LOG 13

(DAY 136)

it has been such a long time since I have been In a proper fight. it has been so long. today we have hunted a group of leaf rabbits and turns out their true terror appears when they are in groups. the spell that takes too long to appear is some kind of a summoning spell, allowing the rabbits to summon some kind of organic leaflike armors. they come with their weapons and shields. the numbers are ridiculous. there can be ten to twenty such soldiers for each rabbit. with proper organization they would have been a threat, but the rabbits are still dumb and these armors are pretty flimsy. it took some time but we have netted twenty-three unranked corpses. just three hundred and three more to go. each of us except the mad dragon gets one core (minus thunder spark who does not need it), the gains from these cores all go to the mad dragon, preferably make him enter class nine already.

other than that, I don't have an opportunity for the group to grow stronger. I have roughly twenty-eight days before I have to hand in the corpses. I need mad dragon to breakthrough or I will suffer a lot.

I don't know why exactly that dungeon lord kept me with these people but I don't think I will be able to escape from this place, I don't want to break apart into thousands of pieces or worse become some kind of freak that lost his memories. honestly, I feel pity for these ghosts that have such a sad life, I am the lucky one that has most of his memories intact but most of the ghosts I have seen are people that have forgotten who they were and are simply raving mad.

(DAY 137)

today I am doing something that is going to be the hardest part of this hunt, teach these people the method of creating explosive spikes. teaching is something I hate. I am telling you people do not like to learn at all. anyway, I have called the entire group today. today our returns have been pretty much moderate. we got about ten corpses but that is it. anyway, it does not matter because If they learn this specific thing then we are going to be getting to fill our quota pretty quickly.

(start of live conversation )

me - mad dragon, you have finally come I was expecting you to take a couple of days, the amount of time you were taking to come out of core absorption.

mad dragon - it is not so easy for us at the edge of core breakthrough to absorb mana from the cores.

me - sure, everybody is here then. today I would like to teach you something very interesting.

mad dragon - yes great totem.

me - what you are seeing in front of you is something that like to call explosive spike. as for its purpose, it is better to be shown.

(I picked up the spike I had worked on yesterday. and threw it at a tree right next to me. I activate the explosion effect and watch the tree getting consumed in flames. )

me - today I am going to be teaching you guys how to make this. so first of all you have to...

(now I don't have the patience to record all this (battles are easier to describe than this kind of thing.) but I will not explain all of this. I can't handle that kind of headache again.

( return to live recording)

me - .....and that is how you are supposed to form the seal.

(in front of me are ten confused people. I don't blame them. even I had taken a long time to figure this kind of thing out. well, it does not matter by the end of the night they will be able to make rudimentary explosive spikes at the very least. well, this is the most entertaining part of teaching people the method of making this kind of thing. let's just say that these kids will not be having a very peaceful night today. )

(DAY 138)

(live recording )

me - today All of you are going to be practicing on your own, by the end of the day I want eighteen corpses here. if you don't meet the requirement, I shall teach you how to make explosive spikes again.

(that should motivate them sufficiently. I do get quite passionate while teaching don't I. Anyway, the kid's expressions all change to fear, most likely remembering the training I gave them yesterday night. the last night has exhausted them. I am sure that they are wishing for death right now. )

me - okay, mad dragon you shall be coming with me.

(after a while in a secluded part of the forest. )

mad dragon - great totem, why do you need me here.

me - mad dragon, I require your help in something. you see I have many abilities that I would like to experiment with. bluntly put, I want to see how powerful they are and you are the best person to spar with among the group.

mad dragon - fine, I shall spar with you.

