I don't like the prophecy, but there must be something, our ancestors were not idiots. he can contact otherworldly beings so easily, especially such powerful beings while still being such a weakling.
thunder spark - fine, let's leave before we start another argument. I don't have the patience to deal with you now. we can't have another fight. otherwise, I will lose control.