Gabrielle Got Ready To Reveal Everything

"Don't forget that Stephanie never wanted them to know about this because she didn't want them to go through the pains...,"

"Forget what that mean girl wants or the promises I made to her. She was the one who broke her words first so I am no longer bided by the words I said to her...."


"Our priority is to come up with a plan to rescue Stephanie from that demonic man's clutches without exposing your existence to him, am I right?" Gabrielle retorted. She spun and peered at the face of the lady now standing in front of her.

"I have no powers or special abilities so how are we gonna go about this without their help...,"

"I can always think of something," Bella cut in.

"Yes, I know you are powerful...," She paused and sauntered to the centre of the room.

"But as you know, we are pressed for time. Every second we waste, Stephanie is slowly slipping from our clutches. We can't afford to be slow," She continued.