(I think that the kid has given up by now, doing whatever that is asked of him. it's not like I give him much of a choice.it does help that he does gain something from the battle. the kid is very lacking in battle experience and sparring with me does help. regardless, it is somewhat easy having a reasonable subordinate like him. ever since I have become a totem there have been two abilities that I have yet to use. make it one ability. bone sees is a spell I have tried many days ago. the result was that I ended up sinking into the ground. I felt a sense of threat, the same as the time that my soul was being dissipated. so I won't be using that spell, especially if it has any dangerous effects.

anyway, the second spell is death Raiser is what I am interested in. anyway mad dragon begins to glow in a green light, signifying that he is going serious from the very start. this kid doesn't have too much arrogance.

anyway, I quickly activate the spell. since I do not know the exact method of such a spell, I shall be relying on the core to transfer knowledge of the spell. I won't know the effect of the spell until I activate it though. finally, the status gives me the knowledge I need to use the spell.

me - death raiser

(honestly speaking it is a scam, turns out to use this spell all I need to do is say it. maybe it is some kind of benefit of me being the totem, but honestly speaking I don't know what is happening. I am just rolling with the punches, adapting to whatever the hell is happening.

anyway, the spell activates and I can feel my mind being invaded by some kind of an outside force. I allow it to enter, this is usually how totem spells work. that is the main reason that they are so dangerous. the connection has been established.

I can feel what the other being is and I think I know what it is. it is something similar to a legion, a being that has multiple souls.

anyway, the strength of the other side is many times higher than my expectations. though I don't feel any threat from it, maybe due to how weak its mental strength is. )

(anyway, the magical energy from that great being is flowing into me. the instant that it entered me I figured out what the spell was meant to do. I plunge the mana downwards, searching for bones of corpses, something that could be found quite easily in this place. (turns out in the forest everybody fights for the cores. once the cores are found the body is left to rot. if I were to start digging downwards I would find skeletons just like that. )

me - I am attacking kid. be ready.

(from under the ground a mass of bones rose, roughly shaped in the form of my hand. I was expecting entire skeletons to rise again, similar to a necromancy spell.

regardless, for these types of things only I was experimenting with the kid. )

(the kid reacts pretty well, dodging that hand of bones. I quickly release my mana, making all the bones with claws separate and fly at the kid. my mana is not enough to move all of these bones, so just this move should consume the entirety of my mana. after that let's see what happens. we are just sparring after all. )

(that kid seems to have expected it(i did use a similar move with the apes), using his hands to block the bones from his vitals. I should be almost out of mana by now. I am still surprised that I managed to move that many bones and still have mana.)

me - I must say you are pretty good at fighting.

(the kid does not reply, but he takes the moment to remove the few claws stuck in his hand. I take that time to move the bone of some kind of beast, the one that seems to be closest to a spear. )

(that kid charges towards me, trying to catch me off guard, but it was kind of obvious. I use my bone spear to counter his claws. from here I can see that the wounds on his hands are already healing. that is why these guys are so hard to fight. he retreats almost immediately to a safe distance. both of us did not move, trying to figure out each other's movement. looks like that the kid is more affected by that spell than I had expected. he should not have too much mana himself. looks like I will need to use my new move earlier than expected. )

(I calmly cycle whatever amount of mana I had. making sure that I can activate bone possession at the very last minute.)

(we stare at each other for a few moments as I suddenly charge at mad dragon. he reacts almost in an instant ducking down to dodge my spear. he has positioned his claws to strike at my spine. with my body's reaction speed, I would be charging right into his claws having my spine broken and losing to the brat, this kid is too observant, I tell you, but I have my tricks too. once I got close enough, I used all the remnants of my mana to activate the bone possession spell, forcing the bone spear to strike the kids back. naturally, I couldn't escape that kid's claws(the spear striking the kid a second after me getting hit), having my spine broken, along with most of my ribs. I want to know with what kind of material is that claw made, to cut through bone in this manner. naturally, my string circuit has been damaged. it will take me a couple of hours to even be able to join together my body. even then, my speed will return to pre totem levels. from where my head has fallen, I can't see the kid's position but even he seems to have been struck quite heavily. that is what you get for underestimating me. though I have to say that kids experience is quite limited. if the head not healed himself the first time and focus that healing ability on his back, it would have been my loss. though I must say that his fighting style is weird. his style of fighting is different from his kin though. they seem more like berserkers charging at the enemy like madmen. he is calmer, more tactical in the way that he fights. I need to see how he learned such kind of a fighting style it more importantly who his teacher is. whoever he or she is would make for quite the good ally. then again, let's hope I have not offended the kid too much, I will need to be carried to the base with my present situation. It looks like I have strained myself too much, I am losing my consciousness