(Been a crazy week sorry for the slow updates)They make it to an opening, a grass field with decently big sized bald spots, inside the open areas are diamond shaped metal plates.
One look and they all instantly know. "It's a self defense system. That's why there aren't people over here, to prevent damage or accident." Ashe says,
"We need to hack it."
"What? Toni, we don't have Selina's skills." Atlas says,
"No, I can ask them to walk me through it."
"Oh man." Ashe says,
Atlas clicks his radio, "Neo? Selina, you guys there?"
"We're a little busy at the moment Atlas."
"We need help hacking something."
"Hacking what?"
"Probably missiles."
Neo looks at Selina in shock. Selina searches the ground, stunned. "They have self defense missiles?"
"I don't know if they are missiles, but it's definitely self defense, there are giant metal plates on the ground. They look like they open for some big self defense thing." Toni says,
"Ugh crap! Any guards?"
"On the border wall."
"Good, get back to us after you've asked about it."
"We are busy Ashe!" Selina corrects,
"Ugh! Work." Ashe says,
Atlas snorts, Ashe and Atlas rush to the wall while Toni covers them, a guards see them, but Toni knocks them back off their feet, taking them out. The shot echoes and alerts the other guards, the alarm sounds.
"Oh great!" Ashe spits,
Ashe and Alta scores back forth, knocking down the guards, trying their best to injure at least one. But unsuccessfully.
Atlas spins around Ashe and fires, the soldier yells and falls back to the ground.
"Well...so much for that plan." Ashe mutters,
"What now?"
Atlas looks out, he pulls the SAT phone out of Ashe's backpack. "What are you doing?"
"Making a call." He says, as if it's so obvious,
"Really Sherlock?"
Atlas smiles at her, he holds the phone up to his ear and looks out over the wall. "Get Toni up here."
Ashe nods and walks to the other side of the wall to see Toni running towards it.
"Thomas, it's Atlas. How far are you guys? Okay, you need to blow some defenses before you get over the wall. No we can't. Okay, uh..."
Atlas walks over to Ashe's side. "2 miles wide, 200 yards back, fire until you get about 400 yards back. Got it. We'll be waiting."
Atlas hangs up and hands the phone back to Ashe as Toni walks up.
"We'll tell Neo and Selina where to meet us, Thomas is going to blow the defense line."
"I don't like this. It's way to easy." Toni says,
"Yeah, when you think about it."
"Hm. What do you say we take a closer look, while we wait for Thomas? Toni, what do you think? Can you pry one of those plates?"
They stare in surprise at him, he shrugs, "What? It's just the fastest way?"
"I'm not sure I even could do that with this arm, why don't we find a less dramatic way, like a door?"
Atlas smiles and shrugs again. "Fine, fine."
They wait until Selina and Neo to find and join them. "Okay, we're here. What's up?" Neo asks,
Selina is already studying the plates intently. "We need to figure out what's under these, Thomas wants to blow them."
"You didn't ask?" Selina asks Ashe,
"Well we tried."
"Keyword, tried." Selina says rolling her eyes,
"Well, controls wouldn't be on the wall. Maybe a way down though?" Neo suggests,
"Maybe, let's check it out."
They explore the wall and a massive perimeter around it, for hours, but nothing. "It's useless." Toni complains,
They look out as four armed convoys ride down the dirt road.
"Great, company."
"Want me to take them out?"
"If you can do it fast." Ashe says,
Atlas aims his pistol and fires, the first hummer explodes, the hummers in front begin to panic as Atlas blows one after the other.
"Well...they know where we are. Let's blow the tower and bridge." Neo says,
Selina lifts the remote and detonates the explosives they had planted before.
The explosion cracks softly across the sky. Atlas looks at his hands, then at the plates, "I have, sort of an idea?"
They walk over to one of the plates, Atlas puts both hands down on it flat. I've shoots out and begins covering the plate.
"An ice covering to seal it." Ashe says,
Atlas nods, "Yup."
"I'm impressed Atlas, hopefully it will hold, we will need to do a thick layer on all of them." Selina says,
They spend the time they have left walking around, watching Atlas put on inches of ice. By the time he finishes nine more convoys show up and 2 helicopters.
Selina grabs them all and phases back onto the wall. Atlas leans against the wall and slides down to his butt.
"Atlas? Hey you okay?"
"He used a lot of energy." Neo says,
Suddenly a helicopter explodes, the stopped convoys explode before the soldiers can get out of the vehicles.
Toni smiles and hurried to the other side, she grins at the huge army that has gathered, thousands of people. "Yes!" She cheers,
"Come on, let's get off the wall, we'll celebrate then." Selina says,
Selina phases them all off and down to the front line of the army. They hurry over, the army welcomes them gladly, Thomas walks up with concern on his face.
"He's okay, he just exhausted himself, be careful tearing down the wall." Neo says,
He nods, "Alright, you all stay with him. We will handle it from here."
"We aren't missing out on this." Ashe says,
"I'll stay with him, the rest of you go." Toni says,
"Tear down that wall Thomas, give us our freedom." Selina says,
He nods, "Sky?! Bring it down!"
A maybe 18 year old girl in front rushes to the wall, she places her hands on it flat and slides them down fast.
A massive section of the wall cracks and collapses, one of the other members of the army forms a shield around her to protect her from the rubble.
The army then all at once rushes into the city. Neo and Ashe have joined them, Selina phases Toni and Atlas back up onto the wall and they watch as the army runs over the plates.
"Missile!" Toni shouts,
Three missiles arc and is flying fast towards them, but explodes in the air, long before it reaches them. Several people cheer, but none of them seemed to be phased by the missile, they weren't worried. Suddenly gunshots sound and yelling, and eruptions even, sounds of a battle.
Atlas groans and grabs his head. "How you feeling?" Toni asks,
"Good. Well, okay."
"Thomas and everyone arrived, the battle just started."
Atlas looks at Selina and smiles softly. "Good."
"Oh man. What I wouldn't give to watch Ashe fight."
Selina smirks, "I'd pay